Driving Within The Law Flashcards
From 2004 to 2008 each year approximately..
110 people died and another 1,900 were injured in collisions related to alcohol on alberta highways
Convictions and times when your operator license privileges have been suspended remain on your driving record for ..
10 years and will appear on your drivers abstract.
If you have accumulated eight to 14 demerit points within a two year period, you will receive a..
Letter notifying you of your demerit point standing.
If you have accumulated 15 or more demerit points within a two year period your operators license privileges will be ..
Automatically suspended for a period of time.
When the time of your suspension has been served, your operators license privileges will be reinstated with…
Seven demerit points remaining on your operators license record. They remain for 2 years
If you have accumulated four to seven demerit points within two years, you will receive a..
Letter notifying you of your demerit point standing.
If you have accumulated eight or more demerit points within a two-year period, your operators license privileges will be..
Automatically suspended for a period of time
When the time of your suspension has been served, your operators license privileges will be reinstated with..
Three demerit points remaining on your operators license record. These will also remain for 2 years
Fatigue can increase the time it takes you to..
How many demerit points will you receive when you drive between midnight to 5 am with a learners license?
2 demerit points.
If you are found guilty under the criminal code of Canada of driving while impaired, and you have:
• a prior offence in the last 10 years, you will be disqualified from holding an operators license for…
Three years from the date of the conviction
Refusal to provide a breath sample continues to result in a ..
Charge under the criminal code (canada)
Any driver of any licensing class or program cannot..
Consume any amount of alcohol whatsoever.
To get a charges under the criminal code of canada for blood alcohol concentration is..
.08 or greater.
Driving skills are seriously affected when blood alcohol levels reach..
0.05 and the risk of being in a serious collision increases.
Drivers that provide a sample between ____ and ____ are subject to immediate roadside sanctions..
0.05 and 0.08
What is the greatest legal limit of blood alcohol levels?
It is illegal to be in possession of your operators license while you’re serving a..