Domain 3 Flashcards
the amount a student has learned in a subject area
a set of rules or procedures for performing a task
“Authentic Assessment – Performance Assessment”
demonstrating a skill or solving a problem in a real-life situation
Deductive Reasoning
moving from a general rule or decree to more specific details
Empathetic Listening
communicating understanding of students’ feelings by putting yourself in their place
Formative Assessment
measurement taking place both before and during instruction to guide lesson pace and planning
Holistic Evaluation
judging the overall quality of project or paper
Inductive Reasoning
moving on from specific information to a general conclusion
“Inquiry Learning – Discovery Learning”
obtaining information by asking a question or investigating a problem
Instructional Strategy
plan for how a lesson will be taught
a memory aid including tricks to aid in recall of information
Needs Assessment
discovering what is needed as a first step in determining a plan of action to address a problem or instructional goal
Nonverbal Cues
physical acts that send a message
Percentile Score
test scores in comparison to other scores
a sample test given before content is presented to assess student knowledge of a topic
to say again in another way
set of scoring guidelines for evaluating student work to ensure consistency in grading
Summative Assessment
measurement following instruction to summarize students’ learning and the teacher’s instructional methods
Holistic evaluation
Judging the overall quality
Performance assessment
Demonstrating a skill
Needs assessment
The first step in determining a plan of action
Summative assessment
Measurement following instruction
A memory aid for recall of information
Say again in another way
A set of rules for performing a task
Discovery learning
Obtaining information by investigating a problem
Nonverbal cues
Physical acts that send a message
Deductive reasoning
Moving from a general rule to more specific details
Empathetic listening
Understanding a students’ feelings
Instructional strategy
Plan for how a lesson will be taught
Inductive reasoning
Moving from specific information to a general conclusion
Amount a student has learned
Set of scoring guidelines
Test given before content is presented
Formative assessment
Measurement before and during instruction
Percentile score
Test score in comparison to other scores
Acceptable Use Policy (AUP)
School district’s policy for use of school resources, eg. computers and Internet
Internet URL keeper
Distance education
Using technology to link teachers and students in different locations
The physical parts of a computer
An element in a website or electronic document used to move to a different site
Databases that combine text, graphics, sound and video elements into an item with clickable links
Authoring software designed to produce hypermedia
Input device
Devices like keyboards, mice or scanner used to translate information in a form that the computer can use
Local Area Network (LAN)
A network of computers conected with each other in the same building or campus
Navigating from one place to another through related topics
Network Interface Card (NIC)
A device which connects computers and perepherals
Output device
Translates processed information into a form that we can understand, eg. monitor
Search string
A phrase using AND, OR, NOT, or NEAR that narrows or broadens Internet searches
Programs that instruct the computer to do certain jobs
A camera that can be connected to the Internet for continuous images
Wide Area Network (WAN)
A network extending over long distances
A computer program that allows a user to navigate and display items on the Internet
Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI)
Instruction that utilizes a computer to present information to the student as a self-learning tool
Computer graphics
Software that produces all kinds of graphics either from the Internet, digital cameras, scanners or clipart
Software that produces a collection of data organized according to some structure or purpose
Desktop publishing
Software designed to combine text and graphics to be output to laser printers or typesetting machines
Drill and practice
Software that provides repetitive practice on skills needed to be learned
Electronic correspondence
Groupware (Collaborative software)
Software that allows two or more networked users to work on the same document at a time
Software that combines multiple types of media such as text, graphics, sounds, animations and video into an integrated product
Productivity tools
Software that increases effectiveness
Software that creates a lifelike but artificial environment with the risks and complications removed
Software based on traditional accounting worksheets that present, analyze, and compile data
Software that presents new information or skills in steps that progress through levels of difficulty and understanding
Word processing
Software used to make the computer into an effective writing tool