Doctrine 6 Flashcards
We believe
the Lord Jesus Christ has by His suffering and death made an antonement for the whole world so that whosoever will may be saved.
Study of salvation
Basic concepts (3)
Atoning death- jesus had to die
Provision- salvation for everyone
Response- personal decision to be saved
Propitiation Redemption Efficacious Substitution Expiation Reconciliation Voluntary Eventua;
Old Testamant echoes (6)
The fall- gen 3 Noah's rescue- gen 6 Call of Abraham- Gen 12 Exodus- ex Sacrificial system- lev 16 Call of the prophets- jer/ isaiah
Over state jesus humanity (false) (3)
- Recapitulation-> jesus experience what adam did including sin
- Accidental-> christ death had no saving purpose
- Example(martyr)-> his death was an example of selfless service
Over state Gods sovereignty (false) (3)
- Commercial-> sin robbed god of his honor and jesus death could restore it
- Govermental-> god forgives sinners without equivalent payment
- Moral influence- jesus was an example of gods love encouraging ppl to repent
Limited or unlimited (5)
Calvinism <> Arminianism
total depravity <> total depravity
unconditional election <> conditional election
limited atonement <> universal atonement
irrsistible grace <> resistable grace
preserving of the saints <> preserverance of the saints
Adequacy of the solution
its for all me
its for all time
its for all sin
Provision made by God
conceived in infinite wisdom motivated by infinite love invested with infinite power sin required extraodinary means death of sinlessman- gods only son