Down syndrome Flashcards
You are working as a GP in a rural town. On a routine 6 week baby check, you notice that the term baby has poor tone, single palmar creases, down slanting eyes with epicanthic folds and low set ears.
The salient features of this stem are the examination findings suggestive of Down syndrome or Trisomy 21.
- Syndromic: Fragile X, Turners
- congenital: Fetal alcohol syndrome
- isolated congenital hypotonia (floppy baby)
- congenital hypothyroid
Down syndrome is associated with a number of systemic and multi system issues including; cardiac, GIT, ophthalmic, respiratory, neurological, and endocrine anomalies.
- conduct comprehensive assessment to confirm diagnosis and to screen for evidence of multi system complications
- arrange appropriate follow-up and surveillance/screening and subsequent early intervention for any systemic manifestations to improve quality of life.
Down syndrome - History
- confirm babies age
- Sx: respiratory sx (dyspnoea, SOB, WOB, recurrent infection, GIT upset/changes, heart murmurs, visual/auditory problems
- Maternal factors: maternal age, obstetric history - scans and any abnormalities, any screening/diagnostic tests for DS during pregnancy? results of these.
- Screening: PAPP-A (reduced), nuchal translucency (elevated), ß-HCG (elevated),
- GTPAL, other defects in other living children.
- Paediatric Hx: vaccinations, developmental milestones
Down syndrome - Examination
- General appearance: down-slanting eyes, epicanthal folds, single palmar crease, small down-set ears, broad nasal bridge, indistinct philtrum, brushfield spots (white stars), cataracts, anal patency, cryptorchidism, etc
- Baby check and systems review
o cardiac: murmurs
o ophthalmic: dull cornea, absent red reflex
o abdo: swelling, tenderness
o MSK: general hypotonia, DDH
Down syndrome - Investigations
- chromosomal analysis to confirm trisomy 21 (karyotuping)
Ancillary - screening for complications
- Cardiac: echo, ECG, CXR
- ophthalmic examination (may require referral)
- formal hearing test
- bloods: FBC, UEC, LFT, TFT
Down syndrome - management
- congratulate parents on having a baby
- document concerns/worries, reassurance about quality of life etc
- any relevant counselling, directions for support groups
(Down syndrome Australia) etc, referral to clinical geneticist re family planning etc.
- provide fact sheets
- MDT and ongoing surveillance + screening for morbidity associated with
Face: cleft palate, epicanthal folds, flat nasal bridge
Ophthal: congenital cataract, brushfield spots
GIT: intestinal atresia, imperforate anus, coeliac disease, hirschprung’s disease
Cardiac: ASD and ASVD
MSK: hypotonia, simmean crease, atlanto-axial instability
- hypothyroid
- haematological malignancy