Drugs Flashcards
Acetylcholine esterase inhibitors
Useful in alzhiemers patients to increase electrical activity in the brain
Prevents the break down of Ach into choline and acetate.
Increases neuronal transmission by increasing the level and duration of neural transmission
Monoclonal antibody
Inhibits the effects of TNFa, prevents binding to p55 and p57 receptors.
Decreases leukocyte migration, decreases epidermal thickness, causes apoptosis in cells with TNF aplpah receptors, inhibits the release of IL-6 and acute phase proteins.
Useful in decreasing inflammation such as in rheumatoid arthiritis
Used to decrease HR
Binds to A1 receptors on the heart, this is an inhibitory GPCR, inactivates adenylate cyclase reducing cAMP production this decreases calcium ion influx and increase postassium ion efflux leads to decrease action potential generation in conductile cells
Binds to A2 receptors - antagonist of wake signals
Binds to A2a receptors - agonist of sleep
A2 and A2a are found in the brain
Is a beta lactam antibiotic
Beta lactam ring mimics D-Ala-D-Ala
Binds to PBP transpeptidase enzyme, inhibits this.
Prevents crosslinking of proteoglycan in bacterial cell walls
Leads to death by osmotic burst as cell wall integrity reduced
End in rubicin
Used in chemotherapy - is a cytotoxic non-specific antibiotic
Intercalated into DNA to destabilise DNA structures, causing DNA breakages, this alters the transcriptomes of the cell and can activate apoptosis if damage accumulates
inhibit topoisomerases 2 enzymes, leading to supercoiling and DNA tangles - unable to be transcribed leading to apoptosis.
Also metabolised into free oxygen radicals leading to DNA damage
Is an induction chemotherapy drug
Acts in the ECF, hydrolyses asparagine to aspartic acid and ammonia.
Tumour cells are dependent of asparagine from the interstitial space, have no intracellular asparagine synthase.
When low supply of essential asparagine as no more in interstisial space, unable to produce protein leading to cell death
Self cells are not affected as contain in intracellular asparinge synthase so are able to produce their own asparagine
Asparagine is a non essential amino acid.
However some rapidly dividing cells such as rbcs can show lower levels of dependence on asparagine in the ECF
Inhibits COx-1 and Cox-2, prevents conversion of arachidonic acid into prostanoids
Is slightly selective for COX-1, this reduces the amount of thromboxane, this inhibts platelett aggregation
Also reduces prostaglandinds, which can help resolve pain,fever and inflammation, particularly by cox-2 inhibition reducing PE2 and PI2
Used as preventitive medication after a TIA
Is an antielempic
Acts on herpatocytes
inhibits HMG-CoA reductase enzyme, this reduces the production of myalonic acid a precursor for LDL
This prevents hepatocytes from synthesising cholesterol
Also increases the number of LDL receptors on hepatocytes so takes in more LDL.
This reduces the amount of LDL ‘bad cholesterol’ in systemic circulation.
This imporves cardiovascular health, reduces risk of a heart attack or stroke
Is a macrolide
Is an antibiotic
Inhibits the 23sRNA of the 50s subunit on a bacterial ribosome.
Inhibits translocation of aminoacyl tRNA
This prevents protein elongation, Inhibits translocation leading to no protein production and cell death
Given to treat Chlamydia
Used to treat bacterial meningitis in over 16yrs
Is a beta lactam antibiotic
Beta lactam ring mimics D-Ala-D-Ala
Binds to PBP tranverse peptidase, inhibits this.
Prevents crosslinking of proteoglycan in bacterial cell walls
Leads to death by osmotic burst as cell wall intergiry reduced
Medication to help stop smoking, was previously available on the NHS but has now been withdrawn.
partial agonsit of alpha-4 beta-2 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors - has lesser effects than nicotine whilst preventing nicotine from binding
Helps ease withdrawal symptoms whilst reducing cravings
Used in osteoarthiritis
Is a component of cartilage ECM
Thought to encourage collagen regneration
Inhibits cox-2 preventing inflammation and inhibits NO synthesis reducing cartilage damage
Is not recommended by NICE guidelines
Is an SSRI antidepressant
Inhibits SERT
This prevents the reuptake of seratonin from the synpatic cleft into the pre-synpatic neurone
This increases the concentration fo seratonin in the synpatic cleft so more likley to bind to a seratonin receptor on the post synaptic membrane - this increases the intensity and duration of synaptic signalling
This is thought to decrease depression based on the monoamine hypothesis of depression
Used for gram negative bacteria that produce beta lactamases
Cluvanic acid - is weaker bl than amoxacillin so is used as a suicide substrate
amoxacillin then follows the normal mechanism of action of beta lactams
Is a glucorticoid
Hydrophobic so difuses straight across the cell membrane
Binds to glucorticoid receptor in the cytoplasm, receptor is dimerised to be activated
Travel to nucleus to act as a transcription factor, alters gene expression
Reduces: vascular permeability, neutrophil migration, pro-inflammatory cytokines
Increases: anti-inflammatory cytokines, apoptosis of lymphocytes
non-selective NSAID
Acetylcholineesterase inhibitor
Used in alzhimers treatment
Gas and air - given for pain relief during pregnancy
High flow oxygen - encourages endorphin release
Nitrous oxides - partial agonist of opioid receptors.
Reduces mild pain, may cause hallucination and nausea
Fluoxotine (prozac)
Used in osteoarthiritis
Thought to encourage cartilage regneration
Is a precursor for componenet of cartilage, glucosaminoglycans in the ECM.
Reduce NFKb and INFy signalling leading to less inflammation
Is not recommended by NICE
Hyaluronic acid injections
Glycosaminoglycan - component of ECM
Acts as a lubricant and shock absorber reducing the burden and friction on cartilage to prevent damage.
Antioxidative, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.
Reduce pain and inflammation when injected into the synovium.
Can be bound to be aggrecan, increases the water content and viscotity of the synovial fluid.
Used to decrease pain and increase mobility in OA
non-selective NSAID
Monoclonal antibody
TNFalpha inhibitor, prevents interaction with p55 and p57 receptors
Iron supplement
Taken orally absorbed into blood stream,
Aids Hb metabolism in the bone marrow
Reduce aneamia