DTL/DTA Flashcards
Temporary differences
Key difference is timing. These differences will reverse over time. Taxable or deductible on the tax return in a different period than reported on the books.
Temp differences are used in both the calculation of current tax expense/benefit and the calc of deferred tax expense/benefit
Perm difference - does not get counted in GAAP or Fin Accounting At all (only get considered in Tax ) or when an expense or income item reported on the books is neither deductible nor taxable under current tax law.
E.g. Tax penalties, penalties paid for legal violations, company receives life insurance proceeds received on the death of key employees and interest earned on municipal bonds.
DTL - book income will always be higher than the taxable income
True (Due to temp difference) e.g. Rent receivable
DTA - Book income is lower than the tax income
Tax in Fin accounting is more than tax e.g of DTA (Warranty expense, unearned rent, royalty and interest received in advance, credit loss expense)
- Revenue or Gains
- Expenses or Losses
Book income Tax return
- Revenue later Taxable now
- Expense Now Deductible later
Book expense < Tax expense
Book Income > Taxable income
Book expense > Tax expense
Book income < Taxable income
EFR pr effective rate
= Total Income Tax Expense/Pretax Book Income
Temporary difference during the reporting period * Future enacted tax rate
Non-current asset
Less than 50% chance tax position will be allowed by tax authorities
No tax benefit recognized
NOL carryforward > 80% Taxable Income
NOL deduction limited to 80% of TI
NOL Carryforward <80% of Taxable Income
100% of NOL deductible (no limitation)
More than 50% chance tax position will be allowed by tax authorities
Largest possible estimated outcome with a cumulative probability >50% is recorded as tax benefit