Drama Flashcards
is the specific mode of functional representation, through dialogue and performances ( play, opera, mime, ballet, etc.), performed in a theatre or radio or television.
- It contains conflict of characters particularly the ones who perform in front of the audience on the stage.
Thus, it is one of the literary genres, which is an imitation of some action. In simple words, a ______ is a composition in verse or prose, presenting a story in pantomime or dialogue.
The term “drama” comes from a GREEK word meaning ____________.
The two masks associated with drama represent the traditional generic division between …
comedy and tragedy
- The two famous mask of drama represent the division between comedy and tragedy. They are symbols of the ancient Greek Muses:
Thalia and Melpomene.
Muse of comedy
Muse of tragedy
- The enactment of drama in theatre, performed by actors on stage before an audience, presupposes collaborative modes of production and a collective form of reception. Western drama originated in Greece. The origin of drama is deep-rooted in the religious predispositions of mankind. This is not only applicable in case of English drama but with the dramas of other nations as well. This is not only applicable in case of English drama but with the dramas of other nations as well. The ancient Greek and Roman dramas were mostly concerned with religious ceremonials of people. It was the religious element that resulted in the development of drama.
The earliest origins of drama are to be found in Athens where ancient hymns, called _____________, were sung in honor of the God Dionysus.
- These hymns were later adopted for choral processions in which participants would dress up in costumes and masks. Eventually, some members of the chorus evolved to take special roles within the processions in which participants would dress up in costumes and masks. Eventually, some members of the chorus evolved to take special roles within the procession, but they were not yet actors in the way we understand. That development came later in the 6th century BC.
- A festival of entertainment called ______________ began to be held in honour of the God Dionysus and it featured competitions in music, singing, dance and poetry.
City dionysia
The most remarkable winner in the competition was called “__________”. According to tradition, in 534 or 535 BC, __________ astonished the audience by leaping onto the back of the wooden cart and reciting poetry, enacting the character whose lines he was reading.
Thus, the world’s first ” actor” was born and this is how we got the coinage “_____________“.
are lighter in tone than ordinary works and provide a happy conclusion. The intention of dramatists in comedies is to make their audience laugh. Hence, they use quaint circumstances, unusual characters, and witty remarks.
dramas use darker themes, such as disaster, pain, and death. Protagonists often have a tragic flaw — a characteristic that leads them to their downfall.
is an exaggerated drama, which is sensational and appeals directly to the senses of the audience. Just like the farce, the characters are of a single dimension and simple, or may be stereotyped.
dramatists not only tell their stories through acting and dialogue, but through dance as well as music. Often the story may be comedic, though it may also involve serious subjects.
Musical Drama
is one of the best literary forms through which dramatists can directly speak to their readers, or the audience, and they can receive instant feedback of audiences. A few dramatists use their characters as a vehicle to convey their thoughts and values, such as poets do with personas, and novelists do with narrators. Since drama uses spoken words and dialogues, thus language of characters plays a vital role, as it may give clues to their feelings, personalities, backgrounds, and change in feelings. In dramas the characters live out a story without any comments of the author, providing the audience a direct presentation of characters’ life experiences.
Function of Drama