DSDM Products Flashcards
What is the terms of reference?
A high level definition of the overarching business driver for and top level objectives of the project.
Aims to scope and justify the feasibility phase.
May be used for prioritising a project within a portfolio.
What is the business case?
Provides a vision and justification from a business perspective.
Vision - Describes a changed business as it is expected to be, incrementally and that the end of the project.
Justification - based on an investment appraisal determining whether the value of the solution warrants the cost to produce and maintain.
What is the prioritised requirements list?
Describes the requirements that the project need to address and indicates their priority.
Consideration begins in feasibility and a baseline of the PRL describes the scope at the end of the foundations
What is the solution architecture definition?
Provides a high level design framework for the solution.
Covers both business and technical aspects and makes the scope of the solution clear but does not constrain evolutionary development.
What is the development approach definition?
Provides a high level definition of the tools, techniques, customs, practices and standards that will be applied to the evolutionary development.
Describes how the quality of the solution will be assured and includes a strategy for testing and review.
What is the delivery plan?
Provides a high level schedule of project increments and the timeboxes that make up that increment.
What is the management approach definition?
Reflects the approach to management of the project as a whole and considers how the project will be organised and planned, how stakeholders will be engaged and how progress will be demonstrated.
Outlined in feasibility and baselines in foundations.
What is the feasibility assessment?
Provides a snapshot of the evolving business, solution and management products.
(Consolidated plan)
What is the foundations summary?
Provides a snapshot of the evolving business, solution and management products as they exist at the end of the foundations phase.
(Consolidated plan)
What is the evolving solution?
Made up of all appropriate components of the ultimate solution together with any intermediate deliverables necessary to explore the detail of requirements.
What is the timebox plan?
Provides depth and detail for each timebox delivered in the delivery plan. Elaborates only the objectives and details the deliverables of the timebox.
Created by the solution development team and is often represented in a team board. Updated on a daily basis.
What is the timebox review record?
Captured the feedback from each review that takes place during a timebox.
Describes what has been achieved together with any feedback that may influence future plans.
What is a project review report?
A single document ghat is updated incrementally at the end of each project increment.
It captures the feedback from the review of the delivered solution and confirms what has or hasn’t been delivered. It captures learning points for the retrospective and where appropriate describes the business benefits that should now accrue.
What is the benefits assessment?
Describes how the benefits have actually accrued following a period of use in live operation.