Drug Doses Flashcards
Albuterol(Proventil, Ventolin)
Bronchospasm: 5mg HHN over 5-15 minutes, PRN
Crush Syndrome: 5mg HHN continuous
Pediatrics less than 1yr= 2.5mg HHN over 5-15 minutes
Adenosine (Adenocard)
SVT: 6mg rapid(within 1-3 seconds) IVP, followed immediately with 20ml NS rapid IVP bolus.
May repeat 12mg rapid IVP in 1-2 minutes
Poorly Perfusing SVT: 12mg rapid (within 1-3 seconds) IVP, followed by 20ml NS rapid IVP bolus.
May repeat 12mg rapid IVP in 1-2 minutes
Pediatrics: 0.1mg/kg rapid IVP, followed by 10ml NS rapid IVP bolus
May repeat 0.2mg/kg rapid IVP in 1-2 minutes
Amiodarone (Cordarone, Pacerone)
300mg Rapid IVP/IO, flush with 10ml NS after 150mg.
May repeat in 3-5 minutes with 150mg IVP/IO
Max total dose is 450mg
Pediatrics: 5mg/kg Rapid IVP/IO, May repeat after 3-5 minutes x 2
Max dose is 15mg/kg. Max single dose is 300mg
Amyl Nitrite
0.3mg ampule. inhalation of fumes for 30-60 seconds
Repeat PRN
replace ampule every 2-3 minutes. Avoid touching skin.
81-324mg PO
Not recommended for pediatrics in the prehospital setting
Bradydysrhythmias: 0.5mg rapid IVP/IO. Repeat 3-5 minutes to a max of 3mg. Repeat until HR >60 or signs of adequate perfusion
Organophosphate poisoning: 2mg IVP, IM. Repeat every 5 minutes PRN
Pediatrics(> 1 month): Bradydysrhythmias= EPI/O2 initial meds
increased vagal tone: 0.02mg/kg Rapid IVP/IO Max dose is 0.1mg
organophosphates: < or equal to 12 YO, Max single dose 0.5mg total dose 1mg
> or equal to 13 YO Max single dose is 1mg, Total dose 2mg
Calcium Chloride
Cardiac Arrest: 1g slowly over 1 minute IVP, Repeat PRN every 10 minutes
Crush Syndrome: 1g slowly over 1 minute IVP. One time only.
Cardiac Arrest: 20mg/kg slowly over 1 minute. Repeat in 10 minutes
Crush syndrome 20mg/kg slowly over 1 minute. One time only.
Dextrose 50%
50ml(25g) IVP
Pediatrics: 0-2 Years dilute to a 25% 2ml/kg slowly (10ml/minute) IVP
over 2 Years 1ml/kg slowly (10ml/minute) IVP
Diphenhydramine (Benadryl)
50mg slow IVP at 25mg/minute or deep IM
May repeat 50mg after 15 minutes. Max total 100mg
Pediatrics: 1mg/kg slow IVP over several minutes
Add 400mg to 500ml of NS as an IVPB start at 30mcgtts/minutes
titrate to BP 90-100 systolic and adequate perfusion
Pediatrics: Add 6mg/kg to 100ml of NS. start at 10mcgtts/minute to a max of 20gtts/minute
Cardiac arrest: 1mg(1:10,000) IVP/IO. Repeat PRN 3-5 minutes
Asthma/Allergic Reaction: 0.3mg(1:1,000) SQ Repeat every 20 min x2
Anaphylaxis with shock: 0.1mg(1:10,000) slowly over 1 min IVP
Repeat every 3-5 min or 0.5mg(1:1,000) IM
Cardiac Arrest: 0.01mg/kg (1:10,000) IVP/IO Repeat every 3-5 min
Max single dose is 1mg
Asthma/Allergic reaction: 0.01mg/kg (1:1,000) SQ Max single dose
0.3mg. Repeat every 20 minutes x 2
Anaphylaxis with shock: 0.01mg/kg (1:10,000) slowly over 1 min IVP
Max single dose 0.1mg. Repeat 3-5 min
Bradydysrhythmias: 0.01mg/kg (1:10,000) IVP Max single dose 0.1mg
May repeat 0.02mg/kg IVP every 3-5min
Stridor with croup: 1 and over= 5mg (1:1,000) diluted with 5ml NS HHN
less than 1= 2.5mg (1:1,000) diluted w/ 5ml NS HHN
Hypoglycemia= 1mg IM Repeat every 20 minutes x2
Overdose of CCB/BB= 3mg IVP
Pediatrics: 1mg IM if known diabetic, May repeat every 20 minutes x2
Midazolam (Versed, Hypnovel)
Sedation= 1-2mg slow IVP at 1mg/min Titrate to produce sedation.
2.5mg IM/IN. Max total dose 10mg
Seizures= 2-5mg slow IVP at 1m/min Titrate to suppress seizure
May repeat IVP every 3-5 min PRN 5mg IM/IN May repeat x1 in 5 minutes. Max total dose is 10mg
Agitated Delirium= 2-5mg slow IVP at 1mg/min
5mg IM/IN may repeat 1 time. Max 10mg
Pediatrics: Not for infants less than 6 months old.
0.1mg/kg slow IVP at 1mg/min or 0.1mg/kg IM/IN
May repeat IVP/IM/IN one time PRN
Max total dose is 5mg
Sedation: Same as above except you may repeat every 3-5 minutes
Pain control: 2-10mg slow IVP at 2mg/min Titrate to relieve pain May repeat IVP dose as needed to a max of 20mg
5-10mg IM as a single dose only
Pediatrics: 0.1mg/kg slow IVP at 1mg/minute Titrate to relieve pain
0.1mg/kg IM as a single dose only
Naloxone (Narcan)
0.8-2mg IVP/IM/IN repeat PRN every 5 minutes
Pediatrics: 0.1mg/kg IVP/IM/IN PRN every 5 minutes