Drills Flashcards
When is the chemical immediate decontamination drill carried out?
After completing the Immedate action drill
How do you decontaminate yourself after a nuclear attack?
Brushing, wiping, dusting and shaking
What is the correct method of using DKP 1?
Blot, bang, rub
How long do you have to don your respirator?
9 seconds
What form would a CBRN sentry fill in if they came under CBRN attack?
CBRN Report form 1
How should you remove blister agent from your eyes?
Flush with water within 5 minutes
What is the dress state of a CBRN sentry?
4 Romeo
How long after a chemical attack should the commander wait prior to ordering the start of the unmasking procedure?
5 minutes
Outline the IA drill.
Stop breathing, close eyes, helmet off.
Respirator on.
Purge x2
Shout gas,gas,gas
Hood up
Helmet on.
Decontaminate hands and/or gloves.
Outline the ID drill.
Decontaminate gloves.
Helmet off.
Decontaminate front of GSR and chin.
Hood down.
Decontaminate face in quarters.
Purge in-between.
Decontaminate inside of GSR and Harness.
Head, ears, neck and outside of GSR.
Hair underneath straps.
Hood on.
Decontaminate Helmet with bottle.
Decontaminate boots.
Detector Paper
Outline the modified ID drill.
Decontaminate gloves.
Outside of respirator.
Detector paper.
Outline dress state 0-4
0: IPE available.
1: suit worn, boots and gloves carried.
2: suit worn, boots worn, gloves carried.
3: suit worn, boots and gloves worn.
4: suit worn, GSR on, Hood up, boots and gloves worn.
Outline the nuclear IA drill.
Close eyes.
Lie on ground face down.
Hands under body.
What will 2 phases of blast have pass.
Don respirator.
Check IPE.
Get to cover.
Nuclear ID drill.
Outline the NAPS drill.
Decontaminate gloves.
Decontaminate front of GSR, neck and haversack.
Undo zip.
Take out NAPS.
Replace packet.
Hold breath, close eyes, lift GSR.
Tablet under tongue.
Replace IPE.
What is the unmasking procedure?
Liquid test,
Vapour test,
2 person sniff test.
Issue CBRN4 report.
Individual sniff test.
Describe 2 person sniff test.
Loosen Hood.
Break seal by inserting 2 fingers between cheeks and GSR.
Sniff gently for 10 seconds.
Replace seal.
Wait 5 minutes.
Unmask for 5 minutes.
Remask and report.
When can you change your PFCs?
If you feel effects of chemical agents.
Resistance to breathing increases.
PFCs are immersed.
If PFCs are damaged and rattle.
What would you need for a chemical sentry?
Dress state 4.
Detector paper.
Torch, watch, pen, notebook.
Map, compass, binoculars.
CBRN report form 1 and 4
What would a nuclear sentry need?
Normal IPE.
Watch with stopwatch (non-digital).
CBRN 1 Nuclear report.
Angle measuring equipment.
Darioligical detection equipment .