Drugs Liabilities, Case Law and definitions Flashcards
Section 2 Misuse of Drugs Act 1975
Controlled drug definition
Controlled drug means any substance, preparation, mixture or article as specified in schedule 1, 2 and 3 of this act
Section 6(1)(a) Misuse of Drugs Act 1975
Importing / Exporting drugs
- Imports OR Exports from NZ
- Any Controlled drug
Section 6(1)(b) Misuse of Drugs Act 1975
Produce or manufacture any controlled drug
- Produce OR Manufacture
- Any controlled drug
Section 6(1)(c) Misuse of Drugs Act 1975
Supplying any class A or B controlled drug
- Supply OR administer OR offer to supply or administer OR otherwise deal in
- Any class A OR B Controlled drug
- To any other person
Section 6(1)(d) Misuse of Drugs Act 1975
Supplying Class C controlled drug to someone under 18
- Supply OR administer OR offer to supply OR administer OR otherwise deal in
- Any Class C controlled drug
- To a person under the age of 18
Section 6(1)(e) Misuse of Drugs Act 1975
Sell / Offer to sell any class C controlled drug to anyone over 18
- Sell OR offer to sell
- Any class C controlled drug
- To a person over 18
Section 6(1)(f) Misuse of Drugs Act 1975
Possession of controlled drug for supply
- Have in his possession
- Any controlled drug
- For the purposes set out in (c)(d) or (e) of section 6(1) Misuse of Drugs Act 1975
Application: Importation
To import includes “to introduce or bring in from abroad or to cause to be brought in from another country”
Application: Possession
Possession has two elements; -
- The first, the physical element, is actual or potential physical custody or control
- The second is the mental element, is combination of knowledge and intention; knowledge in the sense of awareness by the accused that the substance is in his possession AND the intention to exercise possession.
Application: Importation
“Importation” involves active conduct. It does not cease as the aircraft / vessel enters NZ territory. The process of importation exists from the time the goods enter NZ until they reach their destination or have ceased to be under the control of authorities.
Application: Produce or Manufacture
The words “Produce” OR “Manufacture” in 6(1)(b) broadly cover the creation of controlled drugs by some form of process which changes the original substance into the controlled drug.
NOTE: The offence is complete once the prohibited substance is created. Whether or not it is in a usable form.
Application: Supply
Offering to supply a controlled drug can arise in a variety of ways. Including where the defendant
- Offers to supply a drug he has on hand
- Offers to supply a drug that he will have procured at a future date
- Offers to supply a drug that he mistakenly believes he can supply
- Offers to supply a drug deceitfully, knowing that he will not supply that
Application: Passive Custodian
A passive custodian who relinquishes custody of a drug to meet the needs of another, has the necessary intent for supply.
Application: Guilty knowledge
It is not necessary for the crown to establish knowledge on the part of the accused. If there is no evidence to the contrary then it will be presumed.
DEFENCE: If the accused believes on reasonable grounds that their act was innocent then she is entitled to be acquitted.
Application: Usable quantity
The serious offence of possessing a narcotic does not extend to some minute and useless residue of the substance
Application: Distribution / Supply
Supply includes the distribution of jointly owned property between its co-owners.
Application: Supply
An offer is an imitation by the person charged to another that he is ready on request to supply that other drugs of a kind prohibited by the statute.
Application: Distribution / Supply
A person who is in unlawful possession of a controlled drug, which has been deposited for safekeeping, has the intent to supply that drug to another if his intention is to return it to the person that deposited it to him.
Drug dealing (importing/exporting any controlled drug) - act and section
Misuse of drugs act 1975 - section 6(1)(a)
Drug dealing (importing/exporting any controlled drug) - ingredients
Misuse of drugs act 1975 - section 6(1)(a)
- Import into OR export from NZ,
- Any controlled drug.
Drug dealing (producing/manufacturing any controlled drug) - act and section
Misuse of drugs act 1975 - section 6(1)(b)
Drug dealing (producing/manufacturing any controlled drug) - ingredients
Misuse of drugs act 1975 - section 6(1)(b)
- Produce OR manufacture
- Any controlled drug
Drug dealing (supplying any class A or class B controlled drug) - act and section
Misuse of drugs act 1975 - section 6(1)(c)
Drug dealing (supplying any class A or class B controlled drug) - ingredients
Misuse of drugs act 1975 - section 6(1)(c)
- Supply OR administer OR offer to supply OR offer to administer OR otherwise deal in,
- Any class A controlled drug or class B controlled drug,
- To any other person.
Drug dealing (supplying class C controlled drug to person under 18 years) - act and section
Misuse of drugs act 1975 - section 6(1)(d)
Drug dealing (supplying class C controlled drug to person under 18 years) - ingredients
Misuse of drugs act 1975 - section 6(1)(d)
- Supply OR administer OR offer to supply OR offer to administer,
- Any class C controlled drug,
- To a person under 18 years of age.
Drug dealing (sell/offer to sell any class C controlled drug to person 18+) - act and section
Misuse of drugs act 1975 - section 6(1)(e)
Drug dealing (sell/offer to sell any class C controlled drug to person 18+) - ingredients
Misuse of drugs act 1975 - section 6(1)(e)
- Sell or offer to sell,
- Any class C controlled drug,
- To a person of or over 18 years of age.
Drug dealing (possession of controlled drug for supply) - act and section
Misuse of drugs act 1975 - section 6(1)(f)
Drug dealing (possession of controlled drug for supply) - ingredients
Misuse of drugs act 1975 - section 6(1)(f)
- Have in their possession,
- Any controlled drugs,
- For any of the purposes set out in paragraphs (c), (d), or (e) of section 6(1) MODA 1975