DSA: Cardiac physiology and the electrocardiogram - Steve Flashcards
What does the P wave reflect?
Depolarization of the right and left atrial muscle.
What does the QRS complex represent?
Depolarization of ventricular muscle
what does the T wave represent?
Repolarization of both ventricles
what does the U wave represent?
May reflect repolarization of papillary muscle.
is rarely seen
What do the six limb leads define?
The frontal plane
What do the six precordial leads define?
A perpindicular transverse plane
What does the ECG recording from a single lead show?
How that lead views the time-dependent changes in voltage of the heart.
Describe the three initial limb leads and the axis they define.
I (positive connection to left arm, negative connection to right arm). This lead defines an axis in the
frontal plane at 0 degrees
II (positive to left leg, negative to right arm). This lead defines an axis in the frontal plane at 60 degrees.
III (positive to left leg, negative to left arm). This lead defines an axis in the frontal plane at 120 degrees.
An electronic reconstruction of the three limb connection defines an electrical reference point in the middle of
the heart that constitutes the negative connection for the augmented “unipolar” limb leads and for
the chest leads. The three augmented unipolar limb leads compare one limb electrode to the average of the other
two. What are these?
Describe the aVR lead. What axis and plane are described?
Where is the negative connection defined?
(positive connection to right arm, negative connection is electronically defined in the middle of the
heart). The axis defined by this limb lead in the frontal plane is −150 degrees (Fig. 21-9B). The a stands for
augmented, and the V represents unipolar.
Describe the aVL lead. What axis and plane are described?
Where is the negative connection defined?
(positive to left arm, negative is middle of the heart). The axis defined by this limb lead in the frontal
plane is −30 degrees.
Describe the aVF lead. What axis and plane are described?
Where is the negative connection defined?
(positive to left leg [foot], negative is middle of the heart). The axis defined by this limb lead in the
frontal plane is +90 degrees.
Describe the precordial leads.
These leads lie in the transverse plane, perpendicular to the plane of the frontal leads. The positive connection is
one of six different locations on the chest wall (Fig. 21-8B), and the negative connection is electronically
defined in the middle of the heart by averaging of the three limb electrodes. The resultant leads are named V1 to
V6, where the V stands for unipolar:
Where is the V1 lead placed?
fourth intercostal space to the right of the sternum
Where is the V2 lead placed?
fourth intercostal space to the left of the sternum