Domain 1: Intro to GitHub - Deck 2 Flashcards
The ___ tells Git to remember the parameters, so that next time we can simply run git push and Git will know what to do.
git push -u origin master
We can check for changes on our GitHub repository and pull down any new changes by running:
git ___ ____ ______
git pull origin master
Files can be changed back to how they were at the last commit by using the command:
git checkout –<target>
The git checkout command lets you navigate between the branches created by git branch. Checking out a branch updates the files in the working directory to match the version stored in that branch, and it tells Git to record all new commits on that branch. Think of it as a way to select which line of development you’re working on.</target>
When developers are working on a feature or bug they’ll often create a copy aka _______
Is a free and open-source code management and version control system.
This is located on your computer and has all the files and their commit history.
local repository
This is not located on your computer, it is typically shared by the team you work on and is hosted on a server.
remote repository
When do we need to append a message while using git?
a. While staging: git add -m ‘adding files ______’
b. While adding a remote: git remote add -m ‘adding github’
c. While initializing a repo: git init -m ‘initial commit’
d. While committing: git commit -m ‘initial commit’
What is the correct command to check the current git status?
a. While staging: git add -m ‘adding files ______’
b. While adding a remote: git remote add -m ‘adding github’
c. While initializing a repo: git init -m ‘initial commit’
d. While committing: git commit -m ‘initial commit’
To stage only files with a .txt extension, the command is?
a. git add *.txt
b. git add *.text
c. git add -a .txt
d. git add - *.txt
Assuming a remote repository at myawesomegitname/my_repo.git, how would you add the remote repository to your local repository?
a. git remote origin add
b git remote new origin
c. git remote add
d. git remote add origin
To get the latest changes from your remote repository, the git command is?
a. git refresh
b. git pull down
c. git pull origin master
d. git reset
What is the correct command to initialize a new git repository?
a. git branch
b. git -b
c. git new branch
d. git checkout branch
What is the correct command to stage a new file or add file changes to stage?
a. git stage
b. git add <new-filename></new-filename>
c. git <new-filename></new-filename>
d. There is no stage
What is the correct command to commit staged files?
a. git commit
b. git comment
c. git lockdown
d. git push
What is the correct command to check the current git status?
a. git status
b. git log
c. gs
d. git push
Git is a distributed version control system that allows for the ______ of changes in a project.
Each project lives within a ________.
Repositories are _____, meaning all developers have a copy of the repository which can hold the history of every change made to the project.
_____ is a Git repository hosting platform with added functionalities that makes collaboration between multiple developers more efficient.