Dry Needling Points Flashcards
Land marks : spinous process of c7 and lateral tip of acromion
Location: 1/2 way between the landmarks at the apex of the upper trapezius
Insertion: obliquely half a thumbs to one thumb .5 CUN to 1.0 CUN
Parallel to muscle fibers
Landmark: 1. anterior auxiliary fold 2. Depression between anterior and medial deltoid . Inferior to the anterior tip of the acromion
Location : Halfway between the landmarks one and two.
Insertion: Perpendicular Half a thumb to full thumb .5 to 1.0 CUN
Vastus lateralis
Landmark: center of patella and lateral surface of greater trochanter
Location: Half the distance between landmark one and two and half the distance to the lateral edge of the thigh
Insertion: Perpendicular insertion full Thumbs width to 3 fingers width 1 to 2 CUN
Gluteus maximus
Landmarks: sacral hiatus. Lateral edge of the body at the level with sacral hiatus
Location: half a distance between landmark one and two
Insertion: Open the curtain muscle. 1 2 CUN
Landmarks: center of the popliteal fossa. Center of inverted V shape created by lower margins of gastrocnemius muscle belly.
Location: at the level located 1/3 of the distance from the landmark one and two, directly on the center of the medial and lateral heads.