DTPS Flashcards
Adrenaline Indications
- Anaphylaxis OR severe allergic reaction
- Severe life-t)hreatening bronchospasm OR silent chest (patient must be only able to speak in single words AND/OR have haemodynamic compromise AND/OR an ALOC
- Bradycardia with poor perfusion (unresponsive to atropine AND/OR TCP
- Cardiac arrest - Croup (with stridor at rest)
- Shock unresponsive to adequate fluid resuscitation (excluding haemorrhagic cause)
Adrenaline Contraindications
Adrenaline Precautions
- Hypertension
- Hypovolaemic shock
- Concurrent MAOI therapy
- Multiple sclerosis
Adrenaline Side effects
- Anxiety
- Hypertension
- Palpitations/tachyarrhythmias
- Pupil Dilation
- Tremor
Adrenaline Onset
IV - 30 seconds
IM - 60 seconds
Adrenaline Duration
5-10 minutes
Adrenaline Half-life
2 minutes
Adrenaline Adult Dosage
Anaphylaxis OR severe allergic reaction
Adult Dosage
Severe Life Threatening Bronchospasm OR Silent Chest
Adult Dosage
Bradycardia with poor perfusion (Unresponsive to Atropine AND/OT TCP)
Adult Dosage
Cardiac Arrest
Adult Dosage
Shock unresponsive to adequate fluid resuscitation (excluding haemorrhagic cause)
Amiodarone Indications
Cardiac Arrest (Refractory VF or pulseless VT)
Sustained conscious VT (haemodynamically stable)
Amiodarone Contraindications
- Cardiac Arrest (Refractory VF or pulseless VT)
- Nil
- Sustained Conscious VT (haemodynamically stable)
- KSAR or hypersensitivity
- severe conduction disorders (unless pacemaker or AICD in situ)
- Current amiodarone therapy
- Current anti-arrhythmic therapy that prolonges QT interval
- Pregnancy and/or lactation
Amiodarone Precautions
Cardiac arrest
- concurrent anti-arrhythmic therapy that prolongs QT interval
- thyroid disease
Sustained conscious VT
- hypotension
- thyroid disease
Amiodarone Side Effects
Nausea and/or vomitting
Peripheral paresthesia
Amiodarone Onset
5 minutes
Amiodarone Duration
30 minutes
Amiodarone Half-Life
14-110 days (with chronic dosing)
Amiodarone Schedule
S4 (Restricted drugs)
Amiodarone Adult Dosages
Cardiac Arrest
Amiodarone Adult Dosages
Sustainded conscious VT
Aspirin Indications
Suspected ACS
Acute cardiogenic Pulmonary Oedema
Aspiring Contraindications
KSAR or hypersensitivity to aspirin or other NSAIDs
Chest pain associated with psychostimulant overdose
Bleeding OR clotting disorder
Current GI bleed or peptic ulcers
Patients <18 years
Aspirin Precautions
Possible aortic aneurysm, or other condition that may require surgery
History of GI bleeds or peptic ulcers
Current anticoagulant therapy (e.g. warfarin)
Aspirin Side Effects
Epigastric pain / discomfort
Nausea and/or vomiting
GI bleed
NSAID induced bronchospasm
Aspirin Onset
approx. 10 minutes
Aspirin Duration
approx. 1 week
Aspirin Schedule
S2 (therapeutic poisons)
Aspirin Adult Dosage
Atropine Indications
Bradycarda (with poor perfusion)
Envenomation (with increased parasympathetic activity)
Hypersalivation (secondary to ketamine administration)
Organophosphate toxicity (with cardiac AND/OR respiratory compromise
Atropine Contraindications
KSAR or hypersensitivity to atropine
Atropine precautions
Atrial flutter
Atrial fibrillation
Atropine Side Effects
Dilated Pupils
Dry mouth/ dry skin/ reduced bronchial and gastric secretion
Atropine Onset
1-2 minutes
(peak 15-50 minutes)
Atropine Duration
Up to 5 hours
Atropine Schedule
S4 (restricted drugs)
Atropine Adult Dosages
Atropine Adult Dosages
Atropine Adult Dosages
Atropine Adult Dosages
Organophosphate toxicity
Ceftriaxone Indications
Suspected meningococcal septicaemia (with a non-blanching petchial AND/OR purpuric rash)
Ceftriaxone Contraindication
KSAR or Hypersensitivity to cephalosporin drugs
Known anaphylaxis or severe allergice reaction fo penicillin based drugs - (isolated minor drug rash attributed to penicillin does not contraindicate the use of ceftriaxone)
Ceftriaxone Precuation
Ceftriaxone Side effects
Nausea AND/OR vomiting
Pain at the IM administration site
Ceftriaxone Presentation
Vial (powder), 1g ceftriaxone
Ceftriaxone Onset
Half Life
Dose/route variable
Duration: approx. 1 day
Half Life: 5.8-8.7 hours
Ceftriaxone Schedule
S4 (restricted drugs)
Ceftriaxone Adult Dose
Fentalyn Indications
- Severe Pain
- Sedation (for maintenance of an established ETT)
- Autonomic dysreflexia (with significant BP 160 mmHg)
Fentanyl Contraindications
KSAR or hypersensitivity to fentanyl
Fentanyl Precautions
- Respiratory Tract burns
- Respiratory depression and/or failure
- Known addiction to narcotics
- Current MAOI therapy
- Elderly patients
- Hypotension
Fentanyl Side Effects
- Bradycardia
- Hypotension
- Drowsiness
- Nausea and/or vomiting
- pin point pupils
- Respiratory depression
- Muscular rigidity (particularly muscles of respiration.
Fentanyl Onset/Duration/Half Life
Onset: <3 minutes
Duration: 30-60 minutes
Half Life: 2-3 hours
Fentanyl Schedule
S8 (controlled drug)
Fentanyl Adult Dosage
Severe Pain
Fentanyl Adult Dosage
Severe Pain
Autonomic dysreflexia (Severe Hypertension BP 160 Hgmm)
Fentanyl Adult Dosage
Sedation (for maintenance of existing ETT)
Glucagon Indications
Symptomatic hypoglycaemia (with inability to self administer oral glucose)
Glucagon Contraindications
KSAR of hypersensitivity to glucagon
Glucagon Precautions
Glucagon side effects
Glucagon Onset/Duration/Half Life
Onset: 4-7 minutes
Duration: Variable
Half-Life: 3-6 minutes
Glucagon Schedule
S3 (therapeutic poison)
Glucagon Adult Dosage
Glyceryl trinitrate Indications
Suspected ACS with Pain
Acute cardiogenic pulmonary oedema
Irukandji syndrome (with systolic BP greater than or equal to 160 mmHg)
Autonomic dysreflexia (with systolic BP greater than or equal to 160 mmHg)
GTN contraindications
KSAR or hypersensitivity to GTB
HR < 50 or >150
SBP <100
Acute CVA
Head trauma
Phosphodiesterase Inhibitor medication administration in previous 24 hours
GTN Precautions
Phosphodiesterase inhibitor medication administration in previous 48 hours
Suspected inferior AMI
Cerebral vascular disease
Risk of hypotension or syncope
Intoxication (GTN effects enhances)
GTN side effects
Reflex tachycardia
Vascular headaches
GTN Onset/Duration/Half-Life
Onset: <2 minutes
Duration: 20-30 minutes
Half-Life: 5.5 minutes
GTN Schedule
Sublingual: S3 (therapeutic poisons)
Ampoule: S4 (restricted drugs)
GTN Dosages
Hydrocortisone Indications
- Moderate or Severe Asthma
- Acute exacerbation of COPD (with evidence of respiratory distress)
- Severe allergic reaction OR anaphylaxis (requiring adrenaline administration)
- Symptomatic adrenal insuficiency (with a known history of Adison’s disease, congenital adrenal hyperplasia, pan-hypopertuitarism or long-term steroid administration)
Hydrocortisone Contraindications
KSAR or hypersensitivity to hydrocortisone
Hydrocortisone Precautions
Hydrocortisone Side effects
Hydrocortisone Onset/Duration/Side Effects
Onset: 1-2 hours
Duration: 6-12 hours
Half life: 6-8 hours
Hydrocortisone Schedule
S4 (restricted drugs)
Hydrocortisone Dosages
Ipratropium Bromide Indications
Moderate or Severe Bronchospasm
Ipratropium Bromide Contraindications
KSAR or hypersensitivity
Patient <2 yrs
Ipratropium bromide Precautions
Ipratropium Bromide Side Effects
Dilated pupils
Dry mouth
Ipratropium Bromide Onset/Duration/Half-life
Onset: 1.5-3 minutes
Duration: 4-6 hours
Half-Life: 3 hours
Ipratropium bromide Schedule
Ipratropium Bromide Adult Dosages
Ketamine Indications
- Severe traumatic Pain (following 0.1-0.2 mg/kg of morphine OR 1-2 mcg/kg fentanyl) associated iwth:
- Fracture reduction and splinting
- Multiple significant fractures requiring facilitated extrication
- patients with splinted fractures requiring ongoing narcotic analgesia for transport requirements
- Severe traumatic pain associated with burns (following 0.2-0.3 mg/kg morphine OR 2-3 mcg/kg fentanyl AND 1-2 mg (adult or 0.05mcg/kg (paediatric) midazolam)
- Induction of anaeshtesia
- Ongoing traumatic pain unresponsiv eto narcotics (following 0.2-0.3 mg/kg morphine OR 2-3 mcg/kg Fentanyl)
Ketamine Contraindications
- KSAR or hypersensitivity
- Age <1 yr
- GCS 12 or less
- Uncontrolled hypertension (SBP 180mmHg or less AND/OR DBP 110 mmHg or less)
- Suspected acute ACS or acute heart failure
- Known Hydrocephalus or raised intraocular pressure
Ketamine Contraindications
Induction of anaethsesia
KSAR or Hypersensitivity
Ketamine Precautions
- Age >65
- Patients hwo have been administered midaolam or other CNS depressant medications
- Patients with significant hypovolaemia (exaggerated effects and a delayed onset of action)
- Globe injuries
- Complex facial injuries and fractures
- Patients who have imparied respiratory function
- Patients exhibiting psychotic symptoms
Ketamine Side Effects
- Dissociation and trance-like state
- transient hypertonicity and nystagmus
- disinhibition
- emergence
- hypertension
- tachycardia
- depression of consciousness
- hypersalivation
- nausea and/or vomiting
- laryngospam
- respiratory depression (rare)
Ketamine Onset/Duration/Half Life
Onset: 30 seconds
Duration 5-20 minutes
Half Life: 10-15 minutes
Schedule: S8 (controleld drugs)
Ketamine Adult Dosages
Severe Traumatic Pain
Ketamine Adult Dosage
Severe traumatic pain associated with burns
Ketamine Adult Dosages
Induction for Anaesthesia
Lignocaine Indications
- Pain associated with IO drug and fluid administration following EZ-IO needle insertion
- Local anaesthesia
- radial artery line placeent
- fish hook removal
Lignocaine Contraindications
KSAR or hypersensitivity to Lignocaine
Lignocaine Precautions
Inadvertent intravascular injection
Lignocaine Side effects
Lignocaine Onset/Duration/Half Life
Onset: 1-3 minutes
Duration: 20-30 minutes
Half life: 1-2 hours
Schedule: S4 (Restricted drugs)
Lignocaine Dosages
Magnesium Sulphate Indications
- Box jellyfish (Chironex fleckeri) evenomation (unresponsive to antivenom threapy)
- Eclampsia
- Irukandji sydrome (with intractable pain unreleived by narcotic analgesia AND/OR systolic BP > 160 mmHg)
- Torsades de Pointes
- Severe life-threatening asthma (only in patients who have required IV salbutamol AND/OR IM/IV adrenaline)
Magnesium Sulphate conraindications
- KSAR or hypersensitivity to magnesium sulphate
- AV block
- Renal failure
Magnesium Sulphate Precautions
Renal impairment
Magnesium Sulphate Side Effects
- Pain at cannulation site
- Magnesium toxicity
- hypotension/respiratory depression
- loss of deep tendon reflexes
Magnesium Sulphate Onset/Duration/Half Life
Onset: immediate
Duration: 30 minutes
Half-life: variable
Schedule: unscheduled
Magnesium Sulphate Adult Dosages
Torsades do pointes
Magnesium Sulphate Adult Dosage
Box Jellyfish
Magnesium Sulphate Adult Dosage
Irukandji Syndrome
Magnesium Sulphate Adult Dosage
Methoxyfleurane Indications
Methoxyfleurane Contraindications
- KSAR or hypersensitivity
- Patient <1 yr
- History of significat liver or renal disease
- History of malignant hyperthermia
Methoxyfleurane Precautions
Intoxicated or drug affected patients
Methoxyfleurane side effects
Renal/hepatic failure (following repeated high dose exposure)
Methoxyfleurane Onset/Duration/Half-Lfe
Onset: 1-3 minutes
Duration: 5-10 minutes
Half-life: not available
Schedule: S4 restricted drugs
Methoxyfleurane Adult Dosage
Morphine Indications
- Significiant pain
- Autonomic dysreflexia (with systolic BP >160mmHg)
- Sedation for the maintenance of an established ETT
Morphine Contraindications
KSAR or hypersensitivity to morphine
Renal failure
Morphine Precautions
- Elderpy patient
- hypotension
- respiratory tract burns
- respiratory depression and/or failure
- known addiction to narcotics
- concurrent MAOI therapy
- Cardiac chest pain
Morphine Side effects
- Hypotension
- Drowsiness
- Nausea/vomiting
- Bradycardia
- Pin point pupils
- Respiratory depression
Morphine Onset/Duration/Half-life
Onset: (IM) 5-10 minutes (peak 20-30 minutes)
(IV) 2-5 minutes (peak 20 minutes)
Duration: 1-2 hours
Half-life: 2 hours
Schedule: S8 controlled drugs
Morphine Adult Dosages
Significant Pain (ACP1)
Morphine Adult Dosage
Significant Pain
Autonomic Dysreflexia
Morphine Adult Dosages
Naloxone Indications
Respiratory depression (secondary to administration of narcotic drugs)
Naloxone Contraindications
KSAR or hypersensitivity to naloxone
Naloxone Precautions
Use with caution on patients with preexisting cardiac disease
Naloxone side effects
- Narcotic reversal can cause combativeness, vomiting, sweating, tachycardia and hypertension
- May produce acute withdrawal convulsions in the chronic narcotic user
- Pulmonary oedema
Naloxone Onset/Duration/Half-life
Onset: 3-5 min (IM)/1-3 min (IV)
Duration; approx. 60 min
Half-life: 60 min
Schedule: 24 (restricted drugs
Naloxone Adult Dosage
Ondansetron Indications
Nausea and/or vomiting
Prophylactic administration for patients presenting with ACS
Ondansetron contraindications
- KSAR to ondansetron or other 50HY3 receptor antagonists
- Congenital long QT syndrome
- Patient <3 years
Ondansetron precautions
Hepatic impairment
Intestinal obstruction
Patients with risk factors for QT interval prologation or cardiac arrythmias
Ondansetron Side Effects
Sensation of warmth or flushing
Ondansetron Onset/Duration/Half-life
Onset: 5 minutes
Duration: several hours
Half-life: 3-4 hours
Schedule: S4 (restricted drugs)
Ondansetron Adult Dosages
Paracetamol Indications
Minor pain
Fever (causing distress)
Paracetamol Contraindications
KSAR of hypersensiticity to paracetamol
Patient < 1 month old
Paracetamol side effects
Paracetamol Onset/Duration/Half Life
Onset: 10-60 minutes
Duration: 4 hours
Half-life: approx. 2 hours
Schedule S2 (therapeutic poison)
Paracetamol Adullt Dosage
Salbutamol Indications
Suspected hyperkalaemia (with QRS widening AND/OR AV dissociation
Paracetamol Contraindications
KSAR or hypersensitivity to salbutamol
Patient < 2 years
Salbutamol Precautions
Acute Pulmonary oedema
Ischaemic heart disease
Salbutamol Side effects
Hypokalaemia and metabolic acidosis
Salbutamol Onset/Duration/Half Life
Onset: 2-5 minutes (NEB)/1-3 minutes (IV)
Duration: 16-60 minutes (NEB)/10-20 minutes (IV
Half Life: 1.6 hours
Salbutamol adult dosages
Salbutamol adult dosages
Suspected hyperkalaemia