duanes retraction syndrome Flashcards
what is duanes retraction syndrome
a condition where the eyes are unable to move fully in the horizontal (side to side) direction
aetiology of duanes
innervation of lateral rectus by extra branches of the IIIN in place of absent or deficient VIN fibres.
· Autospsy findings of absent 6th Nucleus and Nerve
· Inferior Division of the 3rd was found to supply the Lateral Rectus
- Usually sporadic but can be familial
- Disruption to embryogenic development in weeks 4-10 thought to be responsible
- This would account for the incidence of other skeletal, auricular and neural defects associated
hebers classification of duanes
Type 1 – Lim ABDUCTION
* Widening of Palp Aperture on attempted abduction
* Due to Lack of innervation to LR
* Narrowing of Palpebral Aperture on ADD + Globe Retraction
* Due to maximum innervation reaching the LR when the eye is adducted ( Co-contracture of MR+LR by 3rd N)
Type 2 – Lim ADDUCTION
* Co-contraction of the horizontal recti on attempted adduction
Only get globe retraction on adduction - only check globe retraction from above
ocular clinical features of duanes
- Limited horizontal motility
- Unilateral or Bilateral
- AHP – face turn to affected side
- Mostly esodeviation and usually esophoria
- Normal BSV
- Up and Down shoots on adduction
- A+V patterns
- Globe retraction on ADDUCTION
- Narrowing of palp fissure on ADD
- Widening of palp fissure on attempted ABD
- Diplopia is rare
other clinical features of duanes
- 30% of patients with DRS have developmental abnormalities
- Eye, Ear, Kidney, Heart and other limbs
- Coloboma, Ptosis, Epibulbar dermoid cysts
Goldenhar Syndrome
Klippel-Feil syndrome - REMEMBER THESE TWO
Typical motility of duanes
Limitation of Right ABDUCTION \
Overaction of Contralateral MR (Synergist)
Globe retraction on ADDUCTION
Narrowing of palp fissure on Adduction
Widening on ABDUCTION
management of duanes
Refer to HES routine
Often no treatment required due to BSV in PP, small angle with suppression, CHP
Amblyopia therapy, if required
Surgery – decompensation ONLY
- cosmetically poor CHP
ccosmetically poor deviation in PP - severe globe retraction with or without upshoots and downshoots