DSC: Terrorism Chapter 2 (Quiz 1) Flashcards
Small Group Terrorists tend to last
less than 18 months
Uses selected biblical passages to justify their views
Christian Extremists
Group operating without the support of an actual or de facto state are labeled as
Small group terrorists
Adopted the norse pantheon of Odin, Thor and other Goddesses.
White Supremacists
Uses cut-and-paste versions of the Quaran
Islamic Extremists
Focuses on theories of group and individual behavior
Classic Criminology
Joins a radical group as a result of a personal crisis
A crisis convert
Exposed to religion but seeks deeper meaning while in prison
Searching convert
Is Controlled by a strong member inside the group
Manipulating convert
Result of chaplains outside of the system who spread literature and preach radicalization
A free-world Convert
Best countered by routine law enforcement
Lone wolves
Most difficult type of terrorist to detain/deter are
Lone wolves
Who advocated guerrilla revolutions throughout latin Amarican after success in the Cuban revolution
Ernesto “Che” Guevara
Popularized urban terrorism as a method for ending repression and elimination U.S domination of Latin America (Who)
Carlos Marighella
Federal agency created in 2001 to integrate all information gathered on international terrorism
The national counterterrorism
Inspired anti-imperial violence after wwII, and his influence remained with western ideological groups in the 1960s and 1970s. (who)
Frantz Fanon
Practitioners believe that research in radicalization and alienation will produce valuable knowledge.
Practical Criminology
Islamic extremism, Christian extremists
who use selected biblical passages to justifywho use selected biblical passages to justify
their views and white supremacists whotheir views and white supremacists who
have adopted the Norse pantheon are the have adopted the Norse pantheon
three major identifications of prison
radicalization converts
Monitoring the behavior of outside
chaplains, isolating inmates who championchaplains, isolating inmates who champion
radical ideas and searching for theradical ideas and searching for the presence of radicalization are all-presence of radicalization are all
components of the United Kingdom’s components of
United Kingdom’s
Prison Service program to prevent Prison Service program to prevent
argues that for groups
being radicalized in prison, thebeing radicalized in prison, the
recruitment process is like proceduresrecruitment process is like procedures
used by street gangs. (Who)
Mark Hamm
A prison inmate joining a radical
terrorist group out of fear is referred terrorist group out of fear is referred
to as
a protection-seeking convert.
Often equate radicalization with the fear of islam, thereby treating specific followers of the religion poorly as a result.
Prison Officials
Uncovered processes and stages for conversion to, immersion in, and acceptance of violent radical philosophies or religious within prison walls (Who)
Mark Hamm
Dzhokhar Tsarnaev and Tamerlan
Tsarnaev are responsible for
The boston marathon bombing
American white supremacist and anti-semite who entered the Holocause Museum and began shooting, eventually killing a security officer (who)
James W. Von Brunn
Mode of problem solving based on consensus
Group think
Was a violent domestic extremist group that conducted several bomb attacks from 1969-1975
The weather underground
Attempted to detonate explosives hidden in his underwear on the northwest airliner.
Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab
The new york times reports that most international attacks against the United States in the 21st century come from
Well-educated terrorists from the middle class
People bein radicalized in islam accept the idea of the clash of
civilizations and they believe that the west is at war with Islam
Trusting only selected radical sources of theological information and tolerating no deviance
literalist interpretation
Research, individual psychology creates the framework for interpreting reality for individuals. (who)
Gerald posts
the sources of radicalization are to be found in militants who misinterpret religion (who)
Hussein solomon
The three dominant models surrounding research in radicalization are
social, economic deprivation, long-term learning and psychological interpretations.
Refers to the psychological process of adopting extremist positions
Refers to the process of adopting extremist positions and engaging in violence based on a new set of beliefs
Violent Radicalization
Refers to when an individual or group becomes lost in the dominant social world
According to —– alienation is the first step of radicalization
Marc Sageman (2004)
Terrorists are generally focused on
a goal, they are prepared and rehearsed.
Terrorists may select
targets of opportunity but the target has a primarily symbolic value
Primary influences upon single-event terrorists such as suicide bombers
Ideology and religion
Routes to terrorism as used by —- refers to psychological and social factors that motivate people to join and remain in terrorist groups.
John Horgan
Focuses on the common actions of lawbreakers
Practical criminology
Founding father of criminology
Cesare Beccaria
Cesare Beccaria work on —— is a classic enlightenment study of criminology
according to —- terrorists seldom behave like normative street criminals
D.Douglas Bodrero
Generally opportunistic, unfocused and are not committed to a cause
Common Criminals