Dominic FamousPeople Numbers Flashcards
00 OO
singer family
OO Ozzy Osbourne

01 OT
black singer
OT Otis Taylor

02 ON
contra gun sale
ON Oliver North

03 OM
the greatest salesman
OM Og Mandino

04 OR
dock of the bay
OR Otis Redding

05 OL
OL Osama bin Laden

06 OJ
OJ Oney Judge
slave washington

07 OK
cyl sliding rule
OK Otis King

08 OF
OF Orsen Fowler

09 OP
aussie kangaroo
OP Olive Pink

10 OT
martial art
Ortiz Tito

11 DT
tower impeach
DT Ddonald Trump

13 DM
and jerry lewis
DM Dean Martin

12 DN
pink panther
DN David Niven

14 TR
rough rider
TR Teddy Roosevelt

15 DL
late night show
DL David Letterman

16 DJ
DJ Davy Jones

17 DK
DK Don Knotts

18 DF
diane feinstien
senator republican
Diane Feinstein

19 DP
big bust singer
DP Dolly Pardon

20 NO
Diesel engine
NO. Nicholas Otto
21 ND
good old usa
ND Neil Diamond

22 NN
prince of tides
NN Nick Nolte

23 NM
african hunger strike
NM Nelson Mandela

24 NR
wife of tear down that wall president
NR Nancy Reagan

25 NL
golfer gal
NL Nancy Lopez

26 NJ
country singer moma he’s crazy
NJ Naomi Judd

27 NK
russian shoe banger
27 Nikita Khrushchev

28 NF
NF Nick Faldo

29 NP
influence people
NP Norman Peale

30 MO
wife black president
MO Michelle Obama

31 MD
saving private ryan
MD Matt Damon

32 MN
spy atomic bomb
MN May Nunn
33 MM
blonde actress
MM Marilyn Monroe

34 MR
little rascals
MR Mickey Rooney

35 ML
ML Martin Luther

36 MJ
moon walk
MJ Machael Jackson

37 MK
az astronaut
MK Martin Kelly

38 MV
MV Muriel Vanderbilt

39 MP
china explorer
MP Marco Polo

40 RO
pretty women walk on by
RO Roy Orbinson

41 RT
nashville singer
RT Randy Travis

42 RN
i am not a crook president
RN Richard Nixon

43 RM
rocky II
RM Rocky Marciano

44 RR
1st cowboy
RR Roy Rogers

45 RL
west wing actor
RL Rob Lowe

46 RJ
harry potter author
RJ Rowling J

47 RK
john’s brother
Robert Kennedy

48 RF
the road less traveled
RF Robert Frost

49 RP
sanford and son
RP Richard Pryor

50 IO
president assasinator
LO Lee Oswald

51 LT
war and peace
LT Leo Tolstoy

52 LN
naked gun
LN Leslie Nielson

53 LM
dirty dozen
LM Lee Marvin

54 LR
endless love
LR Lionel Richie

55 LL
coal miner’s daughter
LL Loretta Lynn

56 LJ
LJ Lyndon Johnson

57 IK
tv finance pundit
LK Larry Kudlow

58 LF
hustler magazine
LF Larry Flint

59 LB
LB Larry Bird
60 JO
president’s wife
JO Jacqueline Onassis
61 JT
JT J Tolkien

62 JN
as good as it gets
JN Jack Nicholson
63 JM
az senator
JM John McCain
64 JR
first black baseball player
JR Jackie Robinson

66 JJ
me and bobby mcgee
JJ Janis Joplin

65 JL
beatle hey jude
JL John Lennon

67 JK
ask not what your country can do for you
JK John Kennedy

68 JV
20,000 leagues
JV Jules Verne

69 JP
irishman goodfellow
JP Joe Pesci

70 KO
kershaw knife
KO Kevin Onion
71 KD
KD Kirk Douglas
72 KN
boxer lost to ali
KN Ken Norton

73 KM
mien kampf
KM Karl Marx

74 KR
KR Keanu Reeves

75 KL
big bone gal singer
KL K Lang

76 KJ
model kardashian
KJ Kendall Jenner

77 KK
gengas kahn
KK Kublai Khan

78 KN
slaughter house five
KV Kurt Vonnegut

79 KP
hacked for a free car blocked calls
KP Kevin Poulsen

80 FO
edison apprentice
FO Fred Ott

81 FD
Black peanut butter
FD Fredrick Douglass

82 FN
FN Florence Nightingale

83 FM
martial art ufc
FM Frank Mir

84 FR
wwII president
FR Franklin Roosevelt

85 FL
Franky Laine
86 FJ
clinton mistress
FJ Felicity Jones

87 FK
star spangle banner
FK Francis Key

88 FF
charlie angels
FF Farrah Fawcet

89 FP
14th president
FP Franklin Pierce

90 PO
Lawrence of arabia
PO Peter O’Toole

91 PT
az football vietnam
PT Pat Tillman

92 PN
cool hand luke
PN Paul Newman

93 PM
lefthand golfer
PM Paul Mickelson

94 PR
one if by land
PR Paul Revere

95 PL
PL Peter Lowry

96 PJ
Clinton accuser
PJ Paula Jones

97 PK
PK Phil Katz

98 PV
fed chairman
PV Paul Volcker

99 PP
mona lisa
PP Pablo Picasso