Domain 2: Exploring & Analyzing Data Flashcards
How do you create a bar chart?
- Drag Dimension to columns
- Drag Measure to Rows
- Select “Bar Chart” on the marks card
How do you create a line chart?
- Drag Dimensions to Columns
2. Drag Measures to Rows
How do you create a Scatterplot?
- Drag first Measure to Columns
- Drag second Measure to rows
- Drag a Dimension to color or detail
- From the Analytics Pane drag the Trendline model to add a trend line
How do you create a map?
- Drag Longitude Measure to Columns
- Drag Latitude Measure to Rows
- Drag Dimension to Detail or color
How do you create a dual axis chart?
- From the data pane drag Dimension to Columns or row
- Drag Measure to row or columns
- Drag second measure besides the first one
- Select “dual axis” on the second measure via right-click
- Change Mark type in the marks card when needed
How do you create a combined axis chart?
- Drag a dimension to either column or Rows
- Drag “Measure Values” to the opposite
- Drag out measures from the “Measure Value Card” you dont need
How do you create a stacked bar with a seperate bar for each dimension?
- Drag Dimension to columns
- Drag Measure names to color on the marks card
- On Color, right-click the Measure Names and select filter
- Drag “Measure Values” to Rows
- Change mark type in the Marks Card to “Bar”
How do you create a stacked bar with a seperate bar for each measure?
- Drag Dimension to color
- Drag Measure Names to Columns
- Right Click “Measure Names”, select filter
- Drag “Measure Values” to Rows
How do you create a density map?
- Double-click on the latitude and longitude measures
- Drag Dimension to the “Details Mark”
- Change mark type to “density”
What can you adjust on a density map?
- Color
- Intensity
- Size
Why would you use a highlight table?
To compare categorical data using color
How do you create a Highlight table?
- Drag Dimension to columns
- Drop Second and third dimension to rows
- Drag Measure to color on the Marks card
How do you create a crosstab (text table)?
- Drag Dimension to Columns
- Drag Second Dimension to Rows if necessary
- Drag Measure to Text on the Marks Card
How do you create a group by selecting data in the view?
In the view, select one or more data points and then click the group icon on the tooltip
How do you create a group from a field in the data view?
- In the Data Pane right click on a field
- Select Create and then Group
- Select the members and then click group
How do you create a dynamic set?
- In the Data pane, right-click on a dimension and click create and then set
- Configure your sets using “General”, “Condition” or “Top”
How do you create a fixed set?
- In the visualization select one or more marks (or headers) in the view
- Right-Click the marks and select “create set”
- Select name for the set and configure it using “General”, “Condition” or “Top”
How do you organize dimensions in a hierarchy?
- In the data pane, drag a dimension on top of another dimension
- Enter name of hierarchy
- Drag additional Fields into the hierarchy as needed
- Drill up or down using “+” or “-“ in the hierarchy
Describe the filtering order
- Extract Filters
- Data Source Filters
- Context Filters
- Filters on Dimensions
- Filters on Measures
How to filter marks from a view?
- Select one or more marks in the visualization
2. Select “Keep only” or “exclude” from the tool tip
How to filter using headers from your data?
- Select Header in the view
2. Select “Keep only” or “exclude” from the tool tip
How do you filter dimensions or measures?
Drag and drop dimensions or measures from the data pane to the filters shelf.
What options do you have when filtering a dimension?
- General
- Wildcard
- Condition
- Top
What options do you have when filtering a Measure?
- Range of Values
- At least
- At most
- Special
What options do you have when filtering a Date?
- Filter relative Dates
- Filter a range of dates
- Filter discrete dates
- Filter individual dates
- Starting to end date
- Null, non-null and all dates
- Latest date via checkbox
What is the sort order of a quick sort?
- Sorts ascending
- Sorts descending
- Clears sorts
How do you sort specific fields?
- Right click on the fields you want to sort
2. Select sort by
How can you configure the “sort” by option of a field?
- Data Source Order
- Alphabetic Order
- Field -> Field will be used to determine order, aggregation type can be choosed
- Manual
- Nested -> Field that does not have to be in the visualization is used for the order
How do you add a reference line?
- Drag “Reference Line” from the Analytics pane into the view
- Select type of reference line
- Select a continous field from the value field
- Select aggregation
- Select label
- Select tooltip
- Specify the line and/or confidence interval
What options do you have when adding a reference line?
- Line
- Band
- Distribution
- Box Plot
What quick table calculations can you use?
- Running total
- Difference
- Percent difference
- Percent of total
- Rank
- Percentile
- Moving Average
- YTD total
- Compound growth rate
- Year of growth rate
- YTD growth
How do you apply a quick table calculation?
On the Marks Card, right click on the Measure and select “Quick Table Calculation”
What customizing options do you have for a quick table calculation?
- Calculation type
- How to aggregate Values
- How to compute calculation
How do you create a binned dimension?
- In the Data pane, right click on a measure
- Select create and then “Bins”
- Enter Name and size of bin
What bin range of values available for in a bin?
- Min
- Max
- Difference
- Count Distinct
How do you create a histogramm from a binned dimension?
- Click the binned dimension and choose “Convert to continious”
- Drag the bin dimension from the data pane to the Columns shelf
- Drag an optional measure to the rows shelf
- Change the Aggregation from the optional measure to Count
Why should you use a calculated field?
- To segment data
- To convert data types
- To aggregate data
- To filter results
- To calculate ratios
How do you creat a calculated field?
- Select Analysis and then “Create Calculated Field”
2. Enter a name and formula
What is a parameter?
A parameter is a workbook variable such as a number, date, or string that can replace a constant value in a calculation, filter, or reference line.
How do you display grand totals in a visualization?
- Click the Analysis Pane
2. Under Summarize, select Totals and drag it into the add totals dialog