where is the Cleanout required for a 5 storey rwl _m
3m from the bottom
minimum and max length of a trap arm serving 2” shower _mm _m
maximum temperature of a liquid that may discharge into a sanitary building drain
75 degrees
what maximum cumulative change of direction is allowable on a trap arm for a basin
maximum horizontal distance a vent may terminate from openable window
what type of copper tubing is not permitted for drain and vent lines
when an additional circuit vent required on a branch
more than 8 fixtures (not units)
standard height of trap arm for lav is
the size of air break shall be at least
1 inch or size of the fixture drain
A relief vent is required when more than how many fixtures units discharge past a circuit vent
6 fu
Air pressure inside a drain, waste, vent should not vary by more than
1” wc
the minimum size of an additional relief vent or circuit vent must be __ small than required size but not larger than
one size smaller but not larger than 2”
how many wet vented wc are permitted on the same soil waste pipe
which joining procedure is used for plastic pipe on natural gas service
thermal fusion
what is placed in cold water inlet on HWT to prevent cold water being drawn from water faucet
dip tube
cleanout serving fixture in health care facility shall be located __inch minimum above flood lvl rim
which meter is 2 meters in one
max distance between cleanouts on a 4” SBD _M
a single trap may serve a 3 compartment sink if
it is one size larger than the largest outlet
asbestos cement DWV pipe may be used for
building sewer
what type of piping used to drain lines from a hospital laboratory
Minimum size event serving a water closet is
1 1/2”
the vertical distance between the trap weir and dip is the
trap seal depth
drainage piping of 3” or less grade at least
boiling point of water is
how is the base inside a poured in place sanitary manhole constructed
channeled in direction of flow
which joining procedure is only approved for water service below ground and outside building
compression fitting
which device in a water tube boiler will direct the air to an expansion tank connection
bourdon tube
every caulked lead drainage joint shall be firmly packed with ___ with depth of ___mm
oakum 25mm
ready rod size t0 support 2” or less _mm
ready rod size to support 4” or less __mm
ready rod size to support over 4” __ mm
extracted tees branch is at least __ than the tube in which tee is formed
one size smaller
soil or waste stack that serves more than 6 wc shall not be less than “
max hydraulic load that can drain into a vent stack
6 fu
minimum length of a trap arm is
twice its diameter
___ joints shall not be used for hard drawn copper tube
flared joints
not more than __ showers heads shall be served a by a single drain
when a soil or waste stack other than a multi-storey wet vent receives discharge more than 11 storeys
yoke vent
The temperature of water discharge into a bathtub shall not exceed __ c
oil interceptor minimum size vent
1 1/4
oil interceptor vents min distance between both outside __mm
300 mm
max trap arm length for 1 1/4 _m
max trap arm length for 1 1/2 _m
max trap arm length for 2 _m
max trap arm length for 3 _M
max trap arm length for 4 _m
sump vent is 1 size smaller than drain pipe but minium size of vent is
minimum size of vent stack and stack vent shall be __ the size of soil or waste stack at its bottom
1/2 the size
offset dies not exceed __m for 2” or smaller and __m for larger than 2”
1.2 = 2” or smaller
2.5 2” larger than 2”
number of threads for 1/16 to 1/8
27 tpi
number of threads to 1/4 to 3/8
number of threads 1” to 2”
11 1/2
number of threads 4” above
1m = ___mm
Where we use shut off on softener
size of air gap
2x the diameter of pipe but never less than 1”
min temp of hwt
60 degrees