Doučovanie pt2 Flashcards
Mohol som prísť.
I could come. I was able to come.
Budem môcť prísť
I will be able to come.
Nebudeš môcť prísť?
Won´´t you be able to come?
Musím to napísať
I must write it.
Budem to musieť napísať.
I will have to write it.
Musíš sa učiť
Do you have to learn?
Môžeš chodiť na rande čas?
Are you able to go on date in time?
Prepíč, nemohla som prísť skôr čakáš dlho?
Sorry, I couldn´´t come sooner. Are you waiting me for a long time?
Nessmeli mať svadbu v ksotole
They weren´´t alowed to have a marriage in the church.
Skôr, ako som vošiel, som zaklopal
Bofere I came in, i had knocked.
Nešla s nami, lebo ten film videla už predtým
She didn t go with us, because she had seen that movie before.
Brat o tom vedel, lebo som mu o tom povedal
My borther known about it becouse i told him about it
Bšetko bolo hotové do 8 hodiny;
Everything had been done till 8 am.
Pripravil som to pred tým, ako prišli.
I had prepared it, before they come.
Urobili to skôr, ako mu to povedali.
They have done it before they told him about it.
Rezervoval si miesta v divadle skôr, ako kúpil lístky
He had booked the seats int he Theater before he bought tickets.