Domain III: Management of Food and Nutrition Programs and Services Flashcards
What are the 5 functions of management?
plan organize staff direct control/evaluate
policies vs. proceedures
general decision making guides (policies)
chronological sequence of events (procedures)
Narrow Span of Control
needed with newly hired personnel
need more managers
Wide Span of Control
used with highly trained and highly motivated workers
fewer levels and managers needed
Meal Equivalents for Acute Care Conventional Operation
17 min/meal; 3.5 meals/labor hour
Meal Equivalent
amount of all food sales divided by average cost of typical meal
Master Schedule
serves as overall plan
days on/off and vacations
basis for weekly schedules
Shift Schedule
staffing patterns for specific operations (trayline shift)
Production Schedule
time sequencing of events required to produce a meal
employee assignments and menu items
Absolute vs Adjusted FTE
Absolute: minimum number of employees needed to staff the facility
adjusted: takes into account benefit days and days off
labor hours worked/day
FTE week
labor hours worked/week
FTE Year
labor hours worked per year
Productivity is the
Ratio inputs to outputs
to increase productivity, increase output decrease inputs
Meals per Labor Hour
meals produced/# hours worked
Labor Turnover Rate
number of employees terminated/total positions in department
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
Basic Needs:
from bottom up
physiological (survival): food, clothing, shelter, pay benefits, working conditions, schedule
security and safety: insurance, retirement plans, job security
Higher Human Needs:
social: organized activities
self-esteem: job title, praise, promotions
self-realization and actualization: realizing potential growth, advanced training, job enrichment
Rank leadership styles from most to least control
autocratic consultative Burecratic participative democratic laissez faire (free rein)
Country Club Management
high concern for people
low concern for production
Team Management
most desired style
most concern for people and production
Impoverished management
minimum effort to get work done
low concern for people and production
Authority, autocratic, obedience
high concern for production
low concern for people
people are like machines
Scientific Management
focuses on the physical aspects of the job
Management by Objectives
type of democratic management that provides control within organization
establishes objectives with employees
participative leadership
Steps for Controlling/Evaluating
1) establish quality and quantity standards
2) measure performance
3) compare to standard
4) Take corrective action
Steps for Decision Making Process
- recognize and analyze problem
- assess
- determine workable solutions
- gather data
- choose solutions
- take action
- follow-up action
Reward Power
ability to reward another for carrying out an order
Coercive Power
ability to punish another for not carrying out requirements
Position Legitimate Power
subordinate acknowledges that influencer has the right to exert influence due to position
Expert Power
influencer has relevan expertise
Referent Power
how well you are liked
Standards of Practice
describes in general terms a competent level of nutrition care practice as shown by NCP
Standards of Professional Performance
describes a competent level of behavior in the professional role
National Labor Relations Act / Wagner Act
Pro Labor
guaranteed right to organize and join labor unions
Civil Rights Act
prevents discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin
prohibits sexual harassment
Equal Employment Opportunity Act
prevents discrimination in employment on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, political affiliation
Fair Labor Standards Act
set minimum wage
Family and Medical Leave Act
applies to agencies employing > 50 workers
up to 12 workweeks of unpaid, job-protected leave during any 12 months for: birth/adoption, care for immediate family member, serious health condition
guaranteed an equal job but not same job
Americans with Disabilities Act
must provide reasonable accommodations
aisles (36”) and doors (32”), install ramps, lower shelves, flashing alarm lights
What is Job Enrichment
upgrades job by adding motivating factors
increases number of tasks and control the employee has over a job
Job Description vs. Specification
A job specification is a statement of the specific knowledge, skills, abilities and other attributes required of the person performing the job. A job description is a statement of the different tasks, duties and responsibilities that make up a job.
During recruitment which law makes it illegal to ask about a candidates race, religion, sex, natural origin, age, marital status
Fair Employment Practice Law
Sales, counseling, and management positions would most likely follow which type of interview?
unstructured (non-directed)
Which criteria for promotion do unions use?
Steps of Bargaining in Order
1) bargaining between union steward and management
2) mediation: neutral person helps settle differences
3) arbitration: hearing to dissolve a dispute
Operating Budget
forecasts of revenues, expenses, and profit for a specific period of time
Cash budget
projects revenues and expenses, showing inflow and outflow of cash
purpose is to determine if funds will be available when needed
Capital Budget
plant facilities, equipment, cost of improvements and repairs
can be used to determine if projects are worth the investment
Traditional Budget
uses existing budget as a base and projects changes for the ensuing year in relation to current budget
Zero-Based Budget
begin at zero, must justify each expense
planning oriented
Fixed Budget
prepared at one level of sales or revenue
no expected major chaneg
Flexible Budget
adjusted to various levels of operation with varying levels of sales or revenues throughout the year
performance budget
details what it costs to perform an activity
Indirect Costs
not affected by sales volume
rent, taxes, insurance
Direct, Variable Costs
varies directly with changes in sales
directly involved in service to customer
china, silver, food, laundry, repairs
Semi-variable Costs
labor, maintenance, utilities
Income Statement
shows operating results over a period of time
presents income, expenses and profit or loss over the course of the budget period
Balance Sheets
shows financial condition as of.a particular date
lists assets, liabilities, equity
cash, inventory, account receivable
Assets =
liabilities + capital (equity)
Liquidity Ratios
assess ability to meet short term debt
Turnover Rates
examines how efficiently an organization is utilizing its assets
Net Worth Ratios
ability to meet long term debt
Profit Margin
net profit/sales (revenue)
Cost of Sales
cost of the raw food and beverages sold
Gross Profit
total sales - cost of goods sold
Net Profit
gross profit - expenses
where service will be offered
Market Segmentation
divide market into groups of people with similar needs
Merket Niche
need you are trying to fill
4 p’s of marketing
product, place, price, promotion
Social Marketing
use of marketing principles to advance a cause, idea or behavior
Business Marketing
filling customers needs or desires
Breakeven Point
fixed costs/selling price-variable cost
When costs increase the breakeven point
promotions pricing
done for short period of time
sale or special price is done to increase sales during a slow period
loss leaders
items priced lower to draw people in the hope that they will purchase other items at normal markups
Cost Profit Pricing
guarantees a certain profit with each sale
Cost Benefit Studies
determines whether the goal of an intervention is worthwhile `in terms of cost
Cost/Effectiveness Analysis
compares costs of alternative strategies
deals with individuals and other organizations
performs duties of a symbolic, legal, or social nature
establishes and maintains contacts outside the operation to gather information or get cooperation
transmits information from inside the organization to outside the organization