DSC: terrorism Chapter 1 (Quiz 1) Flashcards
People view reality as a
Social Construct
Social context are known as
Historical, Political and criminological circumstances
What Occurred in Oklahoma city in 1995?
Domestic Terror Bombing
attacks on civilians is a key element to the difference between terrorists from legitimate revolutionaries. (Who)
Boaz Ganor (2002)
Terrorism is a law enforcement and intelligence issue. Insurgencies are military matters. (Who)
Haviland Smith (2008)
Terrorism constitutes illegitimate use of force to achieve political objective by targeting innocent people. (Who)
Walter Laqueur (1987)
Shooting spree in Fort hood, Texas, killed 13 people (who)
U.S Army Major Nidal Malik Hasan
certain group of people who are attacked by terrorists due to belonging to a particular unit.
Group Target
Important to emphasize criminal nature of terrorism and move focus beyond the debates about politics.(Who)
Ayla Schbley (2003)-
Terrorism changes with
social and historical circumstances
developed out of the French revolution
Modern terrorism
Terrorism began as
Government repression in France
The violence of the French Revolutionary is colloquially known as
The reign of terror
The French Revolutionary (1794-1795) conducted more than
17,000 legal executions
Napoleons army’s first encounter with guerrilla tactics came was
The invasion of Spain
Sought to bring democracy to all classes and demanded immediate and drastic change
Radical Democrats
Philosophical concept that originated in Greece
Does not support centralized control of the economy
Adopted tactics, but not the ideology of anarchists
Nationalistic Terrorists
Controlling an economy by direct democracy and utilizing economic profits to ensure the well-being of citizens
Solidified communist control of Russia through a secret police organization
Josef Stalin
Socialism with economic production and profits being own and distributed by workers (What)
Father of Communism (Who)
Karl Max
Who are the authors of the communist manifesto?
Karl Max and Friedrich Engels
Advocated for a violent socialist revolution in Russia (What group)
Peoples will
Responsible for the assassination of Czar Alexander II (What group)
People’s will
Led a second revolution in Russia, bringing the communists to power (Who)
Vladimir Lenin
Lowest-level legislative body in the Soviet Union following October revolutions
Workers Council
Believed that terrorism should be used as an instrument for overthrowing middle-class or bourgeois governments (Who)
Leon Trotsky
Thrown out of the communist part for opposing Stalin and was assassinated by communist agents in Mexico City in 1940 (Who)
Leon Trotsky
Wrote principles of revolution in his catechism of the revolutionary (who)
Sergey Nechaev
Irish Republican Army was Founded in
the 19th century
Irish Republican Army developed out of a
naturalistic desire
Name of the political party of the Irish Republicans
Sinn Fein
Police force established by the United Kingdom in Ireland was known as the
Royal Irish Constabulary
Michael Collins viewed himself as a
The black and tan war was fought in
Republic of Ireland after Irish independence is known as
The free state
Who developed selective terrorism as a strategy
Michael Collins
Was Intended to target specific government officials and supporters
Selective Terrorism
According to — Group targeting is a distinguishing feature of terrorism
Eric Reitan
The main objective of most European middle-class democrats from the 1815-1848 was to
Obtain constitutions to ensure liberty
What sparked the beginning of the Peninsula War
The division of Portugal by Spanish and French forces.
Who wrote the Mini Manuel of the Urban Guerrilla?
Carlos Marighella
Russian word for workers council
What started after the general strike in St. Petersburg (1917)
The Russian Revolution
In Revolution, terrorism, Banditry, Mikhail Bakunin argues that
the only way to break the states hold on power is revolt
To be included in the Extremist crime database
Incident must be committed in the U.S and tied to an extremist group.
Was created by Irish Immigrants in New York for people in Ireland as a financial relief organization
Fenian Brotherhood