Dr. E lower limb Flashcards
unique componenet of scaroiliac jt =
its 2 types of jts
1. snynovial jt = antero-inferiorly
2. syndesmosis jt = posterior-superiorly
tibia is = (Weight/non-weight bearing )
TIBIA = WEIGHT bearing
fibula = non-weight/weight bearing
fibula = NON weight-bearing
pattella = ___ bone
sesamoid bone
tibia = medial malleous
fibula = lateral malleolus
which membrane connects fibula and tibia
interosseous mem.
which is the only bone that connects with leg bones
which foot bone = transmits most of the body weight from talus to ground
calcaneus (heel bone)
which foot bone has the tuberosity of navicular and if too prominent -> press against medial part of shoe = pain
shelf projects from the medial calcaneus
talar shelf
leg drained by which 2 veins
superifical and deep veins
which has more valves and is less likely to have varicose veins
deep veins = more valves
superfical = less valves = more varicose veins
great and small saphenous veins are (deep/superficial veins)
superficial veins
dorsal digital vein of great toe + dorsal venous arch of the foot =
great saphenous vein -> empties into femoral vein
small saphenous veins arises on the lateral side of foot from which (#) dorsal digit vein of which (#) digit w/ venous arch
5th dorsal digit vein of 5th digit
great saphenous -> femoral
small saphenous -> popliteal
t/f deep veins travel with arteries and usually paired
account for over 90% of venous return from lower extremeties
venae comitantes
deep leg veins drain into which v
popliteal v
ant. comp. muscles of thigh = flex () at hip & extend () at knee
post. comp. = extend thigh and flex ()
medial comp. = adduct or abduct thigh
ant. comp. muscles of thigh = flex femur at hip & extend leg at knee
post. comp. = extend thigh and flex leg
medial = adduct thigh
ALL ant. comp. of thigh = which n.
A: hip flexion & knee extension
pectineus (add to medial rot.)
iliopsoas (CHIEF FLEXOR of the thigh, postural muscle, inserts on the lesser trochantor)
sartorius (goes across your thigh, CROSS-legged sitting position, weak, synergist muscle)
quadriceps femoris = (I: tibial tuberosity via patellar ligament, part of quadriceps femoris; extend at knee, all quad fem msucles have same I, N, A)
ant thigh m
medial comp. thigh muscles
aka adductor group
obturator n.
which muscle of med. comp. is the only adductor to cross and act on knee
adductor longus is the most ant. of the adductor group
adductor brevis is deep to (2) muscles
deep to pectineus and adductor longus
only muscle with additional n. for medial comp. thigh muscle
adductor magnus
obturator AND sciatic n.
can extend and adduct
femoral triangle contents (lat. - med.) (NAVEL)
f. n
f. a
f. v
empty space
ARTERy of leg top to bottom
femoral (starting) -> profunda femoris -> circumflex femoral arteries -> lateral/medial cf a.
which circumflex artery is the most IMP. since it supplies most of the blood for head & neck of femor
- which (2) gluteus muscles adduct, med rotate femur; supports body during gait
- which gluteus muscle extend, laterally rotate femur
- glue med & min
- glut max
obturator internus
superior & inferior gemelli
quad. femoris
what muscle group
the lateral rotators; the deep layer consists of smaller muscles which are lateral hip rotoators; stabilize hip jt, working w/ strong ligaments of the hip jt to steady femoral head in acetabulum
innervation for lateral rotators all come off which which nerve roots
L5, S1
piriformis N, A
S1, 2
A: abduct, lat rotate femur
which head of biceps femoris is NOT a hamstring
short head of biceps femoris - only crosses knee jt, n= fibular division of sciatic n
which msucle group arise from the ischial tuberosity and innervated by tibial division of sciatic nerve
Biceps Femoris
- long head
- short head
Pes Anserinus - conjoined tendons insert on the anteromedial proximal tibia
medial to lat.
Selena Gomez Tries
sacral plexus nerve roots =
L4,5 & S1,2,3
sciatic or pudenal nerve
- tibial erve
- common fibular (peroneal) nerve, superior gluteal nerve (L4,5, S1), inferior glut. n (L5, S1, S2)
pedenal or sciatic nerve
- anal & urethral sphincters, External genitialia
- posterior cutaneous n. of thigh (S1-3)
- N. to quad fem. (L4,5, S1)
- N. to obturator internus (L5, S1,2)
which 3 arteries does the internal iliac artery give rise to
- obturator artery
- sup. gluteal artery
- inf. gluteal artery
veins of the gluteal region are tributaries of ____ veins
internal iliac veins
which veins of gluteal region accompany arteries
superior & inferior gluteal veins
IMP. bc they communivate w/ tributaries of the femoral veins, and in DVT of femoral vein they shunt blood past the obstruction
which gluteal vein accom/ arteries and drain blood from perineum -> internal iliac vein
internal pudenal veins
lymph from deep tiss. follows gluteal vessels -> gluteal lymph nodes -> internal, external, and common iliac LN -> lymar LNs
lymph from superficial tissue -> ?? which nodes
external iliac nodes
_ continuation of the femoral a. after passing adductor hiatus
at inf. border of popliteus - divides into ant. & post. tibial arteries
sciatic n. -> tibial & fibular n.
tibial (larger/smaller) branch -> sural n
fibular n. -> common fib. n.
sciatic n. -> tibial & fibular n.
tibial larger branch -> sural n
which n. is derived from:
medial sural cutaneous n. (from tibial n.)
sural communication branch of com. fib. n.
sural n.
as popliteal artery descends -> which 3 branches form
Anterior tibial arery (through the gap of interos. mem. to supply ant. comp.)
fibular artery (supplies lateral comp.)
posterior tibial artery (splits into medial & lat. plantal a. after wraping around medial malleolus)
anterior leg group n.
deep fibular
tibialis anterior (+ invert foot)
exnsor hallucis longus
extensor digitorum longus
fibularis tertius (+ evert foot)
A: Extend & dorsiflex
which muscle group
which I on 5th MT
ant. comp. leg
FIB. tertius - inserts of 5th MT
lat. com. of leg =
fibularis longus & brevis
terminal branch of common fibular n. =
suplies whch muscle group
superfial fibular n.
lateral muscles of leg
muscles of posterior leg &
which is absent in 5-10% of pop- used for reconstructive surgery
which does not cross over the knee jt. & just helps w/ standing
n. = tibial n.
A: plantarflex
plantaris - absent
soleus does not cross knee jt
deep muscle group of post. comp: most act on ankle & foot jts, which muscle acts on the knee jt?
flexor hallucis longus (A: felx great toe & plantal flex foot)
flexor digitorum longus (flex & plantor flex foot)
tibials posterior (invert, plantar flex; main functn. = support medial longitudinal arch during weight bearing
which msucle group
deep post. comp. leg
3 tendons deep to post. muscle of leg (classic boards q); from posterior to medial malleous
innervated by which nerve
Tibialis Posterior
Flexor Digitorum longus
Flexor Hallucis longus
Tom Dick & Harry
all n. by tibial n.
Eversion muscles
(2nd letter rule)
- pErineus longus
- pErineus brevis
- pErineus terius
-tIbilias ant.
-tIbilias post.
anthing digitorum think digits
hallucis - big toe
which 2 nerves supply intrinsic muscles of the foot
med. and lat. plantar nerves
+ some deep fibular n.
in the foot:
ANT. tibial artery -> becomes WHAT
DORSAL ARTERY OF THE FOOT/dorsalis pedis a.
a region of the lower, anterior abdominal wall, or groin (INGUINAL CANAL) - Herniation occurs through (what) triangle
○ Lateral border - Inferior epigastric vessels
○ Medial - Rectus abdominis
○ Inferior - Inguinal ligament
Hesselbach’s triangle
DIRECT inguinal hernias - occur DIRECTLY (MEDIAL/LATERAL to epigastric vessels)
MEDIAL to epigastric vessels
indirect hernias - occur (medial/lateral to epigastric vessels)
indirect = LATERAL
WHICH hernia is more common ?
INDIRECT = more hernias LATERAL to epigastric vessels
contents of inguinal canal
spermatic cord
ilioinguinal nerve
genital branch of genitofemeral nerve
hernias that canNOT be pushed back in the abdomen -> lose blood sup.
incarcerated hernia