Doris-Biodiesel-vegetable oil fuels, HVO Flashcards
Give the definition of „biodiesel“:
Biodiesel = FAME (Fatty Acid – Methyl ester) - DIN EN 14214
in Germany mainly: RME (Rape oil - Methyl Ester)
How do we obtain biodiesel?
From which feedstocks could we obtain biodiesel?
Oilseed crops
- Rape (Canola) –> Major feedstock in Europe
- Sun flower
- Soy bean
- Oil palm…
Used greases
Separator fats
Animal fats
Algal biomass (Microalgae)
What production technologies & what Procedures exist for vegetable oil recovery from oil seeds?
- Production technologies:
- Small scale oil mills: capacity: 0.5 – 25 Mg/d oil seed
- Industrial oil mills (large scale) capacity: up to 4 000 Mg/d oil seed
- Processing:
- Pure pressing (1-2 stages) - usually in small scale plants ( basically oil press)
- Extraction with solvents
- Combination pressing / extraction – usually in large scale plants
What are the steps of industrial scale oil mills?
Biodiesel is produced by transesterification of vegetable oils and fats. What is transesterification?
Transesterification reduces viscosity
Reaction very slow at ambient temperature –>Catalysts required
There are two types of processes; low pressure processes( most used) and high pressure process
Vegetable oils are triglycerides, whar are these composed from?
Triglycerides are esters of glycerin und 3 fatty acids
Draw the simplified process flow sheet of biodiesel production:
Draw the mass balance flow diagram of biodiesel production from rape:
Give the major producers, the annual yields of biomass feedstock for biodiesel
What is the composition of press residues for rapseed extraction meal, rapseed press cake of small scale mills, soy bean extraction meal?
Options for utilization
Animal feed (Rape: limitations by Glucosinolates) –>major use
Biogas production (e.g. rape press cake –> 0.61-0.76 m
3/kg oDM, methane: 43-57 Vol%
What is the main byproduct of transesterification?
- Crude glycerine (60-80 mass%)
- technical quality glycerine (< 80 masse%)
- Pharmaceutical quality glycerine ( > 99,5 masse%)
Options for utilization
- Raw material for production of chemicals/pharmaceuticals/cosmetics
- Admixture to animal feed
- Biogas production (co-fermentation)
- Combustion fuel (limitations: low energy content, high viscosity,…)
What are the main fuel blends for biodiesel in Germany?
Fuels and blends in Germany
- Pure vegetable oil fuel
- Pure biodiesel (B100)
- Blends of biodiesel and diesel fuel
- 5% (B5)
- 7% ( B7) Germany: novel fuel Norm 2009: DIN 51628
- Germany: blending according to law
What is the difference between transportation fuels from vegetal oils and biodiesel?
Vegetable oils.( Rape oil.. Diesel for agriculture?)
In general applicable as a fuel (especially for diesel engines), but: fuel properties quite different to diesel
–> Refitting of diesel engines or dedicated engines necessary
–>Niche product, e.g. for agricultural machines?
Fuel properties similar to diesel
–> Can be used in many diesel engines without (or with only little) refitting
–>Germany: mainly blending to diesel (up to 7% biodiesel B7)
Are the vegetable oil fuels cost-competitive in Germany?
Economy (Germany):
depending on investment costs for dedicated engines or refitting, rapeseed oil fuel must be 0.11 – 0.2 €/l cheaper than diesel fuel to be cost competitive (including taxes)
What happens when we use vegetal oil in diesel engines?
Vegetable oil in diesel engines –> usually refitting necessary
Impacts of some fuel properties on engine operation
Impact on fuel injection quality (engine stutters, gumming of the valves) –> Heating of fuel up to approx. 110°C and further
adjustments by electronic injection systems with temperature
Heating value
Vegetable oils have lower heating values and temperature/density characteristics different to diesel –> power loss / soot emissions as injection pumps need to be adjusted to the volume supply
–> Adjustment of the injection system (valves, electronic)
Operation with vegetable oil or mixtures of vegetable oil and diesel:
Refitting with one or two tank systems available
What are the quality parameters which determine the quality of:
- Diesel
- Rapseed oil fuel
What are the benefits of vegetable oil fuels in agriculture?
Tractors operated by vegetable oil fuels
- Decentralized production and use of renewable fuel and animal feed
- High share of domestic fuel demand for agriculture may be covered
- (Germany: ~ 1.2 mio. ha required for full coverage)
- High biodegradability of the fuels low environmental impact in case of
- accidents, e.g. fuel leakages
- High GHG-reduction potential: ~ 1.9 kg CO2 eq/l rapeseed oil fuel (~ 60% GHG-reduction compared to diesel)
Tractors for vegetable oil fuel
Dedicated engines:
2 tank-systems: Deutz Fahr, Fendt 1 tank-system: John Deere
Refitting of diesel engines
What does HVO Technology mean?
HVO = „Hydrogenation of Vegetable Oils“ (HEFA = „Hydroprocessed Esters and Fatty acids“)
- Synthesis of oxgen free hydrocarbon fuels from fats and vegetable oils
- Chemical reaction of fats and vegetable oils with hydrogen H2 –> hydrogenation
- Technology related to mineral oil processing (refinery):
- hydrotreating = used for production of low sulfur ultra light diesel fuels
Give the inputs and outputs of the hydrogeneation reactions
HVO-production process steps are:
Give the Status and perspectives on HVO-Diesel!
Processing of various fats and vegetable oils possible, but adoption of
process parameters required
Production of oxgen free hydrocarbon fuels „designer fuels“
Properties of HVO-diesels very similar to fossil diesel fuels
Integration into infrastructure of mineral oil refineries possible
Sustainability of vegetable oils processing (e.g. palm oil)?
Technologies of several companies under development, e.g.
„NExBTL“ (Fa. Neste Oil, Finnland)
„Green Diesel“ (Fa. UOP LLC, USA)
(Fa. Petrobras, Brasilien)
„2nd generation biofuel“ technology
Global production capacities 2014: ~ 2.9 Mio Mg/a: - EC: 1.5 Mio Mg/a
(Source: Square Commodities)
- Asia: 0.8 Mio Mg/a
- USA: 0.66 Mio Mg/a
What is the energetic use of palm oil in EU?
- Heat & power co-generation in CHPS
- Transportation biofuels: biodiesel, HVO-fuel
What do you know about palm oil?