Downing: Mammary Gland Histology Flashcards
specialized cutaneous gland/ modified sweat gland w/ 15-25 lobules that are each an INDEPENDENT gland
mammary gland
duct opens at APEX of nipple
lobules of mammary gland
several in each lobe
CT in lobule is loose, delicate, cellular
pathway of mammary gland ducts
intRAlobular ducts>
intERlobular ducts>
lactiferous duct>
lactiferous sinus
dilation of lactiferous duct just before it opens onto summit of nipple
lactiferous sinus
epithelium in smaller ducts
simple cuboidal
epithelium near opening of nipple
stratified sq
affect of puberty on mammary glands
ENLARGE d/t development of adipose and CT
when do mammary glands fully develop
pregnancy> finish developing w/ nursing
pigmented skin w/ no sweat glands or hair follicles
nipple epithelium
Strat, sq, keratinizing
melanin content in nipple during pregnancy
contain numberous meissner’s corpuscles
Tall CT papillae of nipple
arranged LONGITUIDINALLY along lactiferous ducts
smooth muscle
*permits erection of nipple in response to stimuli
area of skin surrounding nipple
Glands in areola
areolar glands (between sweat gland and true mammary gland)
sweat gland
sebaceous gland