dry lab final Flashcards
What is this landmark?
Superior Ramus, Pubic, innominate bone
What is the landmark?
Pubic tubercle, pubic, innominate bone
What is the landmark?
Pectineal line, pubic, innominate bone
What is the landmark?
Pubic crest, pubic, innominate bone
What is the landmark?
Body of pubis, pubic, innominate bone
What is the landmark?
Inferior ramus, pubic, innominate bone
What is the landmark?
Ischial ramus, ischium, innominate bone
What is the landmark?
Ischiopubic ramus, innominate bone
What is the landmark?
Body of ischium, ischium, innominate bone
What is the landmark?
Iliopubic ramus, innominate bone
What is the landmark?
Iliopubic eminence, innominate bone
What is the landmark?
Obturator groove, ischium, innominate bone
What is the landmark?
Pubic symphysis surface, pubic, innominate bone
What is the landmark?
Acetabular fossa pubic part, pubic, innominate bone
What is the landmark?
Acetabular notch, pubic, innominate bone
What is the landmark?
Lunate surface/labrum, pubic bone, innominate bone
What is the landmark?
Pubic symphsis, pubic, innominate bone
What is the landmark?
Greater sciatic notch, iliac, innominate bone
What is the landmark?
Ischial spine, ischium, innominate bone
What is the landmark?
Lesser sciatic notch, ischium, innominate bone
What is the landmark?
Ischial tuberosity, ischium, innominate bone
What is the landmark?
Ischial ramus, ischium, innominate bone
What is the landmark?
Acetabulum, Ischial part, innominate bone
What is the landmark?
Obturator groove, pubic, innominate bone
What is the landmark?
Obturator foramen, ischium, innominate bone
What is the landmark?
Outer ala, ilium, innominate bone
What is the landmark?
Iliac crest, ilium, innominate bone
What is the landmark?
Iliac tubercle, ilium, innominate bone
What is the landmark?
Anterior gluteal line, ilium, innominate bone
What is the landmark?
Anterior superior iliac spine, ilium, innominate bone
What is the landmark?
Anterior inferior iliac spine, ilium, innominate bone
What is the landmark?
Supra Acetabular groove, ilium, innominate bone
What is the landmark?
Inferior gluteal line, ilium, innominate bone
What is the landmark?
Body of ilium, ilium, innominate bone
What is the landmark?
Greater sciatic notch, ilium, innominate bone
What is the landmark?
Posterior inferior iliac spine, ilium, innominate bone
What is the landmark?
Posterior superior iliac spine, ilium, innominate bone
What is the landmark?
Posterior gluteal line, ilium, innominate bone
What is the landmark?
Arcuate line, ilium, innominate bone
What is the landmark?
Greater sciatic notch, ilium, innominate bone
What is the landmark?
Anterior auricular articular sacroiliac joint, ilium, innominate bone
What is the landmark?
Posterior inferior iliac spine, ilium, innominate bone
What is the landmark?
Posterior superior iliac spine, ilium, innominate bone
What is the landmark?
Iliac tuberosity, ilium, innominate bone
What is the landmark?
Iliac crest, ilium, innominate bone
What is the landmark?
Inner ala, ilium, innominate bone
What is the landmark?
Iliac fossa, ilium, innominate bone
What is the landmark?
Anterior superior iliac spine, ilium, innominate bone
What is the landmark?
Anterior inferior iliac spine, ilium, innominate bone
What is the landmark?
Posterior inferior iliac spine, iliac, innominate bone
What is the landmark?
Anterior inferior iliac spine, ilium, innominate bone
What is the landmark?
Supra-Acetabular groove, ilium, innominate bone
What is the landmark?
Acetabular fossa, ilium, innominate bone
What is the landmark?
Superior articular facets, sacrum
What is the landmark?
Sacral canal, sacrum
What is the landmark?
Ala, sacrum
What is the landmark?
Sacral tuberosity sacroiliac joint, posterior part, sacrum
What is the landmark?
Sacral tubercles, sacrum
What is the landmark?
Apex, sacrum
What is the landmark?
Sacral hiatus, sacrum
What is the landmark?
Sacral cornua, sacrum
What is the landmark?
Dorsal sacral foramina, sacrum
What is the landmark?
Auricular articular sacroiliac joint, anterior part, sacrum
What is the landmark?
Lateral crest, sacrum
What is the landmark?
Intermediate crest, sacrum
What is the landmark?
Median crest, sacrum
What is the landmark?
Superior articular process, sacrum
What is the landmark?
Ala, sacrum
What is the landmark?
Ventral sacral foramen, sacrum
What is the landmark?
Transverse ridge, sacrum
What is the landmark?
Sacral segments, sacrum
What is the landmark?
Superior articular process, sacrum
What is the landmark?
Sacral tuberosity, posterior part, sacrum
What is the landmark?
Auricular articular sacroiliac joint, anterior part, sacrum
What is the landmark?
Sacral coccygeal notch, coccyx
What is the landmark?
Coccygeal cornua, coccyx
What is the landmark?
Base, coccyx
What is the landmark?
Transverse process, coccyx
What is the landmark?
Coccygeal vertebra 1, coccyx
What is the landmark?
Coccygeal vertebra 2, coccyx
What is the landmark?
Coccygeal vertebra 3, coccyx
What is the landmark?
Coccygeal vertebra 4/apex, coccyx
What is the landmark?
Patella fossa, femur
What is the landmark?
Shaft, femur
What is the landmark?
Intertrochanteric line, femur
What is the landmark?
Greater trochanter, femur
What is the landmark?
Neck, femur
What is the landmark?
Head, femur
What is the landmark?
Lesser trochanter, femur
What is the landmark?
Medial epicondyle, femur
What is the landmark?
Medial supracondylar ridge, femur
What is the landmark
Spiral line, femur
What is the landmark
Intertrochanteric line, femur
What is the landmark
Lesser trochanter, femur
What is the landmark
Neck, femur
What is the landmark
Fovea capitus femoris, head, femur
What is the landmark
Gluteal tuberosity, femur
What is the landmark
Lateral supracondylar ridge, femur
What is the landmark
Popliteal fossa, femur
What is the landmark
Lateral epicondyle, femur
What is the landmark
Linea aspera medial lip, shaft, femur
What is the landmark
Linea aspera lateral lip, shaft, femur
What is the landmark
Nutrient foramen, shaft, femur
What is the landmark
Intercondylar notch, femur
What is the landmark
Medial condyle, femur
What is the landmark
Lateral condyle, femur
What is the landmark
Lateral supracondylar ridge, femur
What is the landmark
Popliteal groove, lateral epicondyle, femur
What is the landmark
Medial supracondylar ridge, femur
What is the landmark
Adductor tubercle, lateral epicondyle, femur
What is the landmark
Fovea capitus femoris, head, femur
What is the landmark
Head, femur
What is the landmark
Trochanteric fossa, neck, femur
What is the landmark
Greater trochanter, femur
What is the landmark
Intertrochanteric crest, femur
What is the landmark
Quadrate tubercle, femur
What is the landmark
Pectineal line, femur
What is the landmark
Spiral line, femur
What is the landmark
Lesser trochanter, femur
What is the landmark
Base, patella
What is the landmark
Anterior surface, patella
What is the landmark
Apex, patella
What is the landmark
Medial articular facet, patella
What is the landmark
Vertical ridge, articular facet, patella
What is the landmark
Lateral articular facet, patella
What is the landmark
Articular surface, patella
What is the landmark
Apex, patella
What is the landmark
Lateral condyle, tibia
What is the landmark
Anterior intercondylar area, tibia
What is the landmark
Medial condyle, tibia
What is the landmark
Tibial tuberosity, tibia
What is the landmark
Medial malleolus, tibia
What is the landmark
Fibular notch, tibia
What is the landmark
Medial malleolar groove, tibia
What is the landmark
Soleal line, tibia
What is the landmark
Fibular facets, tibia
What is the landmark
Lateral condyle, tibia
What is the landmark
Posterior intercondylar area, tibia
What is the landmark
Medial condyle, tibia
What is the landmark
Lateral intercondylar tubercle, tibial plateau, tibia
What is the landmark
Medial condyle articular facet, tibial plateau, tibia
What is the landmark
Lateral condyle articular facet, tibial plateau, tibia
What is the landmark
Medial intercondylar tubercle, tibial plateau, tibia
What is the landmark
Anterior intercondylar area, tibial plateau, tibia
What is the landmark
Tibial tuberosity, tibial plateau, tibia
What is the landmark
Gerdy’s tubercle, tibial plateau, tibia
What is the landmark
Gerdy’s tubercle, tibia
What is the landmark
Pes anserine, tibia
What is the landmark
Tibial tuberosity, tibia
What is the landmark
Fibular facet, tibia
What is the landmark
Soleal line, tibia
What is the landmark
Inferior articular facet, tibia
What is the landmark
Mortise joint, tibia
What is the landmark
Medial malleolar facet, tibia
What is the landmark
Fibular notch, tibia
What is the landmark
Medial malleolar groove, tibia
What is the landmark
Medial malleolus, tibia
What is the landmark
Articular facet, head, fibula
What is the landmark
Articular facet, lateral malleolus, fibula
What is the landmark
Head, fibula
What is the landmark
Neck, fibula
What is the landmark
Lateral malleolus, fibula
What is the landmark
Apex/head, fibula
What is the landmark
Lateral malleolar groove, fibula
What is the landmark
Trochlea, talas, tarsal bone
What is the landmark
Neck, talas, tarsal bone
What is the landmark
Head, talas, tarsal bone
What is the landmark
Posterior process, talas, tarsal bone
What is the landmark
Medial tubercle, posterior process, talas, tarsal bone
What is the landmark
Groove for flexor hallucis longus, posterior process, talas, tarsal bone
What is the landmark
Lateral tubercle, posterior process, talas, tarsal bone
What is the landmark
Lateral malleolar facet, talas, tarsal bone
What is the landmark
Lateral process, talas, tarsal bone
What is the landmark
Posterior talar facet, calcaneus, tarsal bone
What is the landmark
Anterior talar facet, calcaneus, tarsal bone
What is the landmark
Middle talar facet, calcaneus, tarsal bone
What is the landmark
Sustentaculum tali, calcaneus, tarsal bone
What is the landmark
Groove for flexor hallucus longus, calcaneus, tarsal bone
What is the landmark
Calcaneal tuberosity, calcaneus, tarsal bone
What is the landmark
Groove for Fibularis longus t, calcaneus, tarsal bone
What is the landmark
Fibular notch, calcaneus, tarsal bone
What is the landmark
Sustentaculum tali, calcaneus, tarsal bone
What is the landmark
Calcaneal tubercle, calcaneal, tarsal bone
What is the landmark
Lateral process, calcaneus, tarsal bone
What is the landmark
Calcaneal tuberosity, calcaneus, tarsal bone
What is the landmark
Medial process, calcaneal tuberosity, calcaneus, tarsal bone
What is the landmark
Navicular tuberosity, navicular, tarsal bone
What is the landmark
Cuneiform 3, tarsal bone
What is the landmark
Cuneiform 2, tarsal bone
What is the landmark
Cuneiform 1, tarsal bone
What is the landmark
Groove for Fibularis longus tendon, cuboid, tarsal bone
What is the landmark
Groove for Fibularis longus t, cuboid, tarsal bone
What is the landmark
Tuberosity, 5th digit, metatarsal
What is the landmark
Base, metatarsal, digit 1
What is the landmark
Shaft/body, metatarsal, digit 1
What is the landmark
Head, metatarsal, digit 1
What is the landmark
Sesamoid bone
What is the landmark
Proximal phalanx, digits 1-5
What is the landmark
Distal phalanx, digits 1-5
What is the landmark
Middle phalanx, digits 2-5