Drug Action and Fate during Special Conditions (Jody Vergiere Dalmacion, MD) Flashcards
T/F: Impaired renal function is a major risk factor predisposing patients to drug toxicity
How does the proximal tubule handle drugs?
- Filtration
- Active Secretion
- Active Reabsorption
What type of drug is filtered by the proximal tubule?
Unbound drug only
Give examples of acidic drugs that are actively secreted
Penicillin, probenecid and frusemide
Give examples of basic drugs that are actively secreted
Cimatidine, amiloride and metformin
What drugs are actively reabsorbed?
Nephrotoxic drugs such as aminoglycosides
How does the distal tubule handle drugs?
Passive reabsorption
What drugs are passively reabsorbed by the distal tubule?
- Salicylic acid
- Phenobarbital
- Theophylline
What is the most widely used test of renal function?
Creatinine clearance, which approximates GFR
How do you assess renal function?
Measure hourly urine output and amount of circulating urea and nitrogen concentrations
What are the reasons why creatinine clearance is a good approximation of GFR?
- Eliminated only by kidneys
- Freely filtered
- Not secreted or reabsorbed
- Easily and accurately measured
What is the normal value for creating clearance?
120 ml/min
Give the formula for creatinine clearance
ClCr = (urine concentration x volume)/(plasma concentration x collection time)
When can serum creatinine be used as a substitute for endogenous creatinine?
- Age-dependent reduction in renal function
- Sex and body weight of patient
WARNING: It depends on muscle bulk, so it’s not a reliable measure.
What is the normal value for serum creatinine?
0.06 - 0.13 mmol/L
What is the formula for conversion o serum creatinine levels to creatinine clearance?
ClCr = [(140 - age) x weight x 0.85 (women)]/[48,869 x serum creatinine]
What is the formula for dose adjustment factor?
DAF = 1/(F(kf - 1) + 1)
F = fraction of drug excreted unchanged kf = ClCr/120
Define: Dosage Adjustment Factor (DAF)
It is the ratio of the half-life of the drug in a ureic patient to the half-life in a normal person.
In what ways can you use the DAF to make adjustments?
- Change dose (divide)
- Change interval (multiply)
Change only one!
When is the use of DAF valid?
- One compartment model
- Non-toxic metabolites of a drug
- No difference in ADME of normal and ureic patients
- Stable kidney function
- No alteration of sensitivity in uremic patients
What are the factors in considering dose alteration?
- Therapeutic index of the drug
- Renal clearance proportion of total clearance
- Severity of renal impairment
What is an alternative method for calculating dose adjustment?
Cl = [(clearance in normal) x (1 - fraction excretion)] + (fraction of excreted unchanged x ClCr)]
What is the formula for average steady state plasma concentration?
Cssav = F x D/Cl x T
T = dosage interval
What is the formula for maintenance dose?
MD = Css x Cl x T/F
What does the dosage modification process involve?
- Lengthening the dosage interval
2. Reducing the dose size
What does lowering the dose do?
It lowers the peak plasma concentration.
T/F: Prolonging the interval reduces the trough concentration in plasma.
When is a combination of lengthening the interval and reducing the dose preferred?
When either method produces sub therapeutic troughs or toxic peaks.
What is the preferred dose adjustment method for digoxin and anti-arrythmic drugs?
Dose lowering to prevent toxic doses
What is the preferred dose adjustment method for antibiotics?
Changing dose interval
T/F: Acidic drugs that bind to albumin show increased binding in uremic patient serum.
Decreased binding!
What are the reasons for decreased acidic drug binding to albumin in uremic patients?
- Hypoalbuminemia
2. Endogenous displacers
Enumerate the extent of binding for different acidic drugs in patients with poor renal function (TABLE 3)
Slight decrease - Amoxicillin
Decreased - Bilirubin, cefazolin, cefoxitin, clofibrate, diazoxide, furosemide, phenobarbital, phenytoin, salicylate, theophylline, sulfonamide, and naproxen
Normal - Indomethacin
Describe: Pethidine
- Given as an active metabolite to pregnant women
- Given right before delivering the baby
Unlike pethidine, enalapril is useless when not metabolised.
Enumerate the active metabolite, action of metabolite and management of PETHIDINE.
Active metabolite - norethidine
Action - CNS stimulation and seizures
Management - avoid prolonged treatment
Enumerate the active metabolite, action of metabolite and management of PROPOXYPHENE ALLOPURINOL.
Active metabolite - thiocyanate N-Acetyle procainamide
Action - metabolic acidosis; encephalopathy.
Management - shorten duration of treatment & reduce dose
Enumerate the active metabolite, action of metabolite and management of QUINIDINE.
Active metabolite - 3-hydroxyquinidine
Action - same as parent
Management - reduce dose 25 - 50% in severe renal failure
Enumerate the active metabolite, action of metabolite and management of CLOFIBRATE
Active metabolite - clofibric acid
Action - muscle damage
Management - avoid
What does clofibrate do?
Lowers cholesterol
What condition can statins cause?
Uremic patients have increased sensitivity to what drugs?
- Anticholinergics
- CNS depressants
- Narcotic analgesics
- Sedatives
What is the effect of hyperkalemia on the heart?
T/F: Antibiotics have a large therapeutic martin
What method is used to determine free levels of highly bound acidic drugs?
Therapeutic drug monitoring
What urinary tract antibacterial agents experience an altered response in renal disease?
Nalidixic acid and nitrofurantoin
What diuretics are potent enough to achieve diuresis in renal disease?
Loop diuretics
What ACE inhibitors carry the risk of reduced renal function, neutropenia and rash?
Among ibuprofen, mefenamic acid and sulindamycin, which is least nephrotoxic?
What substances may produce decreased GFR, fluid and sodium retention and cause edema?
What type of drugs does the liver metabolise that the kidney can’t?
Lipophilic drugs
What is the most important metabolic pathway of detoxification in the liver?
Why do Filipinos have rapid acetylator toxicity?
This is due to IMA.
T/F: Profile of Filipinos is peripheral neuropathy rather than liver toxicity.
It’s the other way around!
What should be added to prevent peripheral neuropathy?
Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine)
What are the factors for determining drug metabolism?
- Metabolizing enzyme
2. First pass metabolism
Metabolism of what drug is adversely effective if there is liver dysfunction?
What are the reasons for reduced drug metabolism in people with liver disease?
- Decreased enzyme metabolising capacity
- Decreased liver blood flow
- Intra- or extrahepatic shunting
How many % of drugs in plasma does the liver clear?
Define: Hepatic Extraction Ratio
The extent to which a drug is cleared in one passage through the liver
T/F: Extraction of the liver is highly dependent on blood flow.
What happens when the unbound fraction of propanolol increases?
It distributes to other tissues, giving rise to an increase in Vd and half-life.
What happens if there is an increase in the unbound fraction of phenytoin and warfarin?
Increased hepatic extraction and reduced half-life
What drugs have an unchanged half-life in a person with parenchymal liver disease?
Ampicillin Chloropromazine Cotrimoxazole Colchicine Digoxin Lorazepam Paraaminosalicylic Acid (PAS) Salicylic
What drugs can have either a prolonged or unchanged half-life in a person with parenchymal liver disease?
Equivocal Drugs
What drugs have a prolonged half-life in a person with parenchymal liver disease?
Acetaminophen Carbenicillin Chloramphenicol Clindamycin Rifampicin Isoniazid Lidocaine Meperdine Phenobarbital Diazepam Theophylline
Define: Idiosyncratic Drug Response
- Infrequently observed in most patients
- Caused by genetic differences in metabolism of the drug
- Hyporeactive vs. hyperreactive
T/F: Allergic reaction to hepatotoxic drugs occurs at low dosage.
What are the basic mechanisms for converting hepatotoxic drugs into stable drugs?
- Alkylating
- Arylating
- Acylating
What are the effects of furosemide and thiazide diuretic on patients with liver disease?
Potassium loss, metabolic alkalosis and hepatic encephalopathy
What is the effect of morphine and analgesic, sedatives and tranquillisers on patients with liver disease?
Hepatic encephatopathy
What is the effect of hypoglycaemia agents on patients with liver disease?
Possible hypoglycemia coma
What is the effect of anticoagulants on patients with liver disease?
Exaggerated effect (i.e. bleeding); vitamin K deficiency may also contribute
T/F: Dosage interval should be prolonged in patients with liver disease.
Which drugs should be avoided in patients with liver disease?
Barbiturates, cyclophosphamide, decarbazine, thiotepa and l’asparaginase
What are the factors affecting drug effects on the fetus?
Maternal: pharmacokinetic changes during pregnancy
Fetus: age
Drug: related drug characteristics/factors
T/F: An older fetus will experience a more adverse reaction to drugs.
Younger fetuses will.
When are maternal physiological changes most pronounced?
Third trimester
How much does plasma volume in the mother increased by during pregnancy?
40 - 50% (affects drugs with low Vd)
What proteins decrease during pregnancy?
- Albumin
- Alpha-1 glycoproteins
- Lipoproteins
Is GFR increased or decreased in pregnant women?
What type of drugs primarily bind to albumin?
Acidic and neutral drugs
Where do basic drugs bind?
Alpha-1 acid glycoprotein
If albumin becomes saturated, where will the drugs bind to?
What is the effect of progesterone on motility and gastric emptying time?
Should you prescribe iron during the first trimester?
Absolutely not
What should you recommend an anaemic pregnant patient?
Eat iron-rich food
What is the only vitamin indicated during the first trimester of pregnancy?
Folic acid (prevents spina bifida and neural tube defect)
How much folic acid should be given per dose?
400 mcg
What happens to acid secretion during the different trimesters of pregnancy?
Decreased during first and second trimesters
Increased during third trimester
Why is epidural the anaesthesia of choice for women giving birth?
So that they can swallow what they vomit out
Estrogens and progesterone change the metabolism of what drugs?
- Anti-infectives
- Anti-depressants
- Anti-epileptic drugs
T/F: All anticonvulsants are teratogenic.
Go with mono therapy!
What causes lung function reduction in the fetus and small birth weight?
Polymorphism in CYP1A1
How many % of all pregnancies are aborted or miscarried?
When is the “all-or-nothing” effect applicable?
Before the 20th day
Is it possible for the fetes to survive unharmed if exposed to drugs before the 20th day?
Yes, because this precedes organogenesis.
What agents can cause congenital defects?
Radiation and chemotherapeutic agents
When does organogenesis occur?
3rd - 8th week
What are the possible outcomes of drug use during the stage of organogenesis?
- No effect
- Abortion
- Sub-lethal gross anatomic defect
- Covert embryopathy
What are the two organs that continue to grow even after birth?
Brain (7th to 9th year of life) Reproductive organs (most vulnerable organ)
What anti-depressant causes twice the risk of congenital malformation compared with others?
Should pregnant women be included in clinical testing?
What is thalidomide?
It is an anti-emetic (alpha-phthalimido-glutarimide)
What is the most prominent manifestation of thalidomide babies?
What is the critical stage in thalidomide exposure in babies?
Neuromuscular defect
What is the relation between drug exposure and fetal toxicity?
The higher the exposure, the greater the toxicity
When pregnant, what should be given instead of warfarin or coumadin?
Heparin (because of high molecular weight)
Above what size is a molecule incompletely transferred across the placenta?
500 D
T/F: Lipophilic opioids and antibiotics do not readily cross the placenta.
They do.
What are the properties that determine the passive rate of diffusion?
- Molecular weight
- Lipid solubility
- Protein binding
- pKa
What is the closest animal model for placenta and drug metabolism?
Sheep placenta
Do oxidation and conjugation take place in the placenta?
How does the placenta express CYPs?
In mRNA form
How does recirculation of the drug occur in the fetus?
It is trapped in the amniotic fluid.
In what condition will low ratio of fetal to maternal total drug concentration still result to higher exposure?
Fetal lactic acidosis
T/F: Sulfonamide, barbiturates and phenytoin may cross the placental barrier.
T/F: Ampicillin has a faster action compared to amoxicillin.
What are the four drugs contraindicated during pregnancy?
- Kanamycin (neuro & nephro toxic)
- Tetracycline (muscle and teeth formation)
- Streptomycin (vestibular effects)
- Sulfonamides
What factors can lead to uteroplacental hypo perfusion?
Uterine contraction
Cord compression
Supine positioning
Mice deficient in what protein are more susceptible to cleft palate development?
Define: P-glycoprotein
Efflux pump that transports substrates from intracellular to extracellular compartment
Define: Gabapentin
Anti-convulsant used to control neurologic pain
NOTE: It may be a substrate for certain amino acid transporters.
What gene encodes the P-glycoprotein?
Why is there an increased risk of vertical HIV infection from mommy to fetus?
Viral protease inhibitors are substrates of P-glycoprotein
What are the drug categories in pregnancy according to the FDA?
Category A (no increased risk) Category B (no risk to fetus) Category C (adequate studies) Category D (benefits may outweigh risks) Category X (positive evidence of risk)
What are examples of category C drugs?
What are examples of category D drugs?
What are examples of category X drugs?
ACE inhibitors
Chemotherapeutic agents
What is an example of a category A drug?
Folic acid
What are examples of category B drugs?
H2 receptor antagonist