Domain 3: System Design Flashcards
- Uses multiple security controls in a series
- i.e. pass one security control you enter into another
Generic list of security architecture layers
- Hardware
- Kernel and device drivers
- OS
- Applications
Hides unnecessary details from the user.
List of objects a subject is allowed to access.
Security Domain
- CPU hardware layering model that separates and protects domains from each other
- i.e. kernel mode and user mode
Ring Model
Allow processes to communicate with the kernel and provide a window between the rings
System Calls
List the rings in the Ring Model
Ring 0: Kernel
Ring 1: Other OS components that do not fit in Ring 0
Ring 2: Device drivers
Ring 3: User applications
Uses open hardware and standards, using standard components from a variety of vendors
Open System
Uses proprietary hardware or software
Closed System
Another name for a computer case
System Unit
Communication between the CPU, memory, and input/output devices (i.e. keyboard, mouse, and etc.) occurs here
Computer Bus
Is the part of the CPU that performs math calculations
Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU)
Four steps of a CPU “fetch and execute (FDX)” process
- Fetch instructions
- Decode instruction
- Execute instruction
- Write (save) Result
Combines multiple CPU steps into one process
Causes the CPU to stop processing its current task, save the state and begin processing a new request.
An executable program and its associated data loaded and running in memory
Parent process that spawns additional child processes
Allows multiple tasks to run simultaneously on one CPU
Runs multiple processes on multiple CPUs