Drugs of abuse Flashcards
Describe the reward pathway
The mesolimbic dopamine system: Dopaminergic neruones originating from the ventral tegmental area release dopamine in the Nucleus accumbens (ventral straital area) in response to rewarding stimuli.
Why does smoking a drug cause a faster absorption than IV?
When smoking the drug passes straight the (thin alveoli) and enters the pulmonary circulation–> pulmonary vein to heart, then aorta to rest of body (brain). IV administration means the drug first drains via vena cava, then pulmonary artery before also entering the pulmonary circulation therefore slower.
Describe 4 classes of drugs of abuse and give an example of each
Narcotics- heroin, depressants- alchohol, stimulants-cocaine, miscellanous-cannabis
What is the name of the plant that cannais comes from:
Cannabis sativa
What is the positive and the negative cannaboid?
Positive: cannabiDIol and negative: delta-9-tetrahydrocannabiNOL
What’s the difference between Reefer and Skunkweed? (2)
Great concnetration of cannaboid in more developed Skunkweed (so more potent) and a greater Delta-9THC: Cannabidiol ratio (so stronger association with negative effects)
Describe absorption of cannabis a) orally and b) via inhalation?
Orally: 5-15% Inhalation: 25-35%
What happens to cannabis in the body?
It forms fatty-acid conjuagtes that are very lipid-soluble and hence accumulate in fatty tissue which is also usually poorly perfused. Can lead to a 10^4:1 ratio in fatty tissue:plasma. One cannabis cigarette can persist for 30 days in the body.
Desrcibe the metabolism and excretion of cannabis?
Metabolised to the more potent 11 OH THC in the liver. 65% excretted via the GIT but sereve enterohepatic recycling (lipid soluble). 25% excreted via kidneys.
Describe the basic pharmacodynamics of cannabis.
Has two receptors in the body CB1 (neural) and CB2 (peripheral, immune cells). Both are Gi. They are also receptors to the endogenous hormone anandamide.
How does cannabis cause euphoria?
Disinhibition of the mesolimbic dopamine pathway by inhibitory CB1 receptors on GABA neurones.
Describe 5 other CNS effects of cannabis?
Hypoactivity of anteroir cingulate cortex (monitors performance and makes behavioral adjustments to avoid losses). Also increases food intake by 1) preseynaptic inhibition of GABA neurones, which leads to increased MCH neuronal activity and 2) increased orexin production in LATERAL hypothalamus (not acruate nulcues or ventral medial). Pyschosis/ schizophrenia. Memory problems (decreased BDNF in limbic), Pyschomotor problems.
How does cannabis cause tachycardia and vasodilation?
Stimulates vaniloid recepotrs which increase calcium influx. Bloodshot eyes.
What is the main component of dronabinol and what is it used to treat?
Delat-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol. Anti-emetic, specifically for chemotherapy patients and AIDS patients.
What are the components of saltivex and what is used to treat?
CannabiDIOL and delta-9-tertahydrocannabinol. Used to redcue symptoms (pain reg) in MS patients.