Alchohol Flashcards
How do you calculate grams of alcohol per 100ml.
%ABV x 0.78. Units is %ABV x volume (ml)/1000. 1 unit is 10ml or about 8g of absolute alcohol. Lager is about 2.5 units
What are teh guidelines for alcholol consumption?
Men and women should drink less than 14 units per week and not more than 8 units in one go. More than 0.08% is legally intoixcated (this equals about 80mg/100ml.
Describe the absorption of alchohol.
80% SI 20% stomach
Descrine the metabolism of alchocol.
85% liver: via Alchohol dehydrogenase (75%) or mixed function oxidases (25%) to acetaldehdye. 15% by just SD in the GIT but this is less in females. Females also tend to show a higher blookd alchol levels because they have less body water than males.
How does the female metabolsim differ?
Greater volume of distribution and less AD in the stomach.
What is disulfiram used for?
To inhibit acetaldehyde dehdrogenase in the liver and stomach (usually metabolises acetaldheyde to acetic acid). Increases negative effsct of alachol. Same as genetic polymorhpism- asian flush .
Why does alchocol have low potency?
Beacuse it is a simple compund- low specificity, general affinty for lots of recpetors.
What does the depressant effect of alchohol depend on?
Environment (social) and personality
Describe 3 acute effects alchol has on the CNS
It directly stimaulates GABA recptors psot synaptically, whislt indirectly pre synaatically vua allopregnolone. It dalso decreases the firing rate of NMDA neurones by allosteric modulation of their receptors. It also reduces NT exocytosis by Ca channel blocking.
How does alachol induce euphoria?
Binds to miu recptors on GABA neuorones- disinhitbion of mesolimbic dopamin ereward pathwya.
How does acetaldehyde affect the cutaneous blood supply?
Vasodialtion by decreased calcium entry and increases PG syntehsis.
Describe other effects of alcohol.
Increased HR and BP by centrally mediated decrease in baroreceptor sensitivity. Diuresis. Increased ACTH and decreased testosterone secretion. Damage and acrinoneic actions inn the gut (actaldehyde).
Describe 4 chronic effects on the CNS
Dementia, ataxia, Wernicke’s encephalopathy (depletion of thiamine leads to a focal acidosis, glutamtae overalod and cell death around the 3rd bentricle and aquaduct. Can be linked with opthalmogeia), Korsakoff’s psychosis (DM thalmaus, inhibiting memory and cauing polyneuritis).
Describe the effect of alchohol on the liver.
3 stages: fatty liver, hepatitis (cytokine and free radical damage) and cirrhosis (loss of hepatocytes regenration and firboblasts action). This is driven by three factors: !) alhocol metabolism means insufficnt NAD+ for the oxidation of fatty acids and glucose metabolsim. 2) Overuse of CYP2E1 causes ocidative stress–> cytokine drive and lipid peroxidation. 3) Acetaldehyde is toxic and drives IL6, TNFa and TGFB.
What is beneficial about alchol?
Incraesed HDL and incraesed tPA levels.
Peaks as BAC reaches 0. Nausea from irritant to vaus–> vomiting cetre. Headaches from vasodilation. Fatugue from SNS rebound afyer GABA promotion. Polyuria and polydispisa from supressed ADH.