Doučovanie pt4 Flashcards
Spýtala sa ma, kde som bol.
She asked me, where I had been.
Spýtala sa ma, aký som starý
She asked me, how i was old.
Spýtala sa ma, či som sa to naučil
She asked me, if I had learnt it.
Predal som všetok majetok, aby som mal peniaze
I sold all of my property to have money.
Kúpil som nové tričko, aby na mňa pozerali.
I bought new T-shirt, so that they look at me.
Povedala, že naňho čaká už 2 hodiny.
She said she was waiting for him for 2 hours
Upiekla koláč, aby neboli hladní
She made the cake so that they weren t hungry.
Len čo sa vráti, pomôže jej
As soon as she come, he will help her
Keby boli zdraví, navštívili by ich
If they where healthy, they would visit them.
Máš sa dobre, však?
Do you have a goof time, don t you?
Zbožňujem ho. Naozaj?
I adore hime. Do you?
Katka spravila prijímačky, ja tiež.
Katka passed the tests, so do I.
John nabrhol, aby sme odišli skoro ráno
John suggested leaving early Morning.
Vadí ti fajčenie?
Do you mind smoking?
Chytili ho pri krádeži
They caught him stealing
Počul som ho spievať
I heard him singing
za 2 dni
in 2 days
na vrchu obrázku
at the top of the picture
pred školou
in front of the school
byt naqdšený
to be keen on