Drama terminology - AO1 Flashcards
Classical Drama
Drama observing the rules of classical greek and roman drama, following the critic Aristotle’s codification of three unities’:
1. Unity of time (actions occurs in 24 hours)
2 Unity of place (only one scene throughout)
3. Unity of plot (no subplots)
A comedy featuring exaggerated situations and physical humour, usually based around the attempt to preserve respectability.
A spontaneous or semi - spontaneous event in a public space that combined theatre and art.
Realistic drama
An attempt to represent life on stage with the minimum interference from convention. The defining metaphor is that viewing a realistic play should be like looking into a room with one wall missing.
Shakespearean Drama
Given to Brisitsh drama of the Elizabethan and Jacobean period that ignored the rules of classical drama to use large time - spans, sub - plots and many scenes.