‘a prince’s court is like a common fountain…pure silver drops should flow’
untainted water = purity, prized
‘poison near the head, death & diseases spread’
AO1/2: Simile - positional language = destructive impact of a corrupt leader on a country
Foreshadows the destruction that is rife in italy under the jurisdiction of the cardinal and Ferdinand.
‘plum trees that grow crooked over standing pools…rich, o’erladen’
ao1/2: Nature metaphor,
‘grow crooked’ = skewed moral compasses of the brothers, misshapen & deformed = this court is in an unnatural state.
‘standing pools’ - stagnation, lack of prosperity - immorality has defiled Italy
A03: veiled criticism of the sycophantic court of James I.
‘[Widows] Livers are more spotted than Laban’s sheep’
AO1/2: religious allusion juxtaposes goodness and morality with the misogynistic stereotype of the ‘lusty widow’ who becomes corrupted by a desire for sex.
Imagery of decay - biological corruption = women biologically predisposed to have strong sexual appetites
AO3: position of women in the GCB
AO5: argument over the duchess remarrying ‘dynastic arg. concerned with dom’s body politic’ - JANKOWSKI
‘cased up like a holy relic’
imagery of confinement = social restraints for the female gender.
Casual misogyny of the era = objectification through ‘holy relic’ - trad. ideas abt the pure virginal female, through repressions her sexuality will become an ancient forgotten desire, much like a relic. WOMEN SHOULD CONTAIN DESIRE