Dual Organ Patterns (Definition):
Combinations of disharmonies involving multiple Zang-Fu organs
Pattern involving LIVER & LUNG:
“Liver Fire Invading the Lung”
REBELLION of wood against metal: up-flaming of Liver Fire can interfere with the down bearing of Lung Qi.
Pattern involving HEART & LUNG:
- Heart Qi Deficiency signs (palpitations, “stifling oppression” in chest, mental restlessness…)
- Lung Qi Deficiency signs (shortness of breath, cough, panting on exertion, low voice…)
Pattern involving HEART & SPLEEN:
“Dual-Deficiency of Heart and Spleen”
Spleen Qi Deficiency can cause → Heart Blood Deficiency
- Heart Blood Deficiency signs (palpitations, “fearful throbbing”, Shen disturbance, insomnia)
- Spleen Qi Deficiency signs
Pattern involving HEART & KIDNEY:
“NON-INTERACTION of HEART and KIDNEY” (communication breakdown)
Normally… KIDNEY YIN ascends ↑ to keep HEART YANG in check, and HEART YAND descends ↓ to warm the KIDNEYS
- KIDNEY YIN DEFICIENCY signs (weak low back & knees, dizziness, tinnitus, seminal emission, low fever, night sweats, urination issues)
- HEART FIRE signs (palpitations, insomnia, vexation, thirst, yellow urine, constipation…)
Pattern involving HEART & SMALL INTESTINE:
“Heart Fire Spreading to the Small Intestine”
- HEART FIRE signs
- SMALL INTESTINE FIRE signs (dark scanty urine, burning urination, blood in urine, abdominal pain, thirst)
Pattern involving HEART & LIVER:
“Effulgent Heart-Liver Fire”
WOOD engenders FIRE : Liver Fire easily spreads to the Heart
- Heart Fire Signs (vexation, METAL restlessness…)
- Liver Fire Signs (headache, red eyes, pain in rib side, EMOTIONAL agitation)
Core symptoms of HEART FIRE family (3):
- Spirit disquiet
- Palpitations
- Red tongue
Pattern involving SPEEN & KIDNEY:
“Spleen-Kidney Yang Deficiency”
DUAL DEFICIENCY with signs of non-transformation of water predominating : the yang of both organs transform water
- Kidney Yang Deficiency signs
- Spleen Yang Deficiency signs (torpid intake, lower ab. distention, enduring diarrhea, clear-food diarrhea)
Pattern involving LIVER & SPLEEN:
“Liver Invading the Spleen” / Liver-Spleen Disharmony
Liver energy too strong and “beats down” spleen… ~IBS
- Liver Qi Stagnation signs
- Spleen Qi Deficiency signs
Pattern involving LIVER & STOMACH:
“Liver Invading the Stomach”
- Liver Qi Stagnation signs
- Stomach Qi Deficiency signs / Counterflow of Stomach Qi