Drug Distribution - Issar Flashcards
What is drug distribution?
The transport of the drug from the blood into tissues
What are the drug distribution patterns? (4)
- Drug confined to the blood
• High protein binding
o Drug will bind to plasma proteins really well
o Majority of drug is confined to the vascular system - Drug has a low m.w. and water soluble compounds
• This makes the drug uniformly distributed in body water - Drug concentrates into specific organs
- Non-uniform distribution
• Combo of 1-3
What is the volume of drug distribution?
• Concentration of drug in body after distribution
• Dependent on dose and extent of distribution
• VD = (Db)/(Cp)
o VD is proportionality factor that related amount of drug in body (Db) to corresponding plasma concentration (Cp)
What factors affect the rate of drug distribution?
- Blood flow/tissue percussion
• Proportional to volume/time
• Organs with high perfusion rate reach higher rates of a drug in a shorter amount of time - Capillary/membrane permeability
• Lipophilic drugs will diffuse through capillaries
• Larger drugs will have difficult permeating membrane
• Perfusion rate-limited distribution
• Permeability-limited distribution
o Hydrophilic drugs have restricted movement because they cannot move easily across capillary/membrane
What factors affect the extent of drug distribution?
- Lipid solubility
- pH-pKa
- Plasma protein binding
- Intracellular binding
- Extent of elimination competing with distribution
What is irreversible drug binding?
Drug → reactive chemical intermediates → → covalent linkage with macromolecules
Ex: hepatotoxicity of high doses of acetaminophen
What is reversible drug binding?
Free drug + free protein ⇋ drug-protein complex
Most common type of binding
A protein-bound drug is usually:
o Pharmacologically inactive
o Has restricted distribution
o Cannot be metabolized
o Cannot be excreted
What are some common proteins that bind to drugs?
- Albumin = 60%; acidic drugs
- α1-acid glycoprotein →basic drugs
- Lipoproteins → neutral drugs
How does protein binding effect apparent volume of distribution?
High D-P binding + Low free drug → Low VD
Low D-P binding + High free drug → High VD
*Lipophilicity also influences VD
Total body water (TBW)
42 L
60% body weight
Extracellular fluid (ECF)
14 L
1/3 TBW
Intracellular fluid (ICF)
28 L
2/3 TBW
Interstitial fluid
10.5 L
3/4 ECF
3.5 L
1/4 ECF
Blood Brain Barrier (BBB)
o Diffusion dependent on lipid solubility and molecular mass
o P-glycoprotein efflux transporters
• Protect brain from foreign invaders
o P-gp
• Doesn’t prevent drugs from getting in, but clears it out of brain after it’s gotten in
Placental Barrier
o Lipid soluble drugs diffuse in accord with their Log P, pKa and pH partitioning
o Not a perfect barrier
Testicular Barrier (BTB)
o Barrier tighter than placenta
o Consists of tight junctions between Sertoli cells
5 L
Blood cells
2 L