Drugs, Mental Health and Alcohol Flashcards
What is a mental disorder?
Abnormal state of mind (continuous or intermittent), characterised by delusions to such a degree that,
- poses serious danger to health & safety of them/others, or
- seriously diminishes capacity of person to look after themselves
What is the role of a DAO?
*Decide whether person needs an examination and if urgently.
*Arrange mental health practitioner to examine the person.
Person may be certified for compulsory treatment and further examination conducted (psychiatrist/doctor).
MH(CAT)A1992 Sec.4
Compulsory Assessment may not be invoked because of a person’s?
Political, cultural, religious beliefs
Sexual preference
Criminal behaviour
Alcohol/drug abuse
Intellectual disability
When can Police assist a DAO?
(1) called to assist DAO under Sec.41 MH(CAT)A 1992
(DAO acting under Sec.38 and 40)
(2) DETAIN person for medical exam if mental health medical practitioner is able to attend; or
(3) TAKE person to place for medical exam
*can detain person for up to 6 hours, or completion of medical exam, whichever is shorter
What powers do Police have under Sec.41 MH(CAT) Act 1992 when called to assist DAO to have mental health practitioner examine person?
ENTER premises
DETAIN person at that place for medical examination; OR
TAKE person to other place for examination
May detain for up to 6 hours, or duration of examination (whichever is shorter)
Must - produce ID if not in uniform
Procedure for assisting DAO
(1) Under Sec.41 may enter private property to assist DAO acting under Sec 38(4)(b) or (d), or 40(2) MHA 1992.
(2) Check credentials of DAO making request.
(3) If requested to assist person for assessment, request to see assessment certificate, or compulsory treatment order.
(4) Only use force in an emergency and as is reasonably necessary
How long can Police detain a person suffering a mental disorder?
The shorter of 6 hours, and the time it takes for examination
What should you do if a mental health practitioner decides the person does not have a mental disorder?
Release the person and consider passing care to family or a friend
What powers are available to Police to enter private property and detain a person with a mental disorder?
Sec.41 MHA 1992 - to assist DAO, to DETAIN/TAKE person for medical exam
Sec.7 S&SA 2012 - to search and arrest person unlawfully at large (inpatient order and absent without leave)
Sec.41 CA61 - prevent suicide
Other than Sec.41 MHA 1992, what other enactments allow Police to enter private property to detain a person with a mental disorder?
Sec.7 S&SA 2012 to search and arrest person RGTS unlawfully at large (inpatient order and absent without leave)
Sec.41 CA61 prevent suicide
Sec.109 MH(CAT)A 1992 enables Police to do what with mentally disordered person found at large?
*Mentally disordered person
*wandering at large in Public Place
*In interests of person or public
*TAKE to Police Station, Hospital or other
*ARRANGE mental health practitioner to examine asap
Sec.20 SASA 2012 (warrantless) re. offences against MODA75
May ENTER and SEARCH a place/vehicle if
*RGTB not practical to obtain warrant and in place/vehicle there is
*Class A, B, C, or precursor; AND
*RGTS in place/vehicle offence against MODA75 has, is, about to be committed; AND
*RGTB ENTRY and SEARCH not carried out immediately EM will be CADD
Sec.19 SASA 2012 (re. MODA75)
What three conditions must be met to authorise search of a person at a place or vehicle?
*Warrant issued (Sec.6 SASA2012) for offence against MODA75
*Warrant executed by Constable
*Person found at place/vehicle specified in warrant
Who may conduct an internal search?
A registered medical practitioner - with suspect’s consent
What was the court’s finding in relation to the officer’s actions to induce the suspect to spit out a package containing drugs by applying force in R v Roulston?
- An internal search was not completed
- Concerns for suspect’s safety from ingesting drugs
- Officer’s actions did not amount to cruel and degrading treatment
3 Alcohol Ban Enforcement Principles
- Enforcement not directed by strict compliance.
- Whether to take enforcement action.
- Preventing alcohol harm/anti-social behaviour
Alcohol related harm & anti social behaviour factors (for arrest Sec.169)
*Disorder, violence, ASB hotspot
*Behaviour related complaints
*Probability of disorder, violence
*Evidence of intoxication
*Gathering of individuals likely to result in ASB
Public Place (definition)
A place that is open to or is being used by the public, whether free on on payment of a charge and whether any owner/occupier is lawfully entitled to exclude/eject any person; does not include licensed premises
Sec.147 Local Govt. Act 2002
Breach of alcohol ban. What must you prove?
ID of offenders & they breached bylaw by:
* Consuming alcohol
* Bringing alcohol
* Possessing alcohol
* In public place specified in bylaw
Sec.169 (2)(b) Local Govt Act 2002 (seize)
May seize/remove alcohol in a restricted place in breach of an alcohol ban
Sec.170 Local Govt Act 2002
Before search of container or vehicle you must?
*inform person in possession of container/vehicle they have opportunity to remove c/v from public place; and
*provide person with reasonable opportunity to do so
Is alcohol in an unopened container exempt from liquor ban regulations?
Yes, it may be exempt if being transported to some other location. Although opened containers may not. Discretion is advised.