Drugs for Interstitial lung disease Flashcards
What is the MOA (broadly) in a drug used for both asthma & interstitial lung disease?
anti-inflammatory & Immune suppression
What are patients on prednisone at risk of developing?
Cushings syndrome & hyperglycemia
from HPA axis suppression
What are the indications for using mycophenalte in treating interstitial lung disease?
prophylaxis of organ rejection (heart & liver) and patients with RA resistant to methotrexate
what is the black box warnings for mycophenolate?
embryofetal toxicity, 1st tri loss, & lymphoma or skin malignancy
what are expected adverse reactions if giving a patient mycophenolate?
Vomit, diarrhea, infection, leukopenia
think things associated with immune suppression!
what may reduce the efficacy of mycophenolate in treating interstitial disease?
Mg, AlOH anatacids, PPIs
what drug does mycophenolate inhibit?
increase other contraception options!
what drug should be used in patients with neoplasia, psoriasis, or RA?
what drug should be used in patients with neoplasia, psoriasis, or RA?
what are the potential risks of taking methotrexate?
- fetal death or congenital defect
- drug-induced lung disease
- ulcerative stomatitis & diarrhea
- hepatotoxicity
- marrow suppression
- aplastic anemia
- GI toxicity
- lymphoma
- tumor lysis syndrome
- severe skin reaction
- Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (opportunistic infection)
- ST or bone necrosis (w/ radiation)
If a patient is having a radiotherapy and on methotrexate, what is a potential adverse event?
soft tissue or bone necrosis
If a patient has renal impariment, ascites, or pleural effusion what may result if administering methotrexate?
reduced elimination -> prolonged effect
A patient is taking an NSAID along with methotrexate, what are they at risk of developing?
marrow suppression, aplastic anemia, & GI toxicity
Using methotrexate is contraindicated in what situations?
Pregnancy, alcoholism, liver disease, renal disease
If a patient is on oral antibiotics, what may result when giving methotrexate cocomitantly?
Tetracycline, Chloramphenical, broad specturms
reduced intestinal absorption & metabolism -> prolonged effect