Domain 1: Threats, Attacks, & Vulnerabilities Flashcards
(Driver Manipulation)
Attacker wraps malicious code around legitimate code, such as a driver, to elevate their privilege or install backdoors(
(Driver Manipulation)
Restructures older code to improve it without changing the output behaviors or functionality. Refactoring attack takes advantage of this and adds malicious code unbeknownst to the end user
Active Reconnaissance
Utilizes an intrusive technique like scanning, hands-on testing, and probing of the network to determine vulnerabilities. Interacting with the system
Address Resolution
Converts an IP address to a MAC address
Adversary tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTP)
(Research Resources)
Describes the behaviors and strategies used by a threat actor to develop cyberattacks
Advisories and Bulletins
(Threat Hunting)
Provide summaries of new vulnerabilities
Agile Model (Software Developement)
Process of developing code that is rapid and highly-collaborative.
Software development that is performed in small increments to allow more adaptivity and room to change
Application Programming Interface (API) Attacks
Hostile usage, or attempted hostile usage, of an API from automated threats such as access violations, bot attacks or abuse.
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)
(Wireless Attack)
Devices that uses a radio frequency signal to transmit identifying info about the device or token holder
Automated Indicator Sharing (AIS)
(Threat Intelligence Sources)
Enables organizations to share & receive machine-readable cyber threat indicators. Speeds up the process of sharing indicators of compromise to support more real-time defense
(Malicious code or script execution)
Shell/Scripting Language
Birthday Attack
(Cryptographic Attack)
Occurs when an attacker sends 2 different messages through a hash algorithm and it results in the same identical hash digest causing a collision
Brute Force Offline
(Password Attack)
Attacker has access to encrypted material or password hash & tries different keys offline without the risk of discovery
Attempt to discover passwords from a captured database or captured packet scan
Focuses on trying multiple passwords for a single user
Bug bounty
(Penetration Testing)
Deal offered by many websites, organizations and software developers by which individuals can receive recognition and compensation for reporting bug
(Penetration Testing)
Ensures that all installed backdoors or rootkits have been removed, and it should return the system configuration to its original, pre-engagement state
Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures/Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVE/CVSS)
(Vulnerability Scans)
Provides a reference-method for publicly known information-security vulnerabilities and exposures.
Configuration review
(Vulnerability Scans)
Audits and tests a network system, server or device to ensure it meets current security standards along with any applicable security policies
Credential Harvesting
(Social Engineering Techniques)
Attacks that stockpile databases of usernames, passwords, & sensitive info
Credentialed Scans
(Vulnerability Scans)
Provides more accurate scanning to better identify attacks
Criminal syndicates
Criminal Organization
Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF)
Attack that forces end user to execute unwanted actions on a web application where they’re currently authenticated
Crypto malware
Type of ransomware that uses encryption to block access to data. Difficult to overcome without paying the ransom or having a backup
Data exfiltration
Occurs when malware or an attacker carries out an unauthorized data transfer from a computer
(Wireless Attack)
Hacker forces a device to lose internet connectivity either temporarily or for extended time
DNS Poisonings
Occurs when the name resolution info is modified in the DNS server’s cache
Domain Hijacking
Domain Hijacking – Attacker tries to take control of domain. Attacker might use the victim’s email account to request a password reset, then using the new password…login to the domain system and change ownership
Domain Reputation
Overall “health” of your branded domain…interpreted by mailbox providers
Driver Manipulation
Attacker dives deep into device drivers and manipulate them so that they can undermine the security on your computer
DLL Injection
Dynamic Link Library -
a technique that allows users to run any code in the memory of another process, by forcing the process to load a foreign DLL file
XML Injection
Extensible Markup Language -
XML is commonly used to transfer data between devices…Attackers perfom XML injection by sending malicious XML to a device
Attack technique used to manipulate the logic of an XML application/service. The injection of unintended XML content and/or structures into an XML message can alter the intend logic of the application
File/Code Repositories
(Threat Intelligence Sources)
Archive of code/files that are being worked on
Means gathering info about a target system that can be used to execute a successful cyber attack
Hybrid warfare (Influence Campaign)
(Social Engineering Techniques)
Mixture of conventional and unconventional methods used against a stronger adversary that aims to achieve political objectives that wouldn’t be possible with traditional warfare
Intelligence Fusion
(Threat Hunting)
Unification of all security and related functions into one operational group to better integrate threat detection, management, and response processes
Intrusive scans
(Vulnerability Scans)
Attempt to exploit a vulnerability when it’s found
Non-intrusive Scans
(Vulnerability Scans)
Identify a vulnerability and report on it.
(Wireless Attack)
Attacker floods target with radio signals to disrupt legit traffic. Causes DOS condition
What are Layer 2 Attacks?
Data link layer Attacks
Legacy Platforms
An operating system no longer in widespread use
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) - (Injection)
Attack that modifies queries and commands to the LDAP server to manipulate its behavior
Log aggregation
Process of collecting, standardizing, and consolidating log data from across an IT environment to facilitate streamlined log analysis
Log collectors
Process of collecting log entries from many different sources in an organization and bringing them all to a single place
Collects log data from devices throughout the network and stores these logs in a searchable database
MAC Flooding
Attempt to overwhelm the limited memory set aside to store the MAC addresses for each port
(Malicious code or script execution)
Instruction that carries out program commands automatically within an application. Typically used in popular office applications…Microsoft Word and Excel. Macro viruses attack applications
(Threat Hunting)
Process of gathering information resources to obtain a strategic, operational, or tactical competitive advantage
Memory Leak
Form of memory consumption where the developer fails to free an allocated block of memory when no longer needed
Network Scan
(Vulnerability Scans)
Identifying weaknesses on a computer, network
Non-credentialed Scans/Uncredentialed
(Vulnerability Scans)
Provide a quick view of vulnerabilities by only looking at network services exposed by the host
Generally unable to detect many vulnerabilities on a device.
Brute Force Online
(Password Attack)
Attacker tries to gain access to a single account by guessing several different passwords while the system is online.
*ncrack can automate this process
OSINT (Open source intelligence)
The act of gathering and analyzing publicly available data for intelligence purposes.
Gathering info that is public, via websites and social media
Outsourced code development
(3rd Party Risks)
Takes place when companies choose to have custom software solutions developed by a third party
Packet capture
The action of capturing Internet Protocol (IP) packets for review or analysis. Common troubleshooting technique for network administrators and is also used to examine network traffic for security threats.
Protocol analyzers (sometimes called sniffers) capture network traffic allowing administrators to view and analyze individual packets.
Pass the Hash
Attacker captures a password hash and then passes it through for authentication and potentially lateral access to other networked systems. Attacker doesn’t need to decrypt the hash to obtain plain text password
Process of harvesting an account’s cached credentials when the user logs in to a single sign-on (SSO) system. This would then allow the attacker to use the credentials on other systems
Passive Reconnaissance
Utilize open source info, the passive collection and analysis of the network data and other unobtrusive methods without making direct contact with targeted systems. Uses social media, public info
(Penetration Testing)
When a threat actor discreetly maintains long-term access to systems despite disruptions such as restarts or changed credentials
(Social Engineering Techniques)
Occurs when attacker redirects one website’s traffic to another website that is malicious
(Penetration Testing)
Process of using an exploited system to target other systems
Process of using various tools to gain additional information. Ex: A tester gains access to Homer’s computer within a company’s network. The tester can then pivot and use Homer’s computer to gather information on other computers
Pointer/object dereference
Used to access or manipulate data contained in memory location pointed to by a pointer.
*A pointer is a variable that stores the address of another variable
Predictive Analysis
(Threat Intelligence Sources)
The use of data, statistical algorithms and machine learning techniques to identify the likelihood of future outcomes based on historical data.
(Social Engineering Techniques)
When an attacker attaches a trustworthy value to the beginning of a message to make it look legit. Tricks user into doing something they usually would not
When attacker adds code to the beginning of a presumably safe file
(Social Engineering Techniques)
Attacker tries to convince victim to give up valuable info by coming up with a story to fool the victim
ARP Poisonings
Attacker sends falsified ARP messages over a local area network (LAN) to link an attacker’s MAC address with the IP address of a legitimate computer or server on the network. Allows the attacker to intercept or alter messages to the real MAC address
Carried out over a Local Area Network (LAN) that sends malicious ARP packets to a default gateway on a LAN
(Malicious code or script execution)
Scripting/Coding Language
Normally have a .PY or .PYW file extension.
Rainbow Table
(Password Attack)
List of precomputed values used to quickly break a password since values don’t have to be calculated for each password being guessed. Can’t be edited during actual attack
Precalculated hashes of passwords with a given character base (e.g., a–z, A–Z, 0–9, and 7 characters long) that can be quickly looked up to determine a password. Time consuming to make
(Social Engineering Techniques)
Practice of covertly discovering and collecting info about a system
Replay Attack
Attacker eavesdrops on a secure network communication, intercepts it, and then delays or resends it to misdirect the receiver into doing what the attacker wants
Network attack where valid data transmission is captured and is then maliciously repeated or delayed
Rogue Access Point
(Wireless Attack)
Wireless access point that’s been installed on a secure network without authorization from a local network administration
Secure Sockets Layer Stripping (SSL Stripping/Downgrading)
Takes advantage of users not requesting secure pages explicitly and relying on the web servers to redirect them to the secure version. Strips a connection from an HTTPS connection to a lesser HTTP connection
Security of machine learning algorithm
(AI Attack)
Can help businesses analyze threats & respond to attacks & security incidents. Build models of behaviors & use those models as a basis for making future predictions based on new data.
Ex: Netflix suggesting new movies based on your viewing history.
Security orchestration, automation, and response (SOAR)
Technology helps coordinate, execute and automate tasks between various people and tools all within a single platform give organizations a single source for observing, understanding, deciding upon and acting on security incidents
Pulls info from external emerging threat intelligence feeds, endpoint security software and other 3rd party resources to get a better picture of the security landscape inside the network and out.
Uses runbooks to automate incident response thus reducing incident response time
Sentiment analysis
Technique used to determine whether data is positive, negative or neutral
Server Side Request Forgery (SSRF)
Attack against server. Attacker causes server to make a connection to internal-only services within the organization’s infrastructure. Or attacker may be able to force the server to connect to arbitrary external systems, potentially leaking sensitive data
Session Replay
Attacker steals a valid session ID of a user, then reuses it to impersonate them and perform fraudulent activities
Shadow IT
Any IT used by a department without the central IT department knowing or approving it
Security Information and Event Management-provides a centralized solution for collecting, analyzing, and managing data from multiple sources
Tools used to centrally collect log data related to IT activity that can then be analyzed for potential security incidents
(Physical Attack)
Technique used by attackers to capture credit card info from a cardholder secretively
State Actors
Person who’s acting on behalf of a governmental body
Structured query language Injection (SQL Injection)
Attack where the injection of an SQL query via input data from the client to a web application.
Occurs when you ask a user for input, like their username, and instead of a username, the user gives you an SQL statement that you will unknowingly run on your database. 1=1
Structured Threat Information eXpression (STIX)/Trusted Automated eXchange of Intelligence Information (TAXII)
(Threat Intelligence Sources)
Structured language for describing cyber threat info so it can be shared, stored, analyzed, and used in a consistent manner that facilitates automation
Supply Chain
Companies/people that are involved in the production & delivery of a product or service to consumer
Supply Chain Attacks (value-chain or 3rd-party attack)
Occurs when someone infiltrates your system through an outside partner or provider with access to your systems & data
Supply chain risk
(3rd Party Risks)
Occurs when someone infiltrates your system through an outside partner or provider with access to your systems and data
Syslog/Security information and event management (SIEM)
Security software solution that helps organizations recognize potential security threats and vulnerabilities before they can disrupt business operations.
Uses several security resources to aggregate log data, security alerts, and events into a centralized platform to provide real-time analysis for security monitoring.
A centralized solution for collecting, analyzing, and managing data from multiple sources Provides real-time monitoring, analysis, and notification of security events, such as suspected security incidents
Tainted training data for machine learning (ML)
(AI Attack)
Training data is the data you use to train a machine learning algorithm or model…attackers can taint this data by injecting dirty data causing machine to misbehave
Threat Maps
(Threat Intelligence Sources)
Real-time map of the computer security attacks that are going on at any given time
Visual Basic for Applications (VBA)
(Malicious code or script execution)
Shell/Scripting Language
Vulnerability databases
(Threat Intelligence Sources)
Collection of searchable information on vulnerabilities that affect information systems. Tool that lets to access information on known vulnerabilities
War driving
Driving around with a looking for open unsecured wireless networks
War flying
Person uses an UAV (drone) instead of a vehicle to detect unsecured wireless networks
Waterfall Model (Software Developement)
Sequential model that divides software development into pre-defined phases.
Not very flexible and difficult to implement revisions
Port-based VLAN
You can assign specific routers and switch ports to different VLANs, which allows you to assign any network segment on any floor of your office to a specific VLAN. This provides flexibility so that the user’s location does not limit their network access
Breaking down an IP address into smaller units that can be assigned to individual network units within the original network
The process of dividing IP addresses into smaller subunits that can later be assigned to multiple network devices in a network
Divides an IP address into two parts, namely network address and host address