drugs theme 1 Flashcards
What is Physostigmine?
Indirect-acting cholinergic drug
treat glaucoma
What is organophosphates?
Irreversible indirect acting cholinergic stim
very powerful and used in nerve gas
What are the adverse side effects of Cholinergic stimulants?
Most all are Parasympathetic effects except for one * miosis-pupil constriction urination bradycardia bronchoconstriction lacrimation excitation(CNS) like anxiety diarrhea salivation *sweating
Types of anticholinergics?
atropine-> pupil dilation
Anti nicotinic
ganglion blockers- work on N2 - treat hypertension
neruomuscular junction blockers- work on N1- use in surgery to relax skeleton muscels
Side effects of Anticholinergic drugs?
Resemble sympathetic effects
dry mouth, blurred vision, urinary retention, constipation, tachycardia
describe alpha 1 GCPR signaling
GCPR signaling that activates phospolipase C -> IP3 and DAG
DAG activates PKC
IP3 cause release of Ca+ -> activates Ca2+ dependent protein kinase
describe alpha 2 and Beta adrenergic signaling set up
They are both are GCPR, but they do the opposite effect
Beta activates the adenyl cyclase to make cAMP that leads to biological effects
Alpha 2 inhibits adenyl cyclase from making cAMP
What is Phenylephrine do? and what are its side effects
It’s a alpa 1 selective agonist
it is used to cause vasoconstriction
side effects: HTN(inc BP), headache, and reflex bradycardia bc baroreceptor is responding to the drugs inc to BP
Whats is Clonidine (catapres)? and what are it’s side effects?
alpha 2 selective agonist
treat some types of hypertensions by causing vasodilation
side effects are dissiness, drowsiness, dry mouth
What is isoproterenol ? What does it do? and what is its main problem?
a non selective beta adrenergic agonist
Its used to treat brochospasms and some carido irrhythemias
You have to look out for if patent has a cardiac issue
since effect both B1 & B2 effect both heart and lungs so it can cause flushing, anginea, and other irrhythemias
What is dobutamine ? and what is it used to treat
a B1 selective agonist
its used to treat ppl in shock, or heart failure bc there’s more B1 receptors on heart tissue
What is Albuterol (proventil)? and what is it used for?
a B2 selective agonists
used to treat the pulmonary issues bc theres more b2 receptors on lung tissue
adverse effects: nervousness/restlessness
What is epinephrine and what is it used for?
Its a non selective alpha beta agonist
used to treat anaphylaxis, can also be used to treat asthma
can have broad side effects
Whats prazosin(minipress)? and what are its side effects
a a1 selective antagonist that cause vasodilation
SE are reflex tachycardia, orthostatic hypotension
Whats Propranolol (inderal) ? and its side effects?
Non- selective B antagonists
SE- bronchoconstriction and dec in cardiac function
Whats metoprolol (lopressor) and whats it side effects?
a B1- selective antagonists
used to treat cardiac condition
SE- if have a pulmonary diagnoses it can cause a few pulmonary side effects