Drug Dosages - Adult Flashcards
Adrenaline (ADX/ADM)
Repeat Adult Dosage
- ADX = 1mg every 3-5 mins - max 10 doses.
- ADM = 0.5mg every 5 mins - no max dose limit.
Amiodarone (AMO)
Initial Adult Dosage
300mg IV - after 3rd shock.
Amiodarone (AMO)
Repeat Adult Dosage
150mg IV - after 5th shock - no further repeat doses (max total 450mg)
Aspirin (ASP)
Initial Adult Dose
300mg PO - no repeat doses.
Atropine (ATR)
Initial Adult Dose
600mcg IV
Atropine (ATR)
Repeat Adult Dose
600mcg IV - every 3-5 minutes - max total dose of 3mg.
Benzylpenicillin (BPN)
Initial Adult Dose
- IV - 1.2g in 20ml water - no repeat doses.
- IM - 1.2g in 4ml water - no repeat doses.
Chlorphenamine (CPH)
Initial Adult Dose
- IV - 10mg in 1ml - no repeat doses.
- PO - 4mg tablet - no repeat doses.
Clopidogrel (CLO)
Initial Adult Dose
Dependent on pt care pathway (as per local protocol):
- Thrombolysis - 300mg (no repeat doses).
- PPCI - 600mg (no repeat doses).
Diazepam (DZP)
Initial Adult Dose
IV - 10mg in 2ml
Rectal - 10mg or 20mg (single dose)
Adrenaline (ADX/ADM)
Initial Adult Dosage
- Cardiac Arrest - 1mg IV (1:10,000 - ADX)
- Anaphylaxis & life-threatening asthma - 0.5mg IM (1:1000 - ADM)
Diazepam (DZP)
Repeat Adult Dose
IV - 10mg after 5 mins (up to max total 20mg)
Furosemide (FRM)
Initial Adult Dosage
40mg or 50mg (depending on presentation)
(Single dose only)
Administer slowly over 2 mins.
Glucagon (GLU)
Initial Adult Dosage
1mg IM (Single dose only)
Glucose 10% (GLX)
Initial Adult Dosage
10g (100ml) IV
Glucose 10% (GLX)
Repeat Adult Dosage
10g (100ml) every 5 mins (max total dose of 30g (300ml))
Glucose 40% Oral Gel (GLG)
Initial Adult Dosage
10g (in 25g tube) PO
Glucose 40% Oral Gel (GLG)
Repeat Adult Dosage
10g (in 25g tube) PO every 5 mins (No Max Limit)
Glyceryl Trinitrate (GTN)
Initial Adult Dosage
400-800mcg Sublingual spray
2mg, 3mg or 5mg Buccal tablet
Glyceryl Trinitrate (GTN)
Repeat Adult Dosage
400-800mcg Sublingual spray
2mg, 3mg or 5mg Buccal tablet
Every 5-10 minutes (No Max limit)
Heparin (HEP)
Initial Adult Dosage
When administered with Reteplase:
- 5000 units (1ml)
When administered with Tenecteplase:
- 4000 units (0.8ml) if 67kg
No repeat dose unless heparin infusion has not commenced within 45 mins of original bolus of Reteplase or Tenecteplase - in this case a further 1000 unit heparin bolus may be required.
Hydrocortisone (HYC)
Initial Adult Dosage
Asthma & Adrenal Crisis - 100mg IV (No repeat doses)
Anaphylaxis - 200mg IV (No repeat doses)
Slow injection over min 2 minutes.
Can also be administered IM where IV access is impossible.
Ibuprofen (IBP)
Initial Adult Dosage
400mg PO
Ibuprofen (IBP)
Repeat Adult Dosage
400mg - every 8 hours
Max dose 1.2g per 24hrs.
Ipratropium Bromide (IPR)
Initial Adult Dosage
500mcg Nebulised with 6-8 L/min O2
No repeat doses
Metoclopramide (MTC)
Initial Adult Dosage
10mg IV (No repeat dose)
Misoprostol (MIS)
Initial Adult Dosage
600mcg PO (3 x 200mcg tabs) - No repeat doses.
1mg PR (5 x 200mcg tabs) - No repeat doses.
Morphine Sulphate (MOR)
Initial Adult Dosage
IV - Diluted with NaCl (0.9%) to make 10mg in 10ml - should be administered slowly at rate of 2mg/min up to appropriate dose for age.
IV - 10mg
Oral - 20mg
IM/Subcutaneous - 10mg (undiluted)
Smaller doses can be administered at clinical discretion (please see full JRCALC for details)
Morphine Sulphate (MOR)
Repeat Adult Dosage
IV - 10mg at interval of 5 mins (Total max dose 20mg)
PO - 20mg at interval of 60 mins (Total max dose 40mg)
IM/Subcutaneous - 10mg at interval of 60 mins (Total max dose 20mg)
Naloxone Hydrochloride (NLX)
Initial Adult Dosage
400mcg IV/IM
Naloxone Hydrochloride (NLX)
Repeat Adult Dosage
400mcg IV/IM at interval of 3 mins (Total max dose 4400mcg)
For IM doses vary administration site for repeat doses to avoid buildup of fluid intramuscularly.
Ondansetron (ODT)
Initial Adult Dosage
4 mg IV (slow injection over 2 mins)/IM
Paracetamol (PAR)
Initial Adult Dose
1g PO (2 x 500mg tabs) 1g IV (100ml)
Paracetamol (PAR)
Repeat Adult Dose
1 gram every 4-6hrs (Max 4g in 24hrs)
Reteplase (RPA)
Initial Adult Dose
First dose - 10 units IV
Second dose after 30 mins - 10 units IV
Salbutamol (SLB)
Initial Adult Dose
5mg nebulised with 6-8 L/min O2
Salbutamol (SLB)
Repeat Adult Dose
5mg nebulised every 5 mins (No max limit)
0.9% Sodium Chloride (SCP)
Initial Adult Dose
Most conditions - 250ml except for:
Sepsis - 1 litre
Burns - 1 litre
Limb crush injury - 2 litres
0.9% Sodium Chloride (SCP)
Repeat Adult Dose
Most conditions - 250ml with repeats PRN except for:
Sepsis - 1 litre (repeat interval 30mins)
Burns - 1 litre (no repeat doses)
Limb crush injury - 2 litres (no repeat doses)
Sodium Lactate Compound (SLC)
Initial Adult Dosage
Most conditions - 250ml except for:
Sepsis - 1 litre
Burns - 1 litre
Limb crush injury - 2 litres
Sodium Lactate Compound (SLC)
Repeat Adult Dosage
Most conditions - 250ml with repeats PRN except for:
Sepsis - 1 litre (repeat interval 30mins)
Burns - 1 litre (no repeat doses)
Limb crush injury - 2 litres (no repeat doses)
Syntometrine (SYN)
Initial Adult Dosage
500mcg Ergometrine & 5 units oxytocin IM