DOCSS Flashcards
Order of stations?
Obtaining a 12 lead ECG and setting up a cardiac monitor
14 minutes
2a) Administering a nebuliser
2b) Advising a patient on inhaler technique
2c) Administering oxygen
14 minutes
3a) Administering an intramuscular injection
3b) Administering a subcutaneous injection
14 minutes
4a) Peak expiratory flow
4b) Obtaining an arterial blood gas sample
14 minutes
What does WIPER stand for?
Wash hands
Introduce and identify
Expose appropriately
Reposition if needed
For an ECG where are the limb leads placed?
bony prominence of:
right arm (red)
left arm (yellow)
left leg (green)
right leg (black)
Where are the chest leads placed?
C1- 4TH intercostal space right sternal border
C2- 4th intercostal space left sternal border
C3- half way between C2&C4
C4- 5th intercostal space mid clavicular
C5- anterior axillary line horizontal to C4
C6- mid axillary horizontal to C4 and C5
What do you say to the patient before an ECG?
- Explain the procedure- ‘I’ve been asked to take some recordings of your heart, this will involve me placing some stickers on your chest, arms and legs. I’ll then attach the stickers to some leads which are part of the machine. These will then take a recording of your heart. You shouldn’t feel any pain. The procedure will involve you being exposed down to your waste is that ok? I will also need to have access to your ankles. Would you like a chaperone?’
- Gain consent and check allergies (to stickers)
Process of ECG?
- wash hands
- indicate electrodes on diagram
- attach wires to electrodes
- ask patient to lie still and not talk please
- calibrate machine to 25mm/s and 10mm/mv and press AUTO
- id remove the electrodes, check for artefacts, label the ECG and record in patients notes
Where are the leads placed for cardiac monitoring?
right shoulder: over acromion/ lateral clavicle (red)
left shoulder: over acromium/ lateral clavicle (yellow)
Left lower chest over lower ribs: gr`een or black
What do you say to the patient before cardiac monitoring?
- Explain the procedure-‘this cardiac monitor will continually measure the rate of your heart. I am going to attach 3 little stickers to your chest, these will then attach to some leads which will attach to a monitor. Then we can monitor the trace of your heart. This will remain on for the rest of the day- you don’t have to stay still but if you need to get up and go to the toilet just let us know. If your rate increases then there will be little alarms that will go off which will let the nurses know. Any questions? I will need to expose your chest if that is ok? And would you like a chaperone?’
- Gain consent and check allergies
process of cardiac monitoring?
- “I would prepare patient correctly for electrode placement, by cleaning with an alcohol swab and shaving hair-bearing areas if needed”
- Apply electrodes (stickers) to correct areas on the diagram.
- Attach cardiac monitor lead wires to the electrodes on the patient.
- Switches on the monitor, selects an appropriate monitoring lead and sets the alarms within safe parameters
- Check patient is ok
- ‘I would check the electrode sites for any redness/itching’
- “I would record in the notes that monitoring has commenced and would make a note of the ECG rhythm on commencing monitoring
- Q1: How would you objectively monitor the effectiveness of this treatment?
- Q2: Why did you leave the nasal cannula on when administering the nebuliser?
o Do peak flow 20 mins after nebuliser finishes
o To prevent desaturation
What do you say before administering through a nebuliser?
-‘I’ve been asked today to give you some medication via a nebuliser. This medication will open up your airways and allow O2 to get into your body more easily. The machine will turn the medication into a vapour which goes directly into your lungs. Does that sound ok- do you have any questions?’
- Gain consent and check for allergies
Process of nebuliser
- ‘I would check medication and expiry date against patients prescription chart’
- Connect tubing to the compressor
- Dispense drug (water) into nebuliser chamber
- “I would ask the patient to sit upright and to hold the nebuliser chamber upright’. Mouth has tight seal around the nebuliser.
- Switch compressor on
- Advise patient to breathe through their mouth
- Checks patients welfare
- “I would document the procedure in the patient’s notes”. (would normally give patient a peak flow test 20 mins after nebuliser)
What would you say before inhaler technique?
‘just wanted to have a chat about your inhaler and just to make sure you are using the correct technique. I have brought along a spacer for you to have to help with this. I am also going to show you how to use it.
- Gain consent and check for allergies
Process of explaining inhaler technique?
- Wash hands with alcohol gel
- ‘I would check medication and expiry date against patients prescription chart’
- Remove cap from metered dose inhaler and cap from spacer if it has one
- Shakes inhaler briskly 4 or 5 times
- Inserts inhaler into spacer
- Explain to patient to;
• Breathe out gently.
• Place the mouthpiece of the spacer into their mouth and create a good seal with their lips.
• Press the canister once to release the dose of the drug.
• Take a slow controlled deep breath in and hold for 10-15 seconds OR take 5 slow controlled breaths in and out.
• Remove the mouthpiece from their mouth and breathe normally. - Inform patient that for second dose- should wait about 30 seconds before repeating process. Removes inhaler from spacer and replaces the caps on the inhaler and the spacer.
- Check patients welfare
- “I would document the procedure in the patient’s notes”
Equipment needed for IM injection
- drug and drug chart
- gloves and apron
- syringe
- two BLUE needles
- wipe to clean the skin
- sharps bin