Domain 3 - Advanced Crypto Flashcards
Cipher Block Chaining (feedback in stream modes)
Uses the previous ciphertext from the previous block, and uses it to XOR’ the next block. First block uses an Initialization Vector.
Electronic Code BookNo initialization vectorsusceptible to replay attacks.
Cipher Block Chaining- Block Mode- XORs previous block as seed to next block- First encrypted block is IV for next.- Errors propogate. An error in one block propagates everywhere
Cipher Feedback - Stream- Uses feedback to destroy patterns- Uses IV - Errors propogate
Output Feedback- XORs previous block as seed to next block- Stream cipher- Uses subkey before it is XORed to plaintext- Subkey is not affected by Encryption errors- errors don’t propagate
Counter- Uses a counter- Errors don’t propogate
Two triple DES. Uses 1 key to encrypt, another to ‘decrypt’ and again key 1 to encrypt. Key length of 112 bits
Strongest form, three triple des168 bits in key length
AES Functions
AES data State
4 Rows of 4, 16 byte blocks
AES SubBytes
Uses substitution to add confusion
AES ShiftRows
Shifts the rows to add confusion
AES MixColumns
Provides diffusion by mixing the columns fo the state via finite field mathematics.
AES AddRoundKey
Final functionXORs the state with the subkey
MD5 creator
Ronald Rivest
IDEA block and key sizes
64 bit block128 bit key.
Blowfish Key size and block size
Key size 32 - 448 bits64 bit blocks
Twofish Key and Block Sizes
Key 1-256 bitsBlock 128 bits
RC5 block size, Key size
Block: 32, 64, 128Key: 0 -2040 bits
RC6 Block size, key size
128 bit blocksKey: 128, 192, 256
MD5 Acronym and length
Message Digest 5 128 bit hash value based on any input length. Prone to collisions
SHA-1 Acronym and length
Secure Hash Algorithm160 bit hash value
HAVAL acronym and length
Hash of variable length. Uses design principles of MD family128, 160, 192, 224, and 256 bits
HAVAL number of rounds
3, 4, 5