DSA slides from McGowan Flashcards
bacteria from chicken
Undercooked hamburger
EHEC (O157:H7 E coli)
Fried rice
Bacillus Cereus
Potato salad, mayo, or cream pastries
Staph Aureus
Lunch meat and soft cheeses
Raw seafood
-or norwalk, campylobacter
Staph aureus
water diarrhea
- rapid onset
- preformed enterotoxins
Bacillus Cereus
- preformed enterotoxins
- comiting
- rapid onset
- rapid resolution
- fried rice
- watery diarrhea
Clostridium perfringens
- preformed enterotoxins
- watery diarrhea
- crampy abd pain
- rapid onset
- rapid res
- beef, ham, poultry, legumes, gravy: heat resistant spores inadequately cooked
- shiga toxin
- usually children (daycare)
- BLOODY diarrhea
- Fecal leukocytes
Tx Shigella
BIsmuth, ampicillin, fluoroquinolone, or trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole
Complications of Shigella
- respiratory compliants and seizures (children)
- post infectious complications: REACTIVE ARTHRITIS AND HUS
Which Shigella is the most common species in the united states?
Shigella sonnei
Salmonella Typhimurium
- fram negative, non-lactose fermenting, motile, rod-shaped, bacteria
- Watery->bloody diarrhea
- fever
- Ingests contaminated food (eggs, poultry)
- animal exposure: reptiles
- Increased risk with sickle cell pts
- Stool culture is lactose (-) motile
Are Abx indicated for Salmonella Typhimurium?
-course of illness may be prolonged by it
What are complications of Salmonella typhimurium?
reactive arthritis, endocarditis, septic arthritis, osteomyelitis
Salmonella Typhi
- travel
- lives only in humans
- Typhoid fever: 103-104
- *rose spots rash
- Dx: samples of stool or blood
Tx of salmonella typhi
Fluoroquinolones (becoming resistant), ceftriaxone, and azithromycin
Campylobacter Jejuni
- Bloody diarrhea
- Guillian Barre syndrome
- Gram negative curved rod
- Spiral shaped, oxidase +, motile with flagellum
Tx of campylobacter
Vibrio cholerae
- O1 and O139 variants
- Toxin production
- watery rice water diarrhea (profuse)
- Curved/comma shaped, anaerobic gram- bacilli with flagellum
- waterborne illness (saltwater)
- Raw oysters (seafood)
- underdeveloped nations
Tx of vibrio cholerae?
- rehydration/electrolyte replacement
- in africa and India
Vibrio Parahemolyticus
Cytotoxin production
- Non-O1 and non O139 variants
- cause seafood associated diarrhea
- bloody diarrhea*
Vibrio Vulnificus
Gram negative bacillus
- warm shallow, coastal salt water*
- seafood
- open wound in water
- Bullous skin lesions
What kinds of patients are really in trouble if they have Vibrio Vulnificus?
Immunocompromised patients and
-especially cirrhosis patients
Aeromonas Hydrophila
- Gram (-), non- spore forming rod, facultative anaerobic bacteria, motile with flagellum
- FRESHWATER environments or bracksih water
- Eating fish or shellfish
- necrotizing fasciitis
- 2 types: Cholera like (non bloody), and Bloody mucoid stools
- scuba divers that swallow small amounts of fresh water and then have gastroenteritis
Tx of Aeromona Hydrophila
Most common cause of Travelers diarrhea
-affects small intestine
Ppl who go to russia and people who go camping a lot will get….
Giardia-associated diarrhea
Where is cyclospora found?
visitors to Nepal