Asthma & COPD Flashcards
what receptors excite & inhibit bronchial smooth muscle?
ß agonists -> excite (dilate)
Muscarinic antagonists -> inhibit (dilate)
what drug types inhibit bronchoconstriction?
Muscarinic antagonists & theophylline (block adenosine)
what class of drugs reverse bronchoconstriction in asthma?
ß2 agonists
relax airway smooth muscle
what are SABA?
Terbutaline, Metaproterenol, Levabuterol, Pirbuterol, Albuterol
A patient comes in with a complaint of adverse affects from her new SABA prescription for asthma. She notes she broke out in severe itchy rash and forgot to note at the initial meeting that she has an allergy to sulfa drugs. What SABA was she most likely presecribed?
subQ Terbutaline
A 6yo is recently diagnosed with intermediate asthma. What would be an appropriate SABA?
patients > 4yo
What is a non-respiratory risk factor when prescribing SABA?
Cardiovascular symptoms:
elevated HR & BP
A G1P2 woman comes in with premature contractions at 24w. Her OB prescribes medication to delay these contractions (tocolysis). What SABA should her OB look for in the patients med list before performing tocolysis?
Severe paradoxical bronchospams may occur with administration of what prescripsions
Metaproterenol, Albuterol, Levabuterol
In addition to asthma, SABA can be used for what other respiratory conditions?
reversible obstructive conditions
COPD, bronchitis, bronchiolitis
What is the most effective controller of asthma?
Inhaled Coticosteroids (ICS)
What is the MOA of ICS?
- Decrease pro-inflammatory TFs
- reduce eosinophils, T cells, Mast cells, & sputum
If a patient comes in on first-line Triamcinolone but has not seen any response in symptoms, what would be the next step in treatment?
Add to a LABA
What is one downside to using ICS?
Does not cure
only treats symptoms
How long after administering an ICS will patients see improvement?
full effect takes several days
A patient was recently taken off of systemic corticosteroids, how long should you wait before administering beclomethasone to a patient with asthma?
several months
if too soon can be fatal
wait for HPA axis to recover
What ICS should be used in patients older than 4y?
Fluticasone, Mometasone
What ICS should be used in patients older than 5y?
What ICS should be used in patients older than 6y?
Budesonide, Flunisolide
What ICS should be used in patients older than 12y?