Centum Amici Pairs Flashcards
12 & 21

Tom Cat & Charley Brown
12 tomcats wearing tin badges arrested Charley Brown for stealing 21 nuts from a pecan tree

13 & 31

Goofy & Peter Griffin
Goofy answered 13 dams to the question but Peter Griffin the teacher asked him what about the 31 moats

14 & 41

Jerry Mouse & Tommy Pickles
Jerry Mouse escaped from Tommy Pickles 14 times on tires but Tommy was a 41-year-old rat catcher and very slow

15 & 51

Daffy & Kermit
Daffy has 15 tile fetishes on his wampum belt and Kermit has 51 dragonflies on the lid of his nose

16 & 61

Slyvester & Perry the Platypus
Slyvester sailed a 16 foot yacht in a ditch of water as Perry Platypus ate 61 cheetas in the galley

17 & 71

Pink Panther & Squidward
Pink Panther found 17 tack in his flat tire so couldn’t drive Squiddward and his cat 71 miles to their prom

18 & 81

Batman & Pappa Smurf
Batman stuffed Pappa Smurf with 18 doves in his mouth even though Pappa was fat, 81 years old,and in a wheel chair

19 & 91

Wile Coyote and Bullwinkle
Wile Coyote fell out of the same tub 19 times but Bullwinkle lied and said “bat it was 91 times”

23 & 32

Taz & Eeyore
Taz has 23 names that Eeyore can sing with a 32 man choir

24 & 42

Foghorn Longhorn & Garfield
Foghorn has over 24 Nero Costumes but Garfield has 42 Rhyno masks

25 & 52

Stewie Griffin & Goku
Stewie Griffin nailed Goku 25 times with a 52 inch lion tail at his birthday party,

26 & 62

Brian Griffin & Dory
Brian Griffin in a dog diving suit opened 26 hinged treasure boxes to find _Dory’_s 62 gold chains

27 & 72

Pepe Le Phew & Optimus Prime
Pepe Le Phew had a 27 inch neck as long as his tail which Optimus Prime wrapped around his cone head 72 times

37 & 73

Pluto & Underdog
Pluto has 37 mug shots in the post office and Underdog had to comb his fur 73 times

47 & 74

Lisa Simpson & Plankton
Lisa Simpson raked 47 worms from Planton’s 74 legs but he didn’t cry

48 & 84

Shrek & Little Mermaid
Shrek built a 48 foot roof over Little Mermaid 84 fur guppy babies

49 & 94

Bender & Gary
Bender’s 49’ rope is 94 % more accurate than Gary’s if they have a bear roping contest

28 & 82

Yosemite Sam & Grinch

Yosemite Sam has 28 knifes on his belt and stabbed Grinch 82 times in his big toe for fun
29 & 92

Slinky Dog & Marvin the Martian
Slinky Dog ate 29 corn knobs and Marvin the Martian had 92 bones in his fish

34 & 43

Woody Woodpecker & Dexter
Woody Woodpecker rode a 34 hand high mare and Dexter branded 43 ram

35 & 53

Courage & Fry
Courage mailed 35 letters to the 53 lambs of ill repute on _Fry’_s ranch because he was afraid to talk to them

36 & 63

Porky Pig & Yacko Wacko Dot
Porky Pig matched 36 of Yacko, Wacko, and Dot jam recipes and won the 63 dollar prize

39 & 93

Road Runner & Lola Bunny
Road Runner had a 39 inch mop to battle Lola Bunny 93 bum minions

46 & 64

Scrooge McDuck & Leela
Scrooge McDuck put Roach Bait 46 in all of Leela’s 64 trap jars

38 & 83

Elmer Fudd & Clifford
Elmer Fudd stuttered 38 times in the movie trying to say foam into the 83 ears of Clifford

45 & 54

Chip and Dale & Joker
Chip and Dale rode Engine 45 on the rails to lure the 54 jokers to the OK corral

56 & 65

Powder Puff Girls & Barney Rubble
56 Powder Puff Girls had Leeches on their legs when Barney Rubble was putting the 65 crown jewel on display

59 & 95

Patrick Starr & Stimpson (Stimpy)
Patrick Starr got 59 lap dances at Stimson’s Bell Motel on Route 95

57 & 75

Marge Simpson & Gonzales
Marge Simpson locked 57 of the 75 coal miners in jail where Gonzales was a guard

58 & 85

Eric Cartman & Skeletor
Eric Cartman found a rare 58 leaf stamp in Skeletor’s collection File 85 in the stamp museum

67 & 76

Pinky & Velma Dinkum
Pinky’s 67 jacks got lost in Velma Dinkum’s couch but they found 76 pairs of thong panties.

68 & 86

Pikachu & Baymax
Pikachu was an Indian chief with 68 feathers who caught 86 fish in Baymax lake

69 & 96

Rich Sanchez & Eugene Krabs
Rich Sanchez drove his 69 jeep while Eugene Krabs held 96 beach crabs in his lap

78 & 87

Piglet & George Jetson
Piglet drank 78 cups of coffee while George Jetson put 87 figs in his ears

79 & 97

George Lightyear and Inspector Gadget
George Lightyear wore each of his 79 cap pistols on his waist is what Inspector Gadget wrote on page 97 in the log book

89 & 98

Casper the Ghost and Rex
Casper the Ghost became the 89 VP of the Rex Society at its 98th puff anniversary

30 & 40

Yogi Bear & Splinter

_Yogi Bea_r adopted 30 moose and fed them 40 times a day with rice kabobs at Splinter’s Cafe
50 & 60

Maggie Simpson & Spiderman

Maggie Simpson used a 50 ‘ lasso to rescue Spiderman from the 60 cheese eaters
10 & 20

Shaggy Rogers & Winnie the Pooh

Shaggy Rogers had 10 hairy toes poking up Winnie the Pooh’s 20 inch nose
70 & 80

Deadpool & Mr. Burns

The 70 year old Deadpool case was solved making Mr Burns face 80 days in jail
90 & 100

Droopy Dog & Butter Scotch

Droopy Dog was run over by bus 90 witnessed by Butter Scotch using binoculars 100 yards away before it got tangled up with his tiess
11 & 22

Snoopy & Fred Flintstone
Snoopy ate 11 toads but Fred Flintstone ate with 22 nuns

33 & 44

Tweety & Stitch

Tweety did 33 memes on stage but Stitch did a rare 44 ball juggling act
55 & 66

Woody & Superman
Woody brought 55 lilys to Superman for bribing the judge and only received 66 days in the hoosegow.

77 & 88

Bambi & Betty Boop

Bambi baked 77 cakes and Betty Boop’s fifi dogs 8 & 8
9 & 99

Popeye & Ironman

Popeye gave 9 spinach pies to Ironman for bending 99 pipes
1 & 3

Bugs Bunny & Mickey Mouse

Bugs Bunny had 1 tie but Mickey Mouse gave him 3 mow.
5 & 7

Homer Simpson & Bart Simpson

Homer Simpson went to 5 law firms to get a lawyer for Bart Simpson who was arrested of possession of 7 kilo of cocaine
2 & 4

Scooby Doo went to Sponge Bob on 2 squeaky knee braces who oiled them with 4 raw onions

6 & 8

Donald Duck & Tigger

Donald Duck enjoyed 6 joyful days on a Tigger horse riding the Pinto Fee 8 times