don't use Flashcards
Digital signature require what?
Public Key infrastructures (PKI)
X.509 V.4 is for what?
Certificate Standard
Hashed Message Authentication Code (no PKI Used)
Certificates are Digitally signed by who?
(CA) Certificate Authority
The steps in a SSL / TLS connection?
- The client makes a SSL Session
- The Server provides its Certificate with its public key
- the client encrypts with the servers public key
- the server decrypts wit it’s private key.
Main Hashing Algorithms and bit size
- MD-5 128 bits
- SHA-1 160 Bits
- SHA-256 256 Bits
Online Certificate Status Protocol
( Certificate Revocation)
How to tell if a Certificate has been Revoke
- Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP)
2. CRL (downloadable list from CA)
Two Documents produce the same Hashed # ?
A collisions
An Attempt to Cause Collisions
Birthday Attacks (Hashing)
Certificates help to prevent what ?
Man in the middle attacks
Symmetric Stream Crypto
RC-4 Used on WEP
4 parts of the Public Key infrastructures (PKI)
- (CA) Certificate Authority
- (RA) Registration Authority
- Certificate Repository
- Certificate Revocation list
A Very Efficient Crypto?
ECC Elliptical Curve Cryptography
what Cryptography is used on Low CPU powered devices?
ECC Elliptical Curve Cryptography
Secure Key-Agreement Without Pre-shared Secrets
Diffie Hellman
First Asymmetric Algorithm
Diffie Hellman
Use Factorization
RSA use a Trap-Door function for it
Digital signature use what Algorithm
What are the 6 Asymmetric Algorithm
- ECC = Elliptical Curve Cryptography
- El Gamall
- DH = Diffie Hellman
- Knapsack
Bulk Encryption use What Cryptography Type?
Cryptography used for Key Encryption and distribution
Asymmetric Algorithm Key Formula
Symmetric Algorithm Key Formula
N=(N-1) /2
SSL / TLS use what for Key Exchange
Asymmetric Algorithm
SSL / TLS use what for Data Exchange
Symmetric Algorithm
In Asymmetric How do we get Authenticity?
Senders Private Key
In Asymmetric How do we get Non-Repudiation?
Hash Encrypted by Senders Private Key
In Asymmetric How do we get Privacy?
Receivers’s Public Key
What is a Digital signature made with?
A hash with the Sender’s Private Key
A Private Key Crypto?
Used by PGP
An Symmetric Algorithm &
Block Algorithm
Algorithm type?
Block or stream?
# of rounds?
Symmetric Algorithm
Block Algorithm
48 Rounds
3DES was replaced by?
Algorithm type?
Block or stream and size?
# of rounds?
Symmetric Algorithm
Block Algorithm
64-bit block size
48 Rounds
Algorithm type?
Block or stream and size?
# of rounds?
Symmetric Algorithm
Stream Algorithm
no rounds
Symmetric Algorithm only gives you what?
Stream Ciphers use What?
if values are:
A like = 0 value
Different = 1 value
Block Crypto have to be what type of Algorithm ?
Symmetric Algorithm
Symmetric Block Algorithms are?
- AES - Standard
- 3DES - More cpu intenced (slower)
- P2P - IDEA used in mail
the slower Algorithm is?
Other names for Symmetric Algorithm?
- Private Key
- Secret Keys
- Share Keys
- Session Keys
Shared Key Crypto?
Symmetric Algorithm
Kerchoff’s Principle Means?
Keep the Key Secret, The algorithm is Publicly known. ** Openness **
What is Diffusion in Block cipher ?
*** Plain Text is Added with the Cipher text
What is Confusion in Block cipher ?
Relates to Subtitution
** Good Strong Math)
Diffusion and Confusion is used in what?
Symmetric Algorithm Block cipher
Two Primary Attributes To Symmetric Algorithm Block cipher?
Diffusion and Confusion
Another way to say Cipher?
The 5 Desirable qualities of an Algorithm
- Diffusion
- Confusion
- Avalanche = A charter change Cascades through the text
- Permutations = Rounds
- openess = Kerchoff’s Principle
Algorithm rounds are also called ?
Sue-do Randam Numbers is also called?
Initialization Vector
Security Services provided by Cryptography?
P = Privacy A= Authenticity I = Integrity N= Non-Repubiation