Domain 2 Flashcards
Network Based FWs
Control the flow of the network/ Filters traffic via ports over Layer 4. Encrypt traffic between sites. Can proxy traffic. Most FW’s sit on the ingress/egress of the network.
each packet is individually examined (Looks at ACL/Rules then allow or disallows traffic). Have to add two rules for traffic to go both ways. Rule -> and Rule
Keeps track of traffic flows by adding each flow to a session table. Session table makes note of (source,dest,port,protocol) one way from (workstation) to (web server) and FW checks session table when going back from (web server) to (workstation). Everything within a valid flow is allowed. If a packet is not in the session table, it will get dropped.
Performs deep packet inspection. Every packet must be analysed and categorised before making a security decision. Controls traffic flow based on application.
Identify application, uses signature based for the identified application.
Host based FW
Works with the OS and can manually select what applications you want to allow through the FW.
VPN Concentrator
Encrypt and decrypt traffic, commonly found in Firewalls.
Remote access VPN
Software connects to a VPN Concentrator. Host at a coffee shop sets up a VPN tunnel to the Concentrator. Concentrator decrypts the information and forwards on to the corporate network
Connected over port 443 via SSL/TLS. Ran over a browser. No requirement for digital certificates. Usually remote access communications.
Full Tunnel
All traffic regardless of destination all passes through the tunnel.
Split Tunnel
If you need to communcate to a website which isnt apart of the corporate network, it will take the normal route because it doesn’t require getting encrypted therefore the traffic will fall outside the vpn tunnel.
Site2Site VPN
FW’s often act as VPN’s therefore take advantage of whats already there.
Layer 3. Authentication and encryption for every packet. We provide confidentiality through the encrption and data intergrity by preventing people replaying traffic. There are two core protocols associated with IPSec. AH & ESP. Authentication Header & Encapsulation Security Payload.
When in Transport mode, is data encrypted or unencrypted?
Data is encrypted
When in Tunnel Mode is Data encrypted/Header and data or just header? Plus what happens to the entire packet?
Tunnel Mode: Header and Data is encrypted. Plus a new IP header on the front of the packet. This means if someone sees the IP header going through, they wont actually know what the IP destination is because all of that information is encrypted in the Tunnel.
Authentication Header
Provides integrity with data whats going through the network. IPSec takes the header and the data, combines that with a shared key and provides a hash. Its also adding the AH to the beginning of the packet.
Encapsulated Security Payload
Provides encryption. Either usually Triple DES or AES. ESP adds a header, trailer and Integrity Check Value. ESP encrypts the header, data and ESP trailer.
Can you use ESP and AH at the same time? Depending on Answer, why/why not?
You can use ESP and AH at the same time. This encrypts the data and authenticates the entire IP packet that means you can either do this in Transport mode or Tunnel mode.