Domain 3 - Perimeter Defences | Site Selection | Environmental Controls Flashcards
Fences - Control Type
deterrent, preventive.
Master key
Core key
Key that can remove the lock cores from all doors in a building. Meant to be able to rekey locks quickly.
Combination locks
easily guessable from wear. Bad since everyone shares the same code.
Smart card - Control type
physical - control has integrated circuit
Unauth person follows an authorized person into what should be a secure area.
Physical control. Two doors, requiring two separate forms of identification. One at the first door, one at the second. First door must close and lock before 2nd can open.
Physical Control. Designed to prevent piggybacking by enforcing one person per authentication rule.
Contraband checks
Detective, and preventive Control:
detect stolen and/or contraband items.
Ultrasonic/microwave motion detectors
work like radar. they know how long a wave ‘echo’ should take to return. When a person or something passes in front of them - then the echo takes less time and motino is detected.
Photoelectric motion sensor
senses changes in visible light levels for the monitored area. Photoelectric motion detectors are usually deployed in internal rooms that have no windows and that are kept dark.
Perimeter alarms
magnet door and window alarms. matched pairs of sensors on wall.
national fire protection ageny:
standard for protection of IT equipment. Computer room should be separate by fire resistent walls. Rated to 1 hour
Pseudo guard
unarmed guard
site selection - topography
topo can be used to steer ingress and egress
Utility reliability
One of the most important considerations in site selection. No Power = no business operations.
site selection crime
local crime should be factored in
system defenses
last line of defense when an attacker already has physical access
asset tracking
you can’t protect what you don’t know you have
port controls
lock usb ports, disable them. make them read only
Electrical faults
Blackout brownout fault surge spike sag
prolonged loss of power
prolonged low voltage
short loss of power
prolonged high voltage
temporary high voltage
temp low voltage
electromagnetic interference.
EMI affecting cables’ communication
Positive pressure and drains
All HVAC should be positive pressure.
HVAC Heat and humidity
humidity = 40-55 percent heat = 68-77 degreesf
Static and corrosion
low humidity = static
high humidity = corrosion
Airborne contaminants
dust. Positive pressure and HEPA to control this
Heat detectors
alert to high temps.
Smoke detectors ionization
uses small radioactive source to create an electric charge. Alerts when smoke interrupts radioactivity
Smoke detector photoelectric
Uses an LED and a photoelectric sensor. Alerts when dust blocks light from sensor.
Flame detectors
detects infrared or UV light from fire. Usually needs line of sight.
Evacuation routes
should be prominently prosted. Sites should have a meeting point.
Evac roles and procedures
Safety warden - ensures that all personnel safely evacuate.
Meeting point leader - assures all personel make it to the meeting point.
Duress warning system
Way to inform employees of an emergency. Paging systems are often used.
Travel safety
Ensure employees are safe while commuting
A fires
common combustibles, paper, wood.
Extinguish with water or soda acid.
B fires
Liquid for flammable gases: burning alcohol, oil, other petrol products.
Extinguished with gas (co2) or soda acid
Class c fires
electrical fires
Gas should be used to extingusih - i.e. Halon, CO2
Class d fire
burning metal
extinguished with dry powder
Class K fires
kitchen fires.
extinguish with wet chemical
Water as a suppression agent
recommended for Class A fires.
Soda Acid
baking soda + acid creates CO2 and foam = both are fire suppresant
Dry powder
Lowers temp and starves of oxygen
Wet chemical
Usually potassium acetate mixed with water. covers a greas or oil fire in a soapy film that lowers the temp
smothers fire. Can also suffocate unwitting employees
causes chemical reaction with the fire that consumes enercy and lowers temp. Halon is being phased out but has substitutes.
Montreal Accord
Source of phasing out Halon. Halon = Ozone holes = bad. Existing halon can be used, no new halon can be produced.
Halon replacements
Halon replacements
Count down timers
Needed before gas is released
Wet Pipe ______ system
sprikler system. Water right up to each sprinkler head. Each head triggers independently
Dry pipe _______ system
sprinkler system Pipes are filled with compressed air. as heads open - pressure drops allowing upstream valve to open. Often used where pipes could freeze
Deluge _____ System
sprinkler system. pipes are empty until a fire alarm goes off then all sprinklers go.
sprinkler system. simliar to dry pipes, except sprinkler head are already open and larger than dry pipe heads. pipes are at normal pressure.
Pre-action ______ system
combo of wet, dry, or deluge systems. require two separate triggers to release water.
Single interlock preaction sprinkler
releases water into pipe on fire alarm. Water is release when head is triggered.
double interlock preaction sprinkler
uses compressed air in pipes. water doesn’t enter pipe until both an alarm goes off and a sprinkler head opens
pull the pin
aim low
squeeze the pin
sweep the fire.
Deterrent and/or Preventative. Range from Class I (deter access) to Class IV (Prevent a car from crashing through.)
Deterrent or Preventive. Now measures in Lux, historically measured in foot-candles.
Mostly detective, can be preventive.
Preventive control
Walls, Floors, Ceilings
any internal secure perimeter should start at floor slab and run to ceiling slab. Called “slab-to-slab”
Raised floors and drop ceilings obscure where walls and ceilings really start/end.
Can be preventive, detective, and physical control
detection and detterent. High liability.
Site Marking
Building is not marked, or very modestly marked to attract the least amount of attention.
Shared Tenancy and Adjacent Buildings
Neighbors and neighboring building may offer an attack vector to a threat. Should be considered.
Shared Demarc
Typically all tenants in building go through the same demarc. CIA Concern.
Media Storage Facilities
Best be outside main facility, AND not possible to be impacted by a disaster at the main facility.
CPTED Acronym
Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design
Prolonged High Voltage
Security Categories vs types
Types: Preventive Deterrent Detective Corrective Recovery Directive