Domain 6: Security Assessment and Testing Flashcards
Pen test begins with no info begins the attack with public info only
Zero-knowledge test aka Black Box Penetration Test
Provides internal info to the pen tester, including network diagrams, policies and procedures
Full-knowledge test aka White Box Penetration Test
Pen tester receives some limited info
Partial-knowledge test aka Gray Box Penetration Test
List the pen tester methodology
- Planning
- Reconnaissance
- Scanning (aka Enumeration)
- Vulnerability Assessment
- Exploitation
- Reporting
Scans the network for a list of predefined vulnerabilities such as system misconfiguration, outdated software or lack of patching
Vulnerability Scanning
Framework the facilitates the automation of interactions between different security systems
Security Content Automation Protocol (SCAP)
- SCAP Component
- Provides a naming system for describing security vulnerabilities
Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE)
- SCAP Component
- Provides a standardized scoring system for describing the severity of security vulnerabilities
Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS)
- SCAP Component
- Provides a naming system for system configuration issues
Common Configuration Enumeration (CCE)
- SCAP Component
- Provides a naming system for OS, applications, and devices
Common Platform Enumeration (CPE)
- SCAP Component
- Provides a language for specifying security checklists
Extensible Configuration Checklist Description Format (XCCDF)
- SCAP Component
- Provides a language for describing security testing procedures
Open Vulnerability and Assessment Language (OVAL)
- Formal process where auditor comes and verifies that an organization meets a specific regulation standard - i.e. PCI DSS
Security Audit
- Informal process where security controls are evaluated i.e. policies, procedures and other administrative controls
Security Assessment
Tests the code passively; the code is not running i.e. walkthroughs, syntax checking, and code reviews.
Static testing
Tests the code while executing it
Dynamic testing
- Used to map customers requirements to the software testing plan
- Traces the requirements ensures that they are being met.
Traceability Matrix
- Involves building scripts or tools that simulate activities performed in a application
- Goal is to monitor and establish expected norms for the performance of these transactions
Synthetic Transactions
Low-level tests of software components, such as functions, procedures, or objects.
Unit testing
Testing software as it is installed and first operated
Installation testing
Testing multiple software components as they are combined into a working system
Integration testing
Testing software after updates, modifications or patches
Regression testing
Testing to ensure that the software meets the customer’s operational requirement
Acceptance testing
Submits random, malformed data as inputs into software to determine if it will crash
Seeks to identify and test all unique combinations of software inputs
Combinatorial Software Testing
Spells out the use cases for applications i.e. how various functionalities will be leveraged within a applications
Misuse Case Testing Leverages